$50, or double the price of a normal figure, is insane. Just insane. Classic Spider-Man always sells well. Combined with the last couple of classic Spider-Mans being packed into multipacks, and this just seems like gouging. Because they know they can.
All-new Spider-Man figure? We've gotten all-new Spider-Man figures are they weren't double the cost of a normal figure. There's baked in reuse for a Spider-Man figure mold so the all-new shouldn't have such a high tax assigned to it. Accessories? Fine. But it only seems like about twice what a typical figure gets. Again, the cost isn't justified at all.
I feel like this is the culmination of a years long plan to give us less for higher cost. The retro-carded lines cost the same as figures which have BAF pieces with them. So they've been weaning us into a less for the same cost the last few years. And now, they throw in some extra parts (instead of a BAF part) and charge twice the amount.
I'm not quitting the line. But I have been buying less and less over the last few years. Have been skipping MCU figures for a good long while. And been more choosy with character selection as the costs have gone up. While I don't want to walk away from ML, I've certainly been shifting my attention to other lines and brands, including imports, which are just more bang for the buck and more exiting. This Maximum Pricing scheme is just another nudge away from my interest in ML. At least I have ROM to look forward to.
Hasbro will have to hope there are enough people like you to pay the asking price and make this release strategy worthwhile.
How much does "hoping" really play into it? This is a pretty significant price hike, I'm guessing they have some sort of data saying an acceptable amount of suckers fans will pay this amount.
I'm on the fence about this one. It's $15 over what I want to pay. I said this before but the company they should be trying to compete with is Jada. Trim the fat of this release down to what you would see in a Jada Street Fighter offering, make it $25. No one would pass on it. No one. Day one sell out.
@yojoebro82 we love Jada but they're not on Hasbro's radar. Hasbro has been depriving fans of a good, single-release Spiderman for years, so they can overcharge everyone. Like crawling through the desert, dehydrated, when Hasbro comes around with a cold glass of water.
"Oh thank God! Here's your $25!"
"Actually, it's going to be $50 this time. But hey, there's ice, too!"
There's maybe a half-dozen characters they can get away with this, and then the repaints, and maybe they're hoping by the end, people won't be so offended when MLs edge up to $27.99, then $29.99.
Just no. I don't see the value here. I like the figure, but most of what is included will just go in a box to never be used again. Plus the Parker head looks off to me. I'm out on this release. We'll see about Hulk. I could care less about Deadpool if he's the 3rd offering.
I actually feel pretty positive about the price-value of ML over the last year and change. After a period where they really seemed to be pushing the envelope for a few years there, nothing in the last year seemed wildly overpriced, and the sets they made felt like they had plenty of value packed in (the SHIELD 3-pack, a lot of the 2-packs, Odin and Ghost Rider deluxes, etc). Overall very happy with where the line is right now, so I'm balancing that against feeling like this one doesn't justify the price tag.
I was looking at reviews of Mezco Green Goblin and realized one reason the accessories don't feel like enough of a value add - there are a lot of them, but they kinda look cheap. The webs specifically look to just be flat white without much detail in the paint. Like vicious pointed out, a little more there would go a long way. It's one thing to throw a lot of stuff in the box, but it needs to feel worth the additional cost of admission.
I’m going to sell a Toy Biz Sentinel for 300 and buy six of these Maximum Spider-Man figures so I can keep one and sell off five for 100 each when they sell out and people have FOMO.
@yojoebro82 we love Jada but they're not on Hasbro's radar. Hasbro has been depriving fans of a good, single-release Spiderman for years, so they can overcharge everyone. Like crawling through the desert, dehydrated, when Hasbro comes around with a cold glass of water.
"Oh thank God! Here's your $25!"
"Actually, it's going to be $50 this time. But hey, there's ice, too!"There's maybe a half-dozen characters they can get away with this, and then the repaints, and maybe they're hoping by the end, people won't be so offended when MLs edge up to $27.99, then $29.99.
I don't know about that. I think their FA Spider-Man is pretty good. The sculpt and articulation are both on point and giving us that did not cost any extra. They could give us THIS buck for a reasonable price if they chose to, but they chose to gouge us on an over stuffing of rinky-dink accessories to try to make it "like an import". That's lame.
You're describing the scene in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles where Steve Martin is desperate to get to the airport and he offers a guy $50 for his cab seat. The guy's reply: "Any man willing to pay $50, certainly will pay $75". That's Hasbro to their fans.
The price didn't surprise or anger me. I was expecting this price or a little more. This Spidey with these head sculpts is it considered to be a McFarlane Spiderman. I just read comics I don't really pay attention to details like who was the writer or artist.
I'm a bit surprised more people aren't out. I thought this thread would end up about as underpopulated as the Mafex thread, but it looks like once people are done complaining it'll be double that size or more just based upon the slightly under half of people with positive feedback so far.
And that's before we even know half of their described value for the line in the improvements to articulation. People seem to be assuming the accessories are the only value add, but that's not what the team said. If the figure improvements are good enough I expect people to jump back in, but we won't know until a reviewer gets Spidey in hand.
I think more people than not will end up getting this. As soon as Hasbro sends a couple of these figures off to the influencers, people on the fence will be won over quick. They won't stand a chance against that FOMO.
As oft mentioned, I don't do MLs unless I can really help it and have no need for a McFarlane era Spidey. But I dunno, this seems pretty good to me if you are into MLs. Lots of hands and webbing, the spidey-tingles fx, bare forearms, 2 alt heads, new neck and toe articulation over the existing figures, etc. Sure, the paint apps are likely to be limited and meh as usual, and no doubt the plastic will be the typical Hasbro gummy monstrosity but if you're into Legends you're used to it (and it'll pass that crazy dude's "throw at the wall!" test),
I applaud that they're at least trying something different to their usual approach. If the line does keep going a while, it will be interesting to see if they keep coming up with new sculpts though because fair play to the imports, they have relatively little re-use going on where you might expect it, whereas Hasbro will usually run every part they can into the ground than cough up new parts to maintain 100% accuracy.
As soon as Hasbro sends a couple of these figures off to the influencers..."POW! IT'S Dan Who? Reviews! And today we are looking at MAXIMUM SPIDER-MAN 🤪 "
Yikes! Just saw the price tag on this bad boy. I was hoping for a good bit cheaper, so I’ll continue to stick with my retro Spidey as my Spider-Man of choice. It’s Spider-Man, so I’m sure it’ll sell well. I was hoping this series would have some legs to it. At $50 a pop I can’t see too many characters being able to support that price tag. We will probably get a Wolverine or Deadpool. Not sure if they brave any others outside of the rumored Hulk. I was happy about that rumor, but it Spidey is $50 just how expensive will Hulk be? I’ll probably end up sticking with my 80th anniversary Hulk.
I’m going to sell a Toy Biz Sentinel for 300 and buy six of these Maximum Spider-Man figures so I can keep one and sell off five for 100 each when they sell out and people have FOMO.
Making Ebay the clear winner in that equation via their fee structure.
Enjoy it for people that actually want it, I don't really see the articulation advancements or accessories that make this worth double price, so I'll spent my $50 otherwise. More for those that want it. JOMO activated.
They also should have really saved "Maximum" for the Spiderman they inevitably use for the Capcom version, since "Maximum Spider" was his ultimate move. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if this gets used for that under another deco like they do with the Retro vs. Animated lines.