I'm sure there are a ton of characters who fit the criteria of "could come with a bunch of accessories and could use a premium body sculpt" - but I'd say that Captain America, Wolverine, Iron Man and maybe Daredevil are locks. Going by the characters that are always thrown in to anchor lines, and always leaving collectors wanting just a little more with each release. Wolverine in particular could be the figure I've wanted for 30 years, which is exciting.
The price point is frustrating for those who want to get multiple or in the off-chance a figure breaks or has issues in the future. Replacing it will be a massively expensive pain.
Price aside, it's a really exciting line. I hope we get a convention exclusive release of Spidey soon with classic colors. Or general release 🙂 i suspect these will end up being *very* popular, although I can't picture walking into a Wal-Mart or Target and seeing a whole peg of these on the shelf. Wonder what the production numbers will look like.
So Hasbro just found a way to basically release Marvel Select figures. One version, unique sculpt, with paint, accessorized to the hilt.
Delete one inch and a few articulation points you've got Marvel Select. Which cost $30. With a similar licensing fee.
Yes, those prices are going up to $35 (if DST survives) but that should be the ceiling.
As someone who generally avoids ML stuff in favour of Medicom and SHF stuff, I think that Spidey looks fantastic. My only quibbles are the blues are too dark for my liking, and I've never liked that waist crunch joint Hasbro typically go for. Other than that, I think it's very promising and like the idea of them trying something to compete with more premium stuff, though wired capes and paint apps are likely off the table.
Really excited for this initiative. I think Hasbro struggles walking the line between kid and adult figures, Legends are just within the price range of a kid/young adult, and just within the range of what's acceptable to an adult collector. Whereas NECA figures begin to teeter more towards adults, both in price and quality.
As someone that collects MAFEX as well, I pickup Legends to fill in blanks of characters I want but I either don't think MAFEX will make (Generation X) or for characters that I like but don't love enough to drop between $65-95 on.
But there are a lot more characters I'd pick up in Legends if I was more happy with the finished product. I kind of get tired of buying a figure to have the character vs buying a figure because I'm jazzed about the figure. And I'm also a one and done kind of collector - I don't really want several versions of one character to build an ultimate version, not enough space or $. So this really really bring me back to the Legends table. I imagine there are many collectors in a similar place.
I agree completely, except Hasbro doesn't need to walk a fine line. Big Box retail has dictated (shitty) terms forever and we have suffered for it. With Hasbro doing more and more fan channel there is no problem charging $50 for a Spider-man figure this good. It's better than Mafex and cheaper. Subjective I know but this is way more McFarlane than Mafex ever did. Not even close.
I'm happy spending the money for quality figures. I see greatness on my shelf, not what I paid. Keep this line rolling and Odin, Danny Ketch, Dragon Man etc. They're doin their job. If we were limited to the idiots at Walmart forget getting any of this.
I just want a properly done Iceman with plenty of effects / slide parts. I could see Cable with his giant shoulder gun from the Phalanx Covenant that was eventually a ToyBiz figure back in the 90s.
Yes. I know we have some really good Cable figures, but they could scratch a lot of itches in this initiative with swappable ammo and gear. That's why I was saying he's ideal for this. Deadpool is obvious.
My guess is Hasbro will price these closer to import prices than Legends prices, and competing with Mafex and Figuarts is exactly what they have in mind with this line. If they nail what they claim to have nailed in the range of motion on Spidey they will ABSOLUTELY sell out at $50 to $70. Even all of the Mafex Spidey figures can't come close to hitting the poses they're showing off in the promos, and my guess is that the market will go nuts on this really extreme innovation. I wondered if we'd ever get a true McFarlane Spidey capable of hitting McFarlane-like insane poses, so them choosing that style for this figure with this dramatically-improved range of motion over every other Spidey is a bold move.
But really we'll have to wait and see what the deco, detailing, range of motion, and paint is all like in hand. Nobody's done hips with a range of motion like these before, so who knows, maybe they'll be a mess or a pain to use, or the gapping ends up looking terrible. They would do well to send plenty of early review samples out if they think he's as good as he looks, because if that's how good this is you may not get this guy at all without a pre-order. If this Spidey is the new king over Mafex then everyone hemming and hawing over price should just get over it now because the market will absorb Hasbro's inventory of an above-import-level quality Spidey instantly and we'll all be screaming for a re-release.
I'll echo Revox here: as a MAFEX collector, this is very exciting. If last year's deluxe Black Widow serves as a model for this line, all the better.
If the price is going to be $50, though, we're going to need to see more paint apps. I don't need anything crazy, but the 20th Anniversary line is a reasonable benchmark.
The rumored Hulk immediately became my most anticipated figure of the year. I love the 80th Anniversary figure, but he needs more articulation.
I love a lot of the ideas already mentioned here. I'd be in for:
- Classic Spidey - the more I think about it, the more I think Hasbro could top the MAFEX figure
- Wolverine
- Doctor Doom
- Doc Ock
- Green Goblin
- Thor (Coipel/Heroic Age) - he was mentioned in the thread so you know I'm going to mention him, too
- Fantastic Four - for some reason, these were the first characters that came to mind after seeing Spidey
- Deadpool
- Kitty Pryde - I love fac's ideas about the phasing torso
Not to sound like too much of an elitist, but I don't think Hasbro has a prayer of beating MAFEX's Daredevil, Magneto, or Gambit. They probably would've made the list otherwise.
