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Good grief. Admin
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I think the Fwoosh Canadarian to English translator is broken.

Enforcer reacted
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Posts: 223

Sorry. I'm still laughing at the "if I throw a SHF/Mafex at the wall it'll break" comment. Yeah, and if I slam my car into a wall or a bollard, it'll be a write off, so what? It's one of the most demented ways to make a point I've seen in ages. Yeah, a cheap, gummy plastic figure designed for kids will laugh it off, and maybe if I had kids or was insane enough to throw things at walls, I'd be more concerned but I don't and I'm not.

Give me the paint and the premium plastic, it looks great and feels great and I demand the best.

TheSameIdiot reacted
Niko (formerly Jead)
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In all seriousness though, if tiger stripe Wolverine is next up for MAXIMUM after Hulk (and if he isn't, he will by #4), my expectations are:

  • At least 5 sets of hands
  • A new torso on par with the Astonishing figure, if not better (Jada/Import construction is simply better)
  • Heads, belts, and shoulderpads to recreate first appearance, Dave Cockrum, and Jim Lee
  • Maybe swappable expression face plates or something!
  • Unmasked head and mask, that for once doesn't look like one of those "exotic" inbred bulldogs, bonus points if they also include a classic widow's peak unmasked head too.
  • Several slash effects

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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Increasingly I'm thinking I'll just skip this Spidey as I'm not a big Spiderman guy, and I have at least half a dozen already to fill that slot.  I don't own a Hulk, but I think if they made a neon green one styled after the Marvel Super Heroes game, I'd have to buy that one, but that would probably be the only one.  I think he was styled after Gary Frank's art.

I'm in the same boat regarding Spider-Man, and specifically the Maximum figure of him.   If he's more than $35, I'll skip him.  I'm guessing they'll just re-release the body with a lighter blue down the road, which would be more preferable to me.   And it'll likely be cheaper since it won't have all the accessories.  BAF or retro release.  A large part of the mark-up for the Maximum figure is the accessories, and frankly they'll just go in a drawer/tub to basically never be used again.  So I don't need to pack double the price of a figure just to get some semi-useless accessories.

If the Maximum line is priced at $50 for a normal sized figure, I'll likely be passing on most, if not all, of them.  Oversized characters, like Hulk, which would be even more ($75?) would be more debatable/tempting, but again...accessories don't interest me much.  There are so many oversized import figures which hover around $75-100 which are way more interesting and appealing to me. 


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Posted by: @protozoalord

In all seriousness though, if tiger stripe Wolverine is next up for MAXIMUM after Hulk (and if he isn't, he will by #4), my expectations are:

  • At least 5 sets of hands
  • A new torso on par with the Astonishing figure, if not better (Jada/Import construction is simply better)
  • Heads, belts, and shoulderpads to recreate first appearance, Dave Cockrum, and Jim Lee
  • Maybe swappable expression face plates or something!
  • Unmasked head and mask, that for once doesn't look like one of those "exotic" inbred bulldogs, bonus points if they also include a classic widow's peak unmasked head too.
  • Several slash effects

How are they going to add multiple belts without them breaking?


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Posted by: @protozoalord

In all seriousness though, if tiger stripe Wolverine is next up for MAXIMUM after Hulk (and if he isn't, he will by #4), my expectations are:

  • At least 5 sets of hands
  • A new torso on par with the Astonishing figure, if not better (Jada/Import construction is simply better)
  • Heads, belts, and shoulderpads to recreate first appearance, Dave Cockrum, and Jim Lee
  • Maybe swappable expression face plates or something!
  • Unmasked head and mask, that for once doesn't look like one of those "exotic" inbred bulldogs, bonus points if they also include a classic widow's peak unmasked head too.
  • Several slash effects


Based on what they included with Spider-Man I think you should prepare to be disappointed.    I do not think this line will include anything close to that amount of extras and accessories,  especially if they are tooling an all new torso for the figure.    Maybe you get half that list, I'd think.


