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Posted by: @h-bird

Posted by: @normdapito

I don't care for web lines that aren't painted on. The ones that are raised, the ones that are etched, don't belong on a comic based classic costume Spider-Man. They're fine on the movie guys, because that's accurate to the source. But I don't want to see anything but painted lines on a comic Spidey.

I agree with this. Painted on web lines aren't them cheaping out - it's being accurate to the comic costume. I appreciated sculpted web lines as a choice to enhance the thing in 3D, but it's by no means more accurate to the comics.

I enjoy sculpted on (or etched in) web lines for no other reason than it's going the extra mile for detail and it rules out them using the buck for any other character.  There's a lot of examples of "muddy" paint work with those kinds of figures, which is unfortunate, but there are examples where the web paint came out looking pretty clean (Toybiz FA Spider-Man from the Sentinel wave).  It's doable.


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But why rule out a body or parts to use for other characters? It's more cost effective to reuse parts where appropriate.

magnusprimal reacted
JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Posted by: @xavion2023

What we really need is a Marvel Legends MINIMUM SERIES.  Just the Spider-Man figure with no extra accessories whatsoever for $14.99.  I mean, do we really need more accessories?  Accessories are a PITA…unless you’re a cat.   My cats LOVE accessories.

Absolutely. I know they came with accessories, but I loved how the Shield/Skrull/Hydra singles came in little boxes with minimal packaging and cost less than a typical Legend. I would be all for them creating an evergreen line of in-demand figures or troop builders using a similar model.


Pretentious Buck
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I get the rationale for sculpted web-lines... for sure... but prefer the look of painted when considering the whole "the web lines aren't indents into his suit/body" thing. Slightly protruding web lines aren't bad and look fantastic when done correctly, which has only been once. 

I think there would generally be some frustration/anger if this Spider-Man body was re-used outside of a Maximum release. It would officially signify that the inflated cost was just for accessories. I believe part of the whole reveal pitch was that this body was better engineered than you should expect for the main line. My frustration would pretty much evaporate knowing I could get a classic Spider-Man rendition or Daredevil potentially with this new body at main line price. Again, extra points for those who held off on Maximum and waited, if that happened. Similar situation to those who got the No Way Home Spidey 3 pack - we definitely paid a higher price only for the same figures to be released later with more accessories later on. I'm not bitter about it, it's the risk you take. 

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Posted by: @normdapito

But why rule out a body or parts to use for other characters? It's more cost effective to reuse parts where appropriate.

I understand and am fine with reuse in cases where it's warranted.  With your flag ship characters it would be nice to go the extra mile, give a little something extra just for him.  


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Posted by: @enforcer

I think there would generally be some frustration/anger if this Spider-Man body was re-used outside of a Maximum release. It would officially signify that the inflated cost was just for accessories.

I agree and I think people should brace themselves for that.


Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @enforcer

I think there would generally be some frustration/anger if this Spider-Man body was re-used outside of a Maximum release. It would officially signify that the inflated cost was just for accessories. I believe part of the whole reveal pitch was that this body was better engineered than you should expect for the main line. My frustration would pretty much evaporate knowing I could get a classic Spider-Man rendition or Daredevil potentially with this new body at main line price. Again, extra points for those who held off on Maximum and waited, if that happened.

I'm in the same place. I'd be going against my own self-interests otherwise.

I think they will use these bodies in the main line. The accessories and the paint job (McFarlane Spidey in this case) should be exclusive to the Maximum release.


Pretentious Buck
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Posted by: @tsi

Posted by: @enforcer

I think there would generally be some frustration/anger if this Spider-Man body was re-used outside of a Maximum release. It would officially signify that the inflated cost was just for accessories. I believe part of the whole reveal pitch was that this body was better engineered than you should expect for the main line. My frustration would pretty much evaporate knowing I could get a classic Spider-Man rendition or Daredevil potentially with this new body at main line price. Again, extra points for those who held off on Maximum and waited, if that happened.

I'm in the same place. I'd be going against my own self-interests otherwise.

