Hasbro may be creating inflated demand (via FOMO) by limiting preorders via retailers and then just offering up more preorders after sell outs. They could also just be better trying to figure out how many to make. In the past, they probably just put in an amount for each figure (based a bit on retailer preorders) but they clearly overproduced many waves. So now, they're limiting preorders available to retailers, selling out each allotment, and then figuring out how many to make to fulfill those preorder sellouts. They're obviously still going to make extra for stores to have in-stock and people canceling some of their preorders will leave stock for stores to sell once these hit.
Usually BBTS and EE selling out means it's all they were going to get for a while. The rationale about Pulse and Amazon are correct, but when BBTS or EE sell out that's usually it. There could be a second shipment planned, but if BBTS or EE sell out on a pre-order it means they don't know of a specific next order after their initial one.
For the all the arguments about this move by Hasbro signaling a possible major increase in the price of "regular" Marvel Legends, I doubt it.
This kind of move is probably only going to work on someone like Spider-Man. He's one of the main characters that collectors are always wanting a "definitive version" of. And if Hasbro proclaims this as the definitive Spider-Man we've all been waiting for, then people are likely to fork a little more bread for it as it's pretty much a one time thing. Sort the "last Spider-Man you'll ever need to buy" type of deal.
That's not going to work for every Marvel character. I don't think there's too many people that would pay $50 for the definitive Ant-Man, or the definitive Havok, etc. So I think the basic Marvel Legends line is probably safe from a huge price hike. At least until those tariffs kick in.
Ok, here's a thought that just popped up...
If the MML Spider-Man is $50, how much will a Hulk version cost? $75? $90? You know it won't be a mere $50.
Whatever the price, Hasbro is going to put up only 30 units for pre-order worldwide. Sneaky sneaky.
Man, Scarlet Witch simps are the worst...I wish there was a block feature too because the general petty bitching of a certain Scarlet Witch-avatared poster is always a real mood killer.
I think it's 69.99$ or maybe 64.99$Ok, here's a thought that just popped up...
If the MML Spider-Man is $50, how much will a Hulk version cost? $75? $90? You know it won't be a mere $50.
They won't ask more for it. Dragon Man price was already $84.99. And he is huge and comes with wings.
I must be mis-remembering but wasn't there some assumption that one goal of this line was to keep the heavy hitters in production? Did Hasbro say that in the reveal or did I jump to that conclusion?
I don't remember at all, but it's pretty important info as it sells out. It would mean they're definitely making more.
It would also mean that it's more likely they made a conservative first batch size and they're prepared to make more batches. So maybe by the time it releases they will already have more batches planned.
and the girls stay pressed 😍
You forgot the one that most adequately portrays your forum behavior.
oh that's mother, or father, either way, what a monarch 😍
I want to put a hypothetical price tag on "Maximum" Hulk by doubling the price of one of their current Hulks (since Spidey is double the price of a regular ML). But damned if I know what a standard ML Hulk costs. $35? $40? $50? It depends on their mood.
How much have any of their oversized figures been? I imagine a Maximum Hulk will be $75-80.
@ashtalon Recent Hulkbuster was $60. I assume Hulk would be 70-75 assuming he's packed with a lot of accessories. Then again, Fixit/Patch were $60 together. Think a lot will depend on if the Hulk is an all new buck, which I assume it will be. It might be the line is sort of a way to get a lot of new bucks into the line without having to offset their costs with a wave of reuse around them.
I must be mis-remembering but wasn't there some assumption that one goal of this line was to keep the heavy hitters in production? Did Hasbro say that in the reveal or did I jump to that conclusion?
I don't remember at all, but it's pretty important info as it sells out. It would mean they're definitely making more.
I went back and read the transcript for their entire Maximum Spidey reveal, and Ryan said something at the very beginning of the Maximum Spidey bit that may allude to them considering the release to be evergreen with multiple re-stocks:
"I guess we've been hearing for a while at the cons and someone speaking with the fans wanting classic versions of characters just to be readily available and released in the best way possible with the best articulation, the best accessories, the best deco..."
You could interpret him saying that fans want these figures "to be readily available" to mean that they aren't planning to constantly tweak and re-release this figure but to make him readily available over an extended period of time. Or maybe he meant something else by it, I dunno. He could have meant as a single release instead of packing their best Spideys in with other characters like they did with Renew Your Vows.