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I'd like to add Elektra to this list. Use the Phoenix body, or the Carol Danvers body, with alternate hands - knife, fists, grip, sai grip, claw, alternate heads - bandana, head band, hair down, hair crazy curly, pairs of sai and katana. Maybe neutral, angry, and screaming expressions? Removable sash and skirt. Sometimes she just wore a sash, sometimes it had the loin cloth pieces.

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@stuartgreen A lot of choices.  Funny you left off Iron Man, who seems like an obvious choice.   The current classic body has essentially run its course after a lot of mileage.  A new body with butterflys seem obvious.  Ungloved forearms & hands for putting on/off the suit moments.  A few different helmets/head.  Roller skates reuse.  All kinds of blast effects.   And maybe a chance for some really nice metallic red paint for the armor.

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@ashtalon And a light yellow/white chest reactor

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I just expressed my unmitigated joy for this McFarlane Spider-man, and that is EXACTLY what this is, in the 2025 thread but can repeat it here.  And I am very psyched for this line.  I wonder if McFarlane doing his little statue line was at all an impetus here.  I also wonder if they will be going for those iconic looks in this line or if we could see just about anything.


What I want:


a dedicated Green Goblin finally

Coipel Thor redo maybe

Human Torch

Mr. Fantastic

Cable - I know we're getting some serious 90s Cable love lately, but he more than most would make use of removable pouches, shoulders and ammo.  

Iron Man or War Machine with removable armor maybe.


This line could be my top thing now.

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I think Legends has needed a higher tier SKU for a little while with a more premium approach. I'm skeptical this will be it, but am willing to wait and see. Spider-Man looks okay, hard to tell how much paint will be on him, but he certainly comes with a lot. Do we know the price? Feels like 35-40 at most, which would put them right in the NECA price range. Say what you will about NECA, but their products at least look premium so I would expect the same polish here if they're going to be that expensive.

The Scarecrow Guy
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I feel like any shape-shifter would be great in this line- Sandman, Mystique, Mr. Fantastic. I'll echo the sentiment that a deluxe Iceman would be amazing, and Human Torch feels like he lends himself well to the format. Both Storms feel like they could benefit from it as well- X-Men Storm and Sue Storm. Venom and Carnage could be cool too, for more of an unstable symbiote look, but I'm happy enough with the ones we already have. The possibilities are endless, but I do think my expectations need to be tempered for quite a bit- I'm sure it's mostly the heavy hitters we'll be seeing in the line, at least for a while.

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Magneto with a shield or I riot.  🤨 

Good grief. Admin
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This will be the line where they make a Captain America with a first appearance shield, his golden age shield with more blue, an energy shield and probably another battle damaged shield but no regular shield, and they will bellow their laughter to the unforgiving skies.

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Impressed that this is an all new mold, as well as the accessory load out.   Overall a pretty great looking offering.   Now it is just a matter of price.......

Definitely going to have to preorder this one.

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Really excited for this initiative. I think Hasbro struggles walking the line between kid and adult figures, Legends are just within the price range of a kid/young adult, and just within the range of what's acceptable to an adult collector. Whereas NECA figures begin to teeter more towards adults, both in price and quality.  

As someone that collects MAFEX as well, I pickup Legends to fill in blanks of characters I want but I either don't think MAFEX will make (Generation X) or for characters that I like but don't love enough to drop between $65-95 on. 

But there are a lot more characters I'd pick up in Legends if I was more happy with the finished product. I kind of get tired of buying a figure to have the character vs buying a figure because I'm jazzed about the figure. And I'm also a one and done kind of collector - I don't really want several versions of one character to build an ultimate version, not enough space or $. So this really really bring me back to the Legends table. I imagine there are many collectors in a similar place. 

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Arrrrg! I thought that RYV Spider-Man was the last red and blue Spidey I would ever need, but that's out the window now. This new one is just too awesome to pass up. I'm going to need at least 3 or 4 of them.

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I just want a properly done Iceman with plenty of effects / slide parts.  I could see Cable with his giant shoulder gun from the Phalanx Covenant that was eventually a ToyBiz figure back in the 90s.  I dunno how much more Wolverine stuff I'd need but I'll leave the option open.  This Spiderman, while cool, misses the mark for me with the Uncanny Valley looking Peter Parker head, and mostly accessories that would come with other figures, so now you can just buy this to get all of that.  The eyes are a bit far apart on this Spidey for my tastes so I dunno how this would realistically be THAT much more than most deluxe figures, but I'm sure Hasbro will find a way.


ditko reacted
Basil Elks
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We all know that they'll make a Deadpool for this. 😉 😛 😆

NORM reacted
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Posted by: @basil-elks

We all know that they'll make a Deadpool for this. 😉 😛 😆


That's a good call, they definitely will


Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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😮 I would LOVE to see a classic {either 80s or 90s version, or both} Typhoid Mary, for this. 😮 😀 Can you imagine the kick-assness of how she would look?

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