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I've found that if I watch an influencer's videos and he's overly harsh towards the Marvel Legends line that I just don't ever watch him again. If they don't like the line, just don't buy the figures or do reviews of them. There's a big difference between being objective and calling out both the good and bad, but if they're just a hater, then f*** them.

It's my primary line because it's my favorite IP and the only reason that I own any figures to begin. I don't buy figures just to buy figures, I buy an IP that I care about. I'm nearly 50 years old and am not a Toy guy, I'm very specifically a comics figure guy. The same "influencer" will turn around and sing the praises figures of some unlicensed line that I couldn't give 2 craps about and I'll be like "who cares, who even are those characters?" The only time that I ever buy figures from other IPs is if they're dirt cheap (nothing over $10, ever) and I can make them work in my comic figures collection.

supreme_d reacted
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I ultimately passed on this due to the $50 price tag, as I just didn't see this being worth that much. I'm sure the folks who bought this will be happy with their purchase, and that's all that really matters. With this hobby, you have to do what will bring you joy. If you see this as being worth that price, then great! If you see this as too much for what is offered, then you'll likely spend that money elsewhere on something that will bring you happiness. One of the things I love about the Fwoosh is MOST of the people posting here are level-headed and mature, and just want their fellow collectors to enjoy the hobby. There is nothing wrong with's healthy as long as it's civil, which most folks here are. To those needlessly attacking others, maybe relax and remember this is all about collecting toys...taking it too seriously is missing the point. 

Picto Nocturne, puckace, renfield75 and 2 people reacted
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Thanks for the likes, sugar 😘 

jayjonah reacted
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So as far as I can tell this is now true - this is now pre-sold out everywhere.  If this sticks then this will probably be $125 to $200 on eBay around release.

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For anyone still interested in grabbing one, they are still available from Deep Discount - and listed at 10% off, to boot:

Good grief. Admin
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As far as ridiculous pricing goes, while I shouldn't have to, I would pay 50 dollars for a fully articulated Spider-Ham. While I stress that I shouldn't have to (since we've had regular priced fully-articulated Rocket Raccoons that were much smaller), people pay what they feel is reasonable to them for things they want, and I don't think there has been a larger disappointment in this line for me than the static lower half on that thing. The fact that seven years later I still wake up in the middle of the night and shout "Spider-Ham's legs" while drenched in sweat is...probably something I should see someone about, but still.

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Posted by: @h-bird

For anyone still interested in grabbing one, they are still available from Deep Discount - and listed at 10% off, to boot:

Do they ever actually close out item pre-orders?  Some places just leave them open infinitely and then fail to deliver on highly in-demand items, but I don't know if DeepDiscount does that or not because I've never ordered anything from them.


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Posted by: @stephenwdavis

I've found that if I watch an influencer's videos and he's overly harsh towards the Marvel Legends line that I just don't ever watch him again. If they don't like the line, just don't buy the figures or do reviews of them. There's a big difference between being objective and calling out both the good and bad, but if they're just a hater, then f*** them.


A YouTube reviewer trying to make a living on the platform probably can't ignore Legends, regardless of their personal feelings on the line. I've watched quite a few of Anthony's Legends reviews. I don't agree with all of them, but I would say he's pretty consistent. I don't think he's playing up a persona or anything. He'd probably do better (and maybe get free stuff) if he praised the product consistently. That being said, I don't think many action figure collectors go to YouTube for actual reviews. Most just seek out voices that echo their own, which is fine. It's just another way to engage with the hobby. We probably don't need Legends reviews as, say what you will about the line, it's probably the most consistent figure line out there at mass market retail. I can't remember the last time I was surprised by a Legends release, be it for good or bad, as it's definitely a line where I know what I'm getting before I tare into the packaging. The line certainly does build interest though and it probably translates to views and engagement on YouTube. Pretty much anyone with a platform and an asshole is going to do a video on this thing.


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Is there a worse value in nerd entertainment than action figures?  We’re all getting fleeced, regardless of where we choose to draw the line as individuals.

It’s kind of like embezzlement.  Whether you embezzle $1,000 or a $1,000,000, it’s still stealing.  The only difference is that one’s a misdemeanor and the other’s a felony.

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Maximum Spidey is still available to PO at GameStop, though who knows how much longer this actual store will last.

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I don't know why so many people put so much stock in how fast preorders sell out.  Hasbro controls how many go up, we don't know, it could be a small amount for all we know.  People freaked out about Secret Wars preorders selling out within hours, but you can go on Amazon and buy them for $25 right now.  I guess it's a big deal if you need the toy DAY ONE but clearly Hasbro is just creating artificial demand (it costs $0 to preorder on Amazon), emboldening their fans to defend Hasbro online because they feel justified for racing out and preordering immediately.

supreme_d, magnusprimal, puckace and 6 people reacted
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Posted by: @vicious7171

I don't know why so many people put so much stock in how fast preorders sell out. 

I mostly agree with this. The only one in recent history that I got burned on was Warbird. I was on the site instantly to pre-order but was sold out before I could get one. Went to Target multiple times a day on the release date and that entire week. Never saw one in store or available for pick up at my store. I eventually paid over $50 for her on ebay. Same thing happened with retro card Carnage. Tried to pre-order immediately but sold out too fast. Never ever saw him but just passed on trying to track that one down. Those were both Target exclusives, so probably more about Target that the figures themselves. If I haven't been able to get a figure wihout going the ebay route then it has almost always been because it was a specific store exclusive. I had problems in the past with Walmart DC Multiverse exclusives. Or they're stupid McFarlane Platinum Chase variants, but that's another topic altogether.

Also I still feel like the Legends team indicated that Maximum Spidey was intended to be an always available release in their opening comments with they introduced this, so if that's true then this will come back over and over and over (but may also be excluded from sales for that same reason).


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I must be mis-remembering but wasn't there some assumption that one goal of this line was to keep the heavy hitters in production? Did Hasbro say that in the reveal or did I jump to that conclusion?

My only guess why pre-orders have sold out is that most retailers were fairly conservative in how many they told Hasbro they wanted initially and they have hit those numbers - any retailer with any sense should be calling Hasbro now and asking to increase their order size. And unless Hasbro has lost their mind they will take those orders.

About the only time I worry about a pre-order sell out is on a store exclusive...

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@stephenwdavis store exclusives are probably a different animal. Especially at Target/Walmart where these things are just a drop in the bucket for them. They place their order for X amount of figures and then probably don't bother to adjust it. A smaller outfit might respond to strong demand by trying to order additional units from Hasbro, while Target and Walmart act like they couldn't care less if you get your figure or not.

fac and vicious7171 reacted
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Posted by: @vicious7171

I don't know why so many people put so much stock in how fast preorders sell out.  

It's a psychological thing. "Preorder sold out" triggers something in the collector's brain, heightens FOMO. 


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