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The unknown for the pricing is whether a) each figure will get an all-new dedicated sculpt and b) each figure will be priced the same (so no "deluxe Maximum" price for Hulk). As noted with Spidey, if they are smart they will use the exact same sculpt for at least classic Romita and black costume variants down the road.

Sure, Phoenix went for $50, but Spidey should be able to sell many more units than her, so the development costs get spread out better. I think they can keep these at $40 if they stick to the heavy hitters who always sell and can produce in higher quantities, and honestly I think they might get some "casual" buyers at $40, while I think $50 is just psychologically too high for a "toy" when the difference in quality might not be apparent enough compared to the $25 Spidey on the pegs. 

vicious7171 reacted
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Posted by: @misfit

@vicious7171 I don't even know if I'd give this new Spider-Man that much credit. They're sacrificing the basic pose aesthetic to get better hip range as this one looks pretty silly standing just straight up and down.

I don't know.  I'm liking the silhouette on this figure.  He's not super skinny but not beefy.  High shoulders, v-shaped torso, the proportions are on-point.  He looks like a super hero.

Anybody posting their Spider-Man figures standing straight up and down has no imagination 😀


Misfit and vicious7171 reacted
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$40 is like, "Hasbro showed up to play" kind of pricing where it's hard to refuse if it's an upgrade like this.

$50 feels like "fuck you we can price it however we want" pricing.  Just my opinion!  Save the $50 price point for big boys like Hulk.  So far it seems like this line is just a standard Legends figure with extra accessories, I feel like we're fooling ourselves to say that the figure itself is premium in any way.  His articulation isn't anything more than, say, Beast's figures.

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Posted by: @vicious7171

$50 feels like "fuck you we can price it however we want" pricing.  

And that would not be the first time.


Basil Elks reacted
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Posted by: @leor

If it is $50, I’m definitely out. Just gonna be happy with the older versions I’ve got. Or wait for a sale if they last that long. 

Agreed. I’ll pay $40 max. Anything higher is a non-starter. 


Magneto Was Right
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I don't think I've seen anyone else mention this, but the other question is how collectors will feel when these molds are inevitably used for other characters/costumes down the line. Like, this is just the new Spider-Man now, right? I think we'll get Scarlet Spider and symbiote Spidey and Future Foundation Spidey on this body.

How long before Hasbro makes classic or McFarlane Spidey available on this body at retail price? Because I imagine 90% of ML collectors would rather get this Spider-Man with a few extra pairs of hands for $25 than all the bells and whistles (most of which will wind up in a drawer) for $50/whatever price.

magnusprimal reacted
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To be honest, I don't need all this generic web stuff.  Is it nice, sure, did I want any of it, no.  More expression heads, maybe a hand holding his mask, a web backpack, perhaps a hand with a camera build in.  Even a webbed up camera to stick to a wall, something novel.  The webshooters are decent.  The unmasked head looks like Peter is sedated.  Maybe an unmasked beat up head?  Even a bearded head for those who like that look, even though I don't.  The spidey sense is nice, but I'd rather just have a surprised looking face with it built in.  Even a 60s style half mask / half Parker face.  Maybe even an unmasked sad face given how often the character expresses that emotion in the books.  Battle damaged mask head, etc.  I can almost guarantee that ''web ball" accessory is going to show up in some sort of Capcom pack.

Figure is a $35 figure to my mind, but I wouldn't be surprised if they want $45-$50.  If they do I'm already out.  Besides, the eyes are too far apart.

Ghetto Gepetto
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Add me to the list of those not willing to pay more than $35 for Max Spidey. He looks pretty great and all but still not better than RYV, especially the unmasked head. I know many are calling this a McFarlane Spidey, but I'd have to disagree, as this new Peter head is definitely based on Erik Larson's work, who also increased the amount of costume webs.

Speaking of webs, the mask webs are wrong. It's established that comic Spider-Man has a single vertical line going up the middle of his forehead and two going downward towards the corner of his mouth. This imposter also has a line going down the center of his mouth/chin like Maguire SM. I know, I know, it's a minor thing. But if you're gonna define something as the ultimate version of a character and charge a premium price, Hasbro should get these little things correct, IJS

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Nah, he IS much better than RYV. That figure is just not that great. Can't look up, low shoulders, etc.

This one has a better silhouette: high shoulders, v-shaped torso and a head that can look up (presumable).


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@tsi I'm definitely curious to see how it all plays out. Hasbro might feel like they need to protect the Maximum brand and not reuse this body for a more general release. Which sucks since there's only minimal extra assembly costs. Reissues might all be in the Maximum line like a Maximum Symbiote Spidey, Maximum Scarlet Spider, Maximum Bagman, etc. If they price this sucker at 50 bucks, but then release the body on a retro card or something the consumer will just learn to wait out the Maximum release if they want the cheaper option.

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Posted by: @vicious7171

I can also get the Mafex's leg up and behind him like that photo, you don't know how the torso is even posed, it's hidden.  

Got a pic, or has anyone else seen anyone do this on a Mafex?  I've never seen any action figure capable of this prior to these Maximum promo pics.

I don't necessarily doubt it because few of us fully utilize any given action figure's range of motion, but I have tried testing the range on the Mafex a few times and comparing what poses are achievable with it versus the Legends retro and RYV Spidey figures and never saw any ability to move the legs above 180 degrees or beyond Spidey's torso like he does on ASM #300.

For reference on this I'll re-link the promo pic with the ASM #300 pose:

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Posted by: @misfit

They're sacrificing the basic pose aesthetic to get better hip range as this one looks pretty silly standing just straight up and down. If the hips work though I don't think people will be complaining.

I think I noticed what you're talking about here during the stream, but I thought the figure just had drop-down hips that Dwight didn't shove back up when he stood him in a vanilla pose.  I particularly thought that because one hip's gap was about twice as big as the other.

But I wasn't sure then or now how gappy those hips will end up being once we have him in hand and figured it would be a risk.  I definitely don't want Hasbro going in the Kaiyodo Amazing Yamaguchi direction where they add gaps to most joints to dramatically increase their range of motion.

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Posted by: @cmoney

(I can barely tell the difference between the two masked heads, for example, is it just that one can have the spider-sense effect?)

I wondered all of that as well during the stream, but Dwight verbally addressed both of these issues.  He said one of the heads has one differently-sized eye as McFarlane often drew, and that the Spidey sense effect would work with either masked head.

You can see the eye differences in the screenshot below from ToyArk--note that the extra masked head in the pic has a right eye with more of the black outline and less of the white eye cover that makes it look like the mask itself has an expression.  I never saw this before McFarlane did it, and since then I see it occasionally.  They used that extensively in the Spider-Verse films, and both the Mafex and Sentinel Miles Morales figures come with alternate heads that have similar eye size differences.

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Gah, the asymmetrical eye head is frustrating. I was so excited for the alternate head until I noticed that. I'd really prefer if both lenses had the thicker black rim since that feels closer to how Todd often drew the eyes.

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I would have just preferred a battle damaged head as was originally rumored.

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