First wave:
ROM Space Knight
Banshee (GSXM)
Adam Warlock (Infinity Gauntlet)
Daken (Dark Avengers)
Miles Morales
Ultimate Iron Man
Overall, a solid wave. VERY excited for ROM, and will be glad to add Banshee to the GSX-Men team, Adam to the Infinity Watch, and Ult. IM to my Armory.
Great wave! The mini comics are a fun idea, although I miss BAFs.
Rom is a character I have wanted for so many years. The sculpt and shiny silver look perfect. Love that he is getting his iconic weapons and a blast effect.
Ultimate Iron Man looks fantastic as well. It’s a great looking armor. Maybe we can finally get an Ultimate Thor.
Daken is a much-needed update for the Dark Avengers. Both head sculpts look great. I hope Hasbro makes an updated Ares next.
Warlock is another great update. I wanted this costume revisited.
Miles is a cool character. I feel like I have enough figures of him, but this does look nice.
Banshee— Nice to get that old figure updated finally.
They all look good and I'll get them all. To bad the rumored BAF Spinner Rack didn't pan out.
I'm a little confused, sometimes it looks like they gave Adam pink skin, again, other times, it looks like they gave him the proper light goldish skin tone. Which is it?
Wait, so the whole gimmick of the line is just an accessory? No digital copies? Not sure that's worth its own line, but at least it saves me money by not buying figs I don't want for the BAF. Just seems strange that they'd think people would buy figures they otherwise wouldn't have for a sticker of a cover stuck on plastic. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it, it just seems strange is all.
Also, is it just me, or is having a sticker of the cover not as big a deal as Ryan made it out to be :p I feel like we had stuff like that in the 80s!
Super psyched for ROM. Glad to finally get a good classic Banshee.
The rest of the wave is re-dos and rehashes and while I recognize that some of them are upgrades that are reasonable - I really wish there was more than ONE never before released character in the wave.
That said, the figures all look good.
This wave is cool, but I feel like they massively oversold the comic gimmick. They made it sound like it was this AMAZING THING that everyone would be ga-ga for, and it’s . . . a plastic tile with printing on it. Like it’s cool, sure, but not like HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS WE FINALLY GOT IT cool, like at all. It’s . . . nice. That’s all.
Miles not having the venom sword is a huge missed opportunity here, but otherwise it looks really good. Is this a new body? Depending on the size it could work well for other teen boy characters like the New Mutants or Synch.
Miles is an all-new body. They noted the butterfly joints specifically.
Is that Miles on the same body as the upcoming Spider-Boy figure?
Dude... Rom is pretty awesome and those first couple of years his comic was loaded with guest appearances from all over the Marvel Universe... X-Men, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Jack of Hearts, Namor, Power Man & Iron Fist, Fantastic Four, Shang Chi, Alpha Flight, Mad Thinker and Awesome Android and he appeared in an issue of Hulk, teamed up with Thing in Marvel Two-In-One... you gotta have ROM for your Marvel display. How can you not?
(edit: so I would swear this comment was immediately after a comment talking from Joel talking about not knowing much about ROM and skipping the figure... I would swear, did that comment get deleted Joel?)
Meh... the comic book gimmick and unique cardbacks just seems like an excuse to charge more for these figures and not have a BaF piece.
Nothing from this line really jumps out at me as a must have, especially when I need to severely cut back on figures.