I think they will use these bodies in the main line. The accessories and the paint job (McFarlane Spidey in this case) should be exclusive to the Maximum release.


Yeah - that could be the other side of it. You're essentially paying for the exclusive version or artist specific look. Not unlike a Con Exclusive released repaint. Maximum release Wolverine would be Tiger Stripe (arguably the most popular look) and a mainline re-use would be brown/tan. The effects and some accessories would be compatible for both releases, also justifying the purchase of the Maximum. 


Good grief. Admin
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If their MAXIMUM initiative had been a well-done figure at regular price but Hasbro Pulse-exclusive accessory sets that came with all the peripherals that people could optionally buy I think the entire endeavor would have had much less price angst. But they really want you to buy the Hot Dog and aaaaaall the toppings, even if you really just want the Hot Dog. 

TheGillMan, Lucid Silverback, supreme_d and 4 people reacted
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Posted by: @tsi

I'm in the same place. I'd be going against my own self-interests otherwise.

I think they will use these bodies in the main line. The accessories and the paint job (McFarlane Spidey in this case) should be exclusive to the Maximum release.

Nah. This should be re-released as soon as possible, for as cheap as possible. It’s a basic Spiderman, everyone would want it. Those of us paying the premium price are just paying to get it with some accessories, before everyone else. Just like the first Classified series Snake Eyes. If they have an MvC line and don’t reuse this sculpt, that would be a giant middle finger to the fans.

Speaking of which, I preordered this, but only because of my aforementioned reason (haven’t bought basic Spiderman since Pizza Spidey). But id just like to add that this is a shameless price gouge from Hasbro.

Also there were a number or bad takes in this thread, but I dont wanna derail the thread, so I’ll pretend that’s none of my business.


TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @supreme_d

Posted by: @tsi

I'm in the same place. I'd be going against my own self-interests otherwise.

I think they will use these bodies in the main line. The accessories and the paint job (McFarlane Spidey in this case) should be exclusive to the Maximum release.

Nah. This should be re-released as soon as possible, for as cheap as possible. It’s a basic Spiderman, everyone would want it. Those of us paying the premium price are just paying to get it with some accessories, before everyone else. 


To be clear, that's what I'm saying. I want to see this body re-used in the main line.


supreme_d reacted
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Posted by: @justice

On that subject my biggest thing I am upset about with potentially working from home is the fact that I'm going to have to get rid of some action figure display space to fit in a desk and work area.  There isn't any room anywhere to just put it in there without uprooting something.  I'm not going to say I'm a hoarder because everything is neat and clean and properly displayed but shit I have a lot of stuff (action figure and not).

Some environments try to maintain a team atmosphere by requiring everyone to use video during meetings.  Some of those also require that your work area be clear, so if you can see on the video nothing but toys that may not end up working for you. 

I think it does work in most cases, but there are definitely some where it won't.  I've been working from home for 5 years for the same company, but for most of that time we never used video. We recently went to video, and they're trying to enforce us having a very clear work area. My room is full of action figures and other toys that my kids use, so my current solution is I have one clear corner and when I'm doing video for work I just move my chair and point my laptop camera towards that corner.


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Posted by: @mrboshek

One of my concerns would be staining. I have a 12" Thor whose arms are stained red. 

Which Thor are you referring to? Is it an old Toy Biz Thor, or is it the one Hasbro released around 2017?

I have the more recent one from Hasbro, but I haven't noticed any staining so far. But maybe it's there and I haven't checked it thoroughly enough to notice...

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@enigmaticclarity Hasbro, it's possible the cape came in contact with his arms because I had him packed away. From my experience, red and black cloth are notorious stainers.

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This new Spider-man HAS to be made in the symbiote black costume. No ifs ands or buts.  Does it need to be at $50?  Even I would find that annoying, we'll see what they do.  I wonder if they would do a battle-damaged version??  Could go for some McFarlane monsters like Lizard and Hobgoblin.  


Glad to see Green Goblin getting love, good for people who are good with him, but I have never been satisfied with Hasbro's take. He is an A-list villain.  Doom on the other hand I think was already premium.  No need to rush him in the new line.

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