I'll add one suggestion of my own: Silver Surfer. I'd love to get a Surfer on the Vulcan buck (or an improved version of it) with a magnetic board and/or a toothpaste stand of his own.
They need to keep this new line for only ICONIC characters. That means no to a characters like Kitty Pryde, Electro or Shocker. They won't sell. Even now you see a lot of good figures at Ross and Ollie's. Especially if the price is 50$ or even more
Characters like Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Wolverine, Gambit, Daredevil will sell. Especially if they go with important accessories, new sculpt and good articulation.
Even now, looking at this new Spider-Man, thats, at best 35-40$ figure. No more. Sure, he is all new sculpt, but there's a lot of new sculpted figures in the main line, too. The rest of accessories are just unpained webs and some hands. They didn't even gave him a web backpack. Like...if you really think they can ask 70$ for this, you are insane. And so is Hasbro. Even new 1\12 Storm Arena figures cost only 25$. And it's a Storm Collectibles quality.
We will see, I guess...
Mentioning the Fantastic Four immediately got me wishing for a Maximum Thing. Give him the classic flat, dry and cracked riverbed look from 70's/80's and swappable Kirby/Perez/Byrne heads. Maybe throw in a human Ben Grimm head to go for that short period where he had lost his powers and wore the exosuit. Wishful thinking, I know. But if yer gonna dream, dream big!
I'm hoping the price difference isn't too extreme ala WWE Ultimates being roughly 10-15 dollars more than WWE Elites so around 37.99-39.99 for Spidey vs. a 24.99 release with just a couple of extra hands
Then again they did charge 50 for that Phoenix
Every figure that is announced from now on: "eh, I'll wait for the Maximum", or "should have been a Maximum". 🙂
If it’s that good and sells out. I’ll take a chance on Alie….
I'll echo Revox here: as a MAFEX collector, this is very exciting. If last year's deluxe Black Widow serves as a model for this line, all the better.
If the price is going to be $50, though, we're going to need to see more paint apps. I don't need anything crazy, but the 20th Anniversary line is a reasonable benchmark.
The rumored Hulk immediately became my most anticipated figure of the year. I love the 80th Anniversary figure, but he needs more articulation.
I love a lot of the ideas already mentioned here. I'd be in for:
- Classic Spidey - the more I think about it, the more I think Hasbro could top the MAFEX figure
- Wolverine
- Doctor Doom
- Doc Ock
- Green Goblin
- Thor (Coipel/Heroic Age) - he was mentioned in the thread so you know I'm going to mention him, too
- Fantastic Four - for some reason, these were the first characters that came to mind after seeing Spidey
- Deadpool
- Kitty Pryde - I love fac's ideas about the phasing torso
Not to sound like too much of an elitist, but I don't think Hasbro has a prayer of beating MAFEX's Daredevil, Magneto, or Gambit. They probably would've made the list otherwise.
I'll add one suggestion of my own: Silver Surfer. I'd love to get a Surfer on the Vulcan buck (or an improved version of it) with a magnetic board and/or a toothpaste stand of his own.
This is a great list. This is also where we might see Hasbro dip their toes into wired goods - Doom and Thor would be great candidates for their first efforts.
I'd love a Silver Surfer in this format - the accessories and/or base for his board has a ton of really cool possibilities. For the (as yet unknown) premium price I want to see dedicated sculpts, and SS would benefit from having a slightly more lithe/alien form, plus better thoracic articulation then the Vulcan body has. If they're going premium then put in the work to make the figure exactly as it needs to be done.
I would also hope Hasbro would be smart enough to make a ton of these so the aftermarket doesn't go crazy immediately. They are not going to flop, so proactively ordering more than the usual inventory would help people be able to get their hands on it at whatever price they think acceptable.
I would also hope Hasbro would be smart enough to make a ton of these so the aftermarket doesn't go crazy immediately. They are not going to flop, so proactively ordering more than the usual inventory would help people be able to get their hands on it at whatever price they think acceptable.
I do not know that I would be so confident about this. It very much depends on where and how Hasbro expects to sell these and what kind of numbers is a "success" for them. If they expect to do dramatically higher numbers than the import competition at a $40 to $50 price point they might be tested. As enthusiastic as a few of you are here who are used to spending import prices - I doubt that market it is a tenth of the market of Legends. So the math on this matters.
I am going to be cautiously optimistic about this figure but I'm hoping that the opened up crotch area isn't doing the bulk of the articulating and he's once again let down by torso articulation that isn't handled as well as it could be.
I think he could have been improved with a ball joint articulation right above the web belt area. That would have been mostly hidden by the belt line, and given him additional ability to tilt to the side. As is, the lower crunch only allows that area to bend forward. And Hasbro engineering sometimes not being peak means that whatever is going on at the upper torso ball joint might be stifling some of the articulation possibilities it could potentially get. Yes, it will get motion up there, but going by the promo picture poses, the real bulk of the more impressive articulation work is being done by the increased leg articulation.
It could still be an incredible figure, possibly the best Spider-Man ever (except for the muted blues and oversized eyes) but those are the areas I'm thinking might keep it from being all it could possibly be.
And on a smaller note I'm just really glad the webs are painted.
As far as another figure given the Maximum treatment, a classic Thor with a brand new hammer sculpt, spinning hammer, fabric cape, revamped articulation, better neck (so he can look up) lightning effects and so forth would be my top choice. I loved the 80th anniversary figure but the plastic cape held it back. Mafex was weirdly short, and the upcoming Mezco looks great but is pricey.