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If they really mean for this to be an evergreen line to keep standard/classic versions of the heavy hitters in stores, then I doubt they are focusing too much on who needs the accessories but more on who are the undisputed A-listers. And I would think they'll focus on heroes first as well.

My predictions

100% happening in the first 10 releases (unless the line is canceled)


Hulk (Rumored - maybe stomp effects?)

Cap (I could see regular, broken and effects shield)

Thor (I could see regular and bearded heads, multiple Mjolnirs)

Iron Man (Lots of repulsor effects, weapon stand)

Wolverine (multiple claw hands - extended, one claw, bone claws)

Deadpool (weapons)

Other characters that seem like a high probability (although the FF needs the movie to boost them back up again)

Mr Fantastic (alt limbs, lab stuff)

Human Torch (snap on flames for regular and flame-on/off look?)

Thing (with trench coat?)

Daredevil (they could go nuts here and have alt arms and legs to make red/yellow version)

Dr Strange (magic accessories and items)

Punisher (I dislike the character but weapons would make sense here)

That would give them a baker's dozen highly recognizable figures. Release 3 to 5 a year for a few years and re-release as needed. I think after those characters you start to wander into the second tier - the Cyclops and Ant-Mans and Beasts and Black Panthers - where it gets harder to think why we might need a ton of head, hand or effects, or the character's appeal is a bit less broad. (Although Beast with alt heads, lab stuff and really good articulation might be a hit...)

That list is all-male though, they could add:

Storm (lots of lightening effects, various heads)

Invisible Woman (alt-limbs maybe)

Kitty Pryde (this is a reach, but a Kitty designed that you could pose phasing by letting the torso separate and comes with a wall/floor you could peg each half to is a figure I'd love to see)

TheSameIdiot reacted
Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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If they do make Punisher for this, they need to make him come with swappable arms, so you can have him wearing a trench coat, or not wear it, if you wanted to. 😀 Maybe an alternate "possessed demon hunter head" from the early 00s.

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You know, I really can't think of any other character that needs this deluxe treatment other than Spider-Man. Aside from the accessories, the most important thing about this release is the totally newly sculpted body and the added articulation. That's what really makes it a must have.

I really can't think of another character that would benefit as much from a totally retooled body, because no other character can move like Spidey does.

The most recent versions of Captain America and Wolverine are pretty satisfactory, IMO. Other than maybe some added accessories and different heads, there's really not much they could do to improve those characters all that much. At least not enough to get me to lay down $40-$50 for them. But I guess it remains to be seen.

Now Iron Man might could benefit from the Maximum treatment, but the problem would be which version of Iron Man to choose to go all in on. He's had like half a dozen "iconic" looks, from his classic red and gold, to Silver Centurion, to the modular armor, to Extremis and beyond. If this series is designed to be the "definitive version" of each character, then which Iron Man do you go with? I can promise you that whichever they chose someone would be disappointed.

Then there's Hulk and Thor. Both are pretty simple in their design and accessories. Hulk is big green and wears torn purple pants. Not a whole lot you can do with that that hasn't already been done pretty well. Same with Thor. In any case it will be extremely interesting to see what they come up with for future releases.

Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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We know that they'll make a Scarlet Spider, and a US Agent, this way, and maybe War Machine.

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Seeing the Exile book in the stream, I'd LOVE to see Mimic in this line with a ton of his mimicking abilities he used in the comics. Steel skin swaps, claws, wings, etc. I know he's not popular enough to warrant this, though.

Pretentious Buck
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What will these cost in Canada you ask? Someone found this in the GameStop computer already. May Release - $72.99

Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Posted by: @enforcer

What will these cost in Canada you ask? Someone found this in the GameStop computer already. May Release - $72.99

As a Canadian, I think I just died, a little, at that pricing. 🙁 ouch. It's bad enough that we have to pay $35-$40+ buck, for a normal figure. Yeesh.


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Yeah... $72 canadian is the equivalent of $50 US.     If two extra heads, a couple of extra hands and some webs actually DOUBLE the price then Hasbro can 100% keep all of these.


That is egregious.   Honestly for me anything more than a $35 asking price is robbery.  I won't consider buying any of them if the price is higher than that






Pretentious Buck
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Posts: 407

Thankfully I'll get a little Onyx discount putting it around $60... then tax. I was hoping to get a few but... this is way more than I was expecting. 

I'm half hoping the price will end up being corrected lower closer to release. There has been a precedent for this on some other legends release at GameStop - I forget which release it was. Price dropped a little. We'll see.

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I wish he had more sculpted details instead of just being a painted buck. I don't need MCU level tincture but something more akin to Astonishing Wolverine or Cyclops would have been nice.


I feel like I'll stick with Final Swing SPiderman as my comic one for a while

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Not that it wasn’t already obvious, but someone at Hasbro is a huge MVC fan.

Akatsuki reacted
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@hbhfback gonna be more obvious this summer

Pretentious Buck
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Posted by: @hbhfback

Not that it wasn’t already obvious, but someone at Hasbro is a huge MVC fan.

Oh yeah - the original photographer posted these with a ton of Spidey quotes from the games. Big fan.


hbhfback reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 208

The characters I would like to see in the maximum series.


Mister Fantastic (same costume as the retro carded figure) with more stretching effects

Punisher (classic/epic heroes wave) with alternate trench coat accessories

Abyss (Age of Apocalypse) with alternate heads and arms

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I wanted to want the Maximum Spiderman, but that unmasked head and weird web blast effect are scaring me off.  I also can't imagine using the web shield piece ever and would gladly have seen it replaced with a web-wrap effect you could clip around other figures.  And as long as I'm ragging on it, why do we have two identical head options?  I'm a "small-eyed, Romita Spider-Man" guy; couldn't that have just been the 2nd option?  If I find out that I can put my Retro Spidey head on this body, it'll be back on the table for me.

I would love a Maximum Mr. Fantastic.  Retro version is fine, but it should be a crime to have released that without stretchy arms.  I can only hope they'd make him in that same blue & white costume.

There has to be a bottom floor about who qualifies for a Maximum figure, and I'm not sure that Iceman qualifies, but I'm all in if that's what it takes to get a faceted ice form Bobby.

Finally, I'm open to a Maximum Iron Man, but it has to be shiny metallic.  The 80th Anniversary Iron Man is glorious and I refuse to buy a dull plastic version.  I definitely wish its blast hands were hinged and he had roller skates, so if all that turns up in Maximum form, I'd jump at it.  And I wouldn't be mad if they included a Rhodey head with it.

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