I would have just preferred a battle damaged head as was originally rumored.
Yep that would have been better.
I'm neutral on the wink-eyes that artists have been adding to Spidey's mask. It's completely unrealistic unless we're talking about a Stark-tech mask--and they did a GREAT job with this in the Tom Holland films, including giving a functional explanation for why the Stark mask had eyes that changed sizes--but meh, I think I very mildly prefer artists giving expressions to the mask even when it's supposed to be just some kind of fabric. It's unrealistic but fun, yet I still don't see myself using a wink-eye head much in displays. It's a nice option, but far inferior to a battle-damaged mask head. I almost always use that one we got with the 2018 12-inch Legends Wolverine figure that we also got later in a smaller size with the Love Triangle tiger stripe Wolverine.
Nah, he IS much better than RYV. That figure is just not that great. Can't look up, low shoulders, etc.
I thought RYV would be my one an only Spidey as he seemed the ultimate version at the time, since then I've bought 3-4 other Spidermen, including 2 Symbiote varieties. I don't know that I'd need any more Symbiote versions as the Secret Wars one with the Retro carded one's head scratches that itch pretty well. But never say never.
Iceman really is the one I'm holding out for here as he's really gotten almost no accessories thus far, let alone a decent sculpt.
I won't mind if they reuse the Maximum Spidey for a release elsewhere. They could reuse it but have the blue be lighter. Keep the red the same. So you could still use the alternate Maximum parts with the re-release. May even be nice to have a reuse figure come with a different, alternate head, which you could also then use on the Maximum figure.
I can also get the Mafex's leg up and behind him like that photo, you don't know how the torso is even posed, it's hidden.
Got a pic, or has anyone else seen anyone do this on a Mafex?
I feel like this is pretty close!
Side note about the squinty eye, I like it in theory but it needs to be exaggerated more imo.
It's a slow toy day so thought I'd chime in because why not? Had to snap these pics in my bathroom because my office lamp's bulb blew out and it's dim here, so couldn't 1:1 ref the Hasbro pic.
But, yeah, the MAFEX Spidey can more or less hit the pose, thigh cuts would help but I'm glad it doesn't have them.. Also, I think he looks dope in a neutral pose. I feel like most Legends actually look lumpy and disjointed in neutral poses. They don't have flow. Also - this was $47 from HLJ, with $6.50 shipping (shipped with MAFEX Symbiote Spidey, Sentinel Spidey, and an SHF Gundam... $6.50 per fig when divided) Currently it looks like Plaza Japan has him for $56.
Also of note, that head is from Fahrulstore35. I have this head and a retro 60's style one and they both fit perfectly and only set me back $15 a head. I believe he sizes to Legends, too. Shipping was super cheap. Highly recommend.
You know what's awesome? How many great Spidey figures are on the market.
This discussion of Mafex Spidey inspired me to dig mine out. Why does mine have knees that won’t straighten his legs? Like they’re permanently bent slightly. I used to have it posed in four point stance, but getting him to stand up straight will never happen thanks to those knees. Not satisfactory.
I actually got my Jada SF Fei long to do that Spidey pose. And he has thicker hips and legs due to the design of the pants. Lol. And also if the MAfex Spideys can do that pose, then technically those $20 CT versions should be able to do that too. CT Wolverine can’t. I tried.
I'm a simple guy, as long as this new Spidey is ever so slightly shorter than the three-pack DD I'm good with it. If it is then I'm gonna want every Spiderman again on this new body.
Imagine if they did that first Retro line with the current Pinless Cap, Pinless Wolverine, Maximum Spider-Man, the 2 pack Punisher with white boots and gloves, the new Pinless Neo Classic/Space Iron Man and the deluxe Black Widow. What a banger that series would be and shows how things have improved in 8 years.
I would have just preferred a battle damaged head as was originally rumored.
Oh, but that unmasked head has seen some battle damage. He looks like he just got clocked and is on his way down.
I actually got my Jada SF Fei long to do that Spidey pose. And he has thicker hips and legs due to the design of the pants.
Yeah, it doesn't take a $70-$80 hike to import prices to get a figure to pose well, just a willingness/ability to engineer it to do so.
Again, ML shouldn't be trying to compete with Mafex. They should be trying to compete with Jada.
At $50 I will buy 3. This is McFarlane Spider-man - one of my absolute faves in the day. If it's not yours then I can see why this maybe doesn't excite you or something else is "fine enough" but to me it's friggin epic.
MAFEX did not nail Spider-man as far as McFarlane goes. Mafex only wins on paint. I can see how for some it's "close enough" but I wouldn't pay the money for that. This Hasbro not only nails the poses (from the comics) better than any other figure; it perfectly captures his physique as Todd drew him, his eyes, headsculpt including a Peter sculpt straight from the comics and the deco. This is the color palette from the comics, and the tight weblines are perfect, huge aspect of that depiction and has never been done appropriately before. These are all important details that are usually missed. I appreciate it and am a wacko in the "take my money" category.
I will pay for what I always wanted and not look back. When toys don't quite match the art as I remember it, I just don't buy it. It's exciting to see the design team go all in here and am pumped for what's next. I'd like to think as a consumer for a long time I deserve an option like that instead of the run of the mill shit. "Hey I got it for $20 or on sale" is irrelevant to me. Product is all that matters. Why shouldn't they do something higher end, but at a lower price than Mafex? Now I don't own the new JADAs and I'm sure there's a conversation in the future about just how much something like this should be priced.
2-3 a year hardly breaks the bank or crushes the line as we know it. This is all good.
I want to like this thing more, 50 or 60 dollar price point isnt even my issue here
I dislike the Parker head and the web pattern plus the darkness of the blue, I get that its going for a specific look but they really could have made something special with swappable eye lenses with a couple different artist style eyes and a looser web pattern ala the mafex