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Posted by: @revox

Sorry. I'm still laughing at the "if I throw a SHF/Mafex at the wall it'll break" comment. Yeah, and if I slam my car into a wall or a bollard, it'll be a write off, so what? It's one of the most demented ways to make a point I've seen in ages.

I think he was kidding.  He was responding to me with that comment, and I said his point was valid because I figured he was just exaggerating for effect.  And he's generally right that Legends survive falls and rough handling far better than the import brands, and I'm not sure we shouldn't all expect enough design and QC standards to support kids playing with them. 

But as was pointed out that would mean them sacrificing some of the articulation joints they use that Hasbro doesn't because it doesn't meet their higher QC standards to make them more kid-resistant.  That's the counterpoint.

And the counter-counterpoint is that Jada has landed between Hasbro and Medicom/Bandai with superior articulation AND resistance to rough kid play at a really cheap price. That's why I think he was exaggerating.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @revox

Sorry. I'm still laughing at the "if I throw a SHF/Mafex at the wall it'll break" comment. Yeah, and if I slam my car into a wall or a bollard, it'll be a write off, so what? It's one of the most demented ways to make a point I've seen in ages.

I think he was kidding.  He was responding to me with that comment, and I said his point was valid because I figured he was just exaggerating for effect.  And he's generally right that Legends survive falls and rough handling far better than the import brands, and I'm not sure we shouldn't all expect enough design and QC standards to support kids playing with them. 

But as was pointed out that would mean them sacrificing some of the articulation joints they use that Hasbro doesn't because it doesn't meet their higher QC standards to make them more kid-resistant.  That's the counterpoint.

And the counter-counterpoint is that Jada has landed between Hasbro and Medicom/Bandai with superior articulation AND resistance to rough kid play at a really cheap price. That's why I think he was exaggerating.

Yeah, I was pretty much kidding and exaggerating for effect but never thought I was demented until I looked it up. revox may have caught something I wasn't aware of. I'm not kidding I will have to point this out to my doctor at my next checkup in Feb. I am at that age where the symptoms arise.


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@stephenwdavis $73 US would be Engine of Vengeance levels of scalping. Hasbro has to have learned it’s lesson from that debacle, right?

Niko (formerly Jead)
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 257

Posted by: @panthercult

Based on what they included with Spider-Man I think you should prepare to be disappointed.    I do not think this line will include anything close to that amount of extras and accessories,  especially if they are tooling an all new torso for the figure.    Maybe you get half that list, I'd think.

Doesn't hurt to dream, but we did get 3 heads, 5 sets of hands, a handful of effects + stand, a completely new tooled figure with Spidey. I figure with a Wolverine release, the only things from my list that would be missing (excluding the maybe and bonus already) are the first appearance parts.


Posted by: @wummyhulk

How are they going to add multiple belts without them breaking?

If they did a ball joint at the waist and torso, they could intend for the figure to be popped apart at the waist. Just swap for the new belt and you're golden. This is Hasbro though, so who knows if they'll get with the times.


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So it's 50USD.  As expected.  Like I said I'll buy 3.  I wonder if Hulk is next, he will cost more. I think we see another one in between, could see Deadpool.

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@protozoalord They could just make the belts peg open and closed. Could be in the back, doesn't even need to be at the buckle. They did it for plenty of belts back in the day. Think Target 3pk Ulitmate Cap (came with Carol Danvers and Radioactive Man).

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Dunno about $25 for some webbing and a Spidey sense.  Though the Spidey sense is probably the better accessory of the bunch.

Good grief. Admin
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It's probably against some kind of safety regulations for small parts but I'd have preferred a single Spider-Man head with pegholes that came with a variety of different Spider-eyes. Slitted, bronze-aged, squinting, maybe even cracked. I'd prefer that over splooge effects.

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I think they'd be better to just include extra heads.  Swapping out eyes?  The eyes either could fall out.  Or a peg could tear off.  You could lose some eyes (not your own but the figure's).  Solid heads with different eye expressions would be a cool bonus.  Hell, release a heads with expressions accessory pack to be able to use with any Spider-Man figure (provided they stick to the same shade of red across multiple figures).

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