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First up is ‘90s inspired Spider-Man with dozens of accessories

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I'll get it.  I imagine he'll be pricey, but it's the last Spidey I'll even need right?  Right???

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Honestly, I regret missing out on the RYV Spider-Man. That would have been my ideal Spidey.

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There are hopefully just a handful of characters I'd want in this format: Hulk, Captain America, Daredevil, Wolverine. A lot of what we've gotten recently already almost fits the bill. 60th Black Widow, 85th Iron Fist, I don't think I could ask for more when it comes to either of those. But having end-all definitive versions of the four I mentioned would be ideal. Other characters have too many other costumes that I'd want. Even Wolverine may be in that category. I think I'd want the brown costume in this format.

stuartgreen reacted
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Bruh, there is a very obvious entry that needs to be in this series: DOCTOR DOOM. All-new, pinless, classic Kirby/Byrne sculpt with all kinds of alt-parts and accessories, including options for plastic OR cloth cape. Make it so. Then do Doc Ock.

PanchaMaestro, swoop716, TheSameIdiot and 4 people reacted
Lucid Silverback
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While this first offering is not quite my cup of tea, I can see this format being an excellent way to get a Deluxe Iceman with all sorts of sexy ice effects.


Posted by: @normdapito

First up is ‘90s inspired Spider-Man with dozens of accessories

First post needs some pics!

TheGillMan, swoop716, polarboy and 1 people reacted
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You guys are better at thinking outside of the obvious. Doom and Iceman are great ideas and perfect for this format. Doom could get classic and modern masks, