After 19 years working with other people I am about to begin working from home in a different role with the same company. I live alone and like it that way but I'm afraid when I don't have the socialization of work that I will start to get lonely. I'm trying to imagine not having a separation between home and work and it is honestly scaring me a bit.
I'm sure it's not for everybody. Heck, it might be a "grass is greener on the other side" type of thing with me. I see no commute to work and say sign me up. I would agree mostly with the idea it has a negative affect on young workers. Currently, I'm a bit jealous of you work from homers, but not enough to seek out a different work situation because the group I'm with is a very decent crew. Would I miss them though 🤔 😆
As a teacher, I could never go back to "work from home". Teaching Art on Zoom was the absolute worst.
Also, I regret being the author of this thread. I wish there was a way to turn off notifications for it. I don't mind other notifications, but this one has been getting bombarded lately, and now it's about to derail.
I was 7.12 5 days a week for years and never gave it a second thought, the team I worked in was very close and socialised a lot (probably too much!). Then we introduced flexible working and sometimes I’d do the odd day at home here and there but some of the others decided to do it full time so we’d only see each other in meetings, if at all. But by then the office had gone open plan so I’d just hang out with other folks anyway.
As time went on, I would spend a day at home every week, then Covid hit and after the first lockdown passed, I’ve only gone in one day a week ever since. My team now is spread out all over the country so there’s little point in going in when almost all contact is through VC, and all my work is done via online portals so all I need is a internet connection. Hell, I could work from the park if the weather weren’t so crap. I really only go in at all now because of the socialising aspect, if anything I’m more productive at home. And I’ve saved so much money on commuting and coffees and lunches and after work drinks (all the better to spend on precious plastic tat instead).
So yeah, I’m never gonna buy into dickhead CEOs and paranoid middle managers concerns about wanting people back in 5 days a week for better collaboration or productivity, or rapacious landlords crying about the dwindling property value of their empty office buildings. But I do think there is a genuine argument on the socialising side of things. I’ve not seen my boss in 7 years, and of two other workmates who went full time remote, drank himself to death, while the other basically had a breakdown and was eventually dismissed. Maybe those things would have happened anyway but it’s easier to tell when something’s really wrong when you see and can support folks everyday, and perhaps you can make a difference. Or not.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling derail. How about that Spidey, huh?
I've been in a full-time remote job for 3.5 years now and love it. None of my team even live near the main office, some are based overseas and some travel full time. I'm positive I am more productive like this than I would be in an office - at least 2 or 3 days a week I hop back on after dinner to work on a few things for an hour or two, just because it's on my mind and I'm inspired to get it done. Weekends, etc. I definitely do my fair share of Fwooshing during the day, but the relative quiet of the forums the last year or so has been a real boon to my employer.
I've been work from home 100% for 5 years now. However I just got promoted and will likely be going back to working in an office 3 days per week and 2 days WFH sometime later this year due to a new office and new rules. I'm not at all looking forward to that. It's also kind of silly because my boss and most of the people that report to me live 2-3 hours away from me. There's really no reason for me to be in the office whatsoever.
I'd like someone to ask the ML team what they have against the ball socket waist. I'm guessing someone there doesn't think it makes for a sleek and skintight superhero costume? Even though there's plenty of import super heroes and bikini girls. Not too long ago I said to myself the ball jointed waist is now just as important as an ankle pivot and I will never buy a swivel waist again. I have no will power. I'm still collecting WWE, ML, and Motu.
It's a little disappointing for me to see ML is sticking to the swivel or crunch for the long haul.
JayC posted a "what's next?" article on Marvelous News about the line, and he seemed to kind of already know what Hulk would be coming with? Or is he just speculating?
"This one should include three different heads, three different pairs of hands (Open/Clapping, Close Fisted, Gripping), some kind of firing missile, wind clapping effect and punch effect. Hulk should stand 8.5" tall. No word on price for that one."
I'd like someone to ask the ML team what they have against the ball socket waist. I'm guessing someone there doesn't think it makes for a sleek and skintight superhero costume? Even though there's plenty of import super heroes and bikini girls. Not too long ago I said to myself the ball jointed waist is now just as important as an ankle pivot and I will never buy a swivel waist again. I have no will power. I'm still collecting WWE, ML, and Motu.
It's a little disappointing for me to see ML is sticking to the swivel or crunch for the long haul.
I'm ready to back this campaign 100%. Ball socket waist is the one major improvement I'd like to see ML start implementing. If the new Maximum Hulk has a waist cut I'm going to be very disappointed.
As a teacher, I could never go back to "work from home". Teaching Art on Zoom was the absolute worst.
I hear you. Back when I was still teaching, the move to online learning royally sucked. So much time wasted trying to reach students that way. Not to mention the reality of what are they really doing on their computers while you try to teach. I don't miss that part of the job at all.
I'll share:
I've been teaching 4th grade for 11 years. When COVID stated and we went to distance learning, a fellow teacher described it as everything she hates about teaching and nothing she likes. That was accurate. I spent hours cobbling together little online activities/homework that students would finish in minutes if not seconds. The teachers and the parents hated it. When our principal called summer vacation to start one month early, everyone cheered. Luckily, with me being at a private school, we only did distance learning for that initial spring. We were back in school the following fall. Had distance learning become the norm I wouldn't be teaching now.
My wife is a financial counselor and used to go in to work at the office. Her company started laying people off to the point where eventually she was the only employee in her region. There was no longer any point to her going into the office so she works from home. She misses going to work and talking to coworkers.
So different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'm guessing in some cases (SOME, not all) there's more productivity when workers go into the office.
On that subject my biggest thing I am upset about with potentially working from home is the fact that I'm going to have to get rid of some action figure display space to fit in a desk and work area. There isn't any room anywhere to just put it in there without uprooting something. I'm not going to say I'm a hoarder because everything is neat and clean and properly displayed but shit I have a lot of stuff (action figure and not).
I think I'd want it to be Coipel Thor. Or maybe even the amazing 12" once from 2016 brought down to size. I know people are saying Wolverine....and yeah he's A-list but I don't get that one. At all. Spider-man 100% new dedicated to one artist, with webs, heads etc. I get (obviously). Deadpool with tons of ammo and straps, gear totally obvious. Thor yes. Cap yes. Big Hulk yes. Iceman and Cable aren't A-tier, but make more sense than most characters and are popular enough.
But Wolverine is short, already has a good amount of unique sculpts and doesn't really do accessories. Unless they do him as Death or Albert and Elsie Dee I don't know that I need that one. I see a villain next year with Green Goblin, hopefully Reed and either Cap or Thor.
JayC posted a "what's next?" article on Marvelous News about the line, and he seemed to kind of already know what Hulk would be coming with? Or is he just speculating?
"This one should include three different heads, three different pairs of hands (Open/Clapping, Close Fisted, Gripping), some kind of firing missile, wind clapping effect and punch effect. Hulk should stand 8.5" tall. No word on price for that one."
He actually reported this months back when the leaks were coming, that's why I thought Archangel's teased wings could be shrapnel. Can't wait for this Hulk. He will be $80. Deadpool is new. As long as it's comic based I'm in.
Do you really need another Wolverine figure? Again...for 50$? When you have figures like Astonishing Wolverine already for 27$? No. We don't.
Classic Romita Green Goblin or classic Hobgoblin make sense. Thor, Classic\Coipel - sure. Deadpool\Daredevil is a maybe. But that's it.
Cap only works if it's a "Face Off Toy Biz figure remake". Ed Brubaker run style. All new sculpt, metalic paint on the shield and chain mail.
A Hulk for me would have to have butterfly joints that move forward as well as backward, toe articulation, GOOD neck articulation that allows him to look UP in a hunched position, pinless joints. Alternate heads and hands (fists, grasping, thunder-clap). Maybe a shredded shirt that fits around his arms so it doesn't just flop off. I'd prefer the hue of green that the 80th Hulk used (in the 2pk with FA Wolverine). I also love that head sculpt, never liked the 20th Hulk heads. If this Spidey is 50, I'd hope they could pull off a Hulk like that for 60-65.
If this is true and they're actually incorporating effects and hands that correspond to "moves" or powers the Hulk has/does that's better. The question being, why are we precluded from getting things like clapping hands and effects in a normal figure? I thought the cratered pavement stomp effect that came with the 80th anniversary figure was great (especially for tectonically-oriented mutants). I genuinely doubt if they're providing all of this you're paying less $75-$85. If MaxPriceSpidey is double a normal figure's cost, Hulk or any other bruiser is probably the cost of a modern 3pk. Dragonman likely only went the route he did because he didn't have the name cache as the Hulk.