I preordered it at BBTS and will think about it. The price doesn't surprise me outside of expecting it to be more. It's essentially a Spider-man lootcrate stuffed with a bunch of price-raising items that are hand waving the real issues involved, which would be if it's MAXIMUM with a brand new sculpt then find a way to articulate the torso that utilizes the natural breaks in the baked-in costume details and not just the same articulation we've already seen, but with more clearance--which should have already been a part of a Spider-Man figure.
I ordered a couple on Pulse and a couple on BBTS just in case.
I absolutely knew this thing would be $50, so I was prepared for it and not shocked at all. In fact, in some weird way I was a little relieved it wasn't higher.
I justify paying that price myself because Spider-Man is by far my favorite Marvel character, and I'm just not one who can pass up the definitive "be-all-end-all" Marvel Legends Spider-Man just because it's $10 or $15 more than I'd like to pay for it. Spidey is the only character I'd be willing to pay that price for, so I can easily pass on any future Maximum Wolverine, or Deadpool, or Hulk figures, etc.
Also I figure this one is going to sell out pretty much everywhere by the end of the day (or sooner) and $50 is a lot less than the $100 (and up) the eBay scalpers will be asking for them once they actually start hitting.
@spideyboy1111 I think you can go back even further. This Venom The Symbiote figure they did would have totally fit in with that McFarlane aesthetic:
They could have call that thing Venom: The Violator.
that's true as well, Phage from that wave as well. This is more early mcfarlane too (appropriate for the time), my head went more to when Mcfarlane went clamshell and had the figures with display bases and what not. and when he got experimental and did stuff with like Wizard of Oz and horror stuff.
Agreed on Jada. Sure, they're making some companies look bad with what they're putting out for the price, but so long as Jada can't sell you a Spider-Man or a Wolverine they're no competition to Hasbro.
I have to disagree. They are definitely the competition. No, they do not have the same licensed characters, but if you're talking objectively well-executed action figures, you bet they are competition. It's like the fast food industry. McDonald's and Subway are competitors. If you ONLY eat Big Macs, then, of course, you'll never go into a Subway. But those two chains are still competitors.
They're competitors as in "another business" not competitors as "They're threatening our business". Jada isn't a threat to Hasbro in the slightest... there's no competition at all there to be better than the other. Just maybe inspired by
So, too rich for my blood, blah blah. But n fairness, I’m struggling to think what they could have packed in with a Spidey to make it ping on my radar for 50 clams. Big diorama piece maybe? I doubt I’ll ever have FOMO with a few decent Parkers already in my display. Now a £50 ROM? I’d bitch like hell, but ultimately lay down the cash.
Conversely, I can definitely imagine a deluxe Hulk offering that would tempt me. Thunderclap and ground smash effects, slap, punch snd grapple hands. A few artist specific heads (Kirby, Buscema, etc), plus a Capcom style Smart Hulk look. Bring that in for around 50 and I’m probably in.
I think if this were a Romita Sr. Spidey (or a Bagely even) I'd be all over it. McFalrane style just does not hit for me (though I know it will for a lot of others). Price point is a bit steep, but it's right at the cap of what I'd be willing to pay for this. We'll see what Hulk looks like and who's next in the lineup. A solid Daredevil in this vein, or a Cap and I think I'd snag it.
One of the heads is actually Bagely's art... its both 90s Bagely and McFarlane as heads
@yojoebro82 Agreed, while Hasbro has the mass-market Monopoly on Marvel figures, many people buy multiple lines and if I had to choose between a $50 Spidey - even a great Spidey, but also a figure I have many versions of - and 2 $25 figures in a new line that intrigues me, I might head that way.
We will see, they are putting a lot of faith into the idea that extra accessories, and improved articulation and paint apps, are enough of a factor in people's decision making that they will think that is enough extra value to justify doubling the price.
keep in mind most collectors only collect certain IPs, they don't buy everything under the son and collect a lot of multiple lines. Many do still of course, but you get more niche as you do. "A new line" isn't as enticing as "an IP i care about" is. So the bigger fanbase the IP obviously the more built in fans it has... Nothing Jada makes figures of at this point is really competitive of Star Wars, Marvel, Transformers, DC etc... You could maybe argue Gi Joe and Power Rangers though
Jada are a competitor because not everyone is unthinkingly buying Marvel and nothing else. I've definitely cut down my ML purchases because I've actually appreciated a lot of what other lines are putting out- I don't need another Wolvie/Cap/Spidey with broadly the same design choices and articulation when I can instead get a representation of non-Marvel characters that I like, even if I mostly prefer Marvel characters/stories. I have lost interest in most of the ML releases, even for characters that, say ten years ago, I would have got on day of sale. This week, for instance, I got the ML Wonder Man on clearance sale- I don't think I have any other releases of that basic sculpt, but I knew exactly what I was getting. Same ol awkward joints, unnecessarily limited articulation, bizarre articulation cuts. This week, I also got the Jada Guile- comparing to pretty much every ML release I have, its not even close in terms of sculpt, articulation, paint. Of course, Jada isn't high end, but nothing about this new 'Maximum' line is high end either to justify the much higher price point.
I'm sure that they'll sell plenty of this, but I'd be more surprised if this line will have much legs in the long run, and that the end product will be anything special. Its a shame because they easily could have done a more collector orientated line with much better individualised sculpts and paintwork rather than just throw a load of additional bits of plastic (and that alternative head is not doing anything for me).
@fac I think there will always be a bit of cannibalization whenever any company/brand/line puts out more than one scale or price point.
Look at MOTU. They have Origins, Cartoon Collection, Masterverse (Revolutions, New Eternia and now classics). They also had the CGI show line for a time. I collect mostly Origins, but I have dipped into Masterverse and CGI, but skipped Cartoon Collection completely because I can't really justify another MOTU line. So basically yeah I only have so many dollars going to MOTU and by adding all these different lines I have had to pick and choose and it has hurt Origins mostly because I have skipped out on some purchases in favour of Masterverse.
As to Haslabs, early on I don't think I adjusted my spending because of Haslabs. I just spent the money and kept getting what I wanted. Recently though I have adjusted and I haven't spent as much as I usually do on the main ML line in favour of the bigger ticket items like the upcoming X-Men 97 Sentinel and Dragon Man. There are a bunch of figures I would have picked up already, but now they are either on hold indefinitely or only on sale. Thankfully it seems more and more with price creep and selection a lot of stuff doesn't sell out anymore. So I have less qualms about playing "clearance chicken" (or more specifically "sale chicken").
Jada are a competitor because not everyone is unthinkingly buying Marvel and nothing else. I've definitely cut down my ML purchases because I've actually appreciated a lot of what other lines are putting out- I don't need another Wolvie/Cap/Spidey with broadly the same design choices and articulation when I can instead get a representation of non-Marvel characters that I like, even if I mostly prefer Marvel characters/stories. I have lost interest in most of the ML releases, even for characters that, say ten years ago, I would have got on day of sale. This week, for instance, I got the ML Wonder Man on clearance sale- I don't think I have any other releases of that basic sculpt, but I knew exactly what I was getting. Same ol awkward joints, unnecessarily limited articulation, bizarre articulation cuts. This week, I also got the Jada Guile- comparing to pretty much every ML release I have, its not even close in terms of sculpt, articulation, paint. Of course, Jada isn't high end, but nothing about this new 'Maximum' line is high end either to justify the much higher price point.
I'm sure that they'll sell plenty of this, but I'd be more surprised if this line will have much legs in the long run, and that the end product will be anything special. Its a shame because they easily could have done a more collector orientated line with much better individualised sculpts and paintwork rather than just throw a load of additional bits of plastic (and that alternative head is not doing anything for me).
i don't think legends are hurting lol, they're putting out more product a year the last few years than they ever did... and the fact this figure already sold out in at least 2 places quickly, still shows there's a demand.
I just don't think because Hasbro offers and Apple and Jada offers an Orange, both round fruits.. people are going to stop buying apples for oranges. People want what they buy, and as long as Hasbro's putting out characters people love for the highest quality and cheapest price for that figure scale and selection... they're going to stick with them
I think it's valid complaints to say "why can this company do this much for this price, but you charge more for less" But I don't think it's going to get hasbro to lower prices (hell they'd lower production numbers before ever dropping the cost) But I don't think most collectors are just going to collect a whole line because "they look cool" several yes, most? no. Most collect a line do so because they have a connection and drive for the IP they're buying. That IP also needs to be evergreen, and have a demand for C and D list characters to stay strong. It's why its going to be really hard to top things like DC, Marvel, Star Wars. Where as NECA is already showing that with Gargoyles and Animated Turtles, you eventually hit a limit for demand, so you then have to shift and pivot
I mean I’m interested in Jada Street Fighter toys out of curiosity. Asked to play around with a friend’s Street Fighty guy for 5 min to check out its construction. Handed it back to him and said “I wish they’d get the DC license”. In no world would I buy it; not because I didn’t think it wasn’t well done or a bad price. I just don’t lie in that center circle of Street Fighter and Marvel fan on that Venn Diagram. Who’s to say how big that circle is. I doubt many people are making that jump JUST because Jada seems to be doing good work.
If Jada made Resident Evil figures I would break my own rule of not starting any new lines and go completest on it. Jada does good work.
I’m going to sell a Toy Biz Sentinel for 300 and buy six of these Maximum Spider-Man figures so I can keep one and sell off five for 100 each when they sell out and people have FOMO.
Nah I'm good, like Daredevil, no fear. I can easily live without something once I've decided to pass on it.
I do wish you well on the resale though 😉
Sorry folks, I pre-ordered 3 as I said. There's not many characters or eras I would do that for, but a McFarlane Spider-man that actually does everything, and I mean everything, I need a McFarlane era Spider-man to do, hell yeah. I might throw on a Spider-man t shirt later. And Hulk is an instant buy.
I doubt I get multiples of the other releases, but more than likely I buy all 3 figures they produce in this initiative each year. This is what I love - dedicated figures that clearly were shown great love and attention to detail. And cheaper than imports. Could this have been $40?? I mean probably, and maybe there will be sales, but I won't quibble about it. I spent years not buying the line, but it's so good now, and figures like this, Odin, Ghost Rider, Dragon-Man etc. are a big part of it.
I think Rom, Punisher War Journal, Ultimate Iron Man or the new X-Men and retro Spidey waves are great too and at normal price too - so I get some of the ire. I guess Hasbro just literally picked the best initial offering to rope me in. And Hulk was my first ever comic and love as a 4 year old, so they got me there too. I will shush now, but ling live Maximum Series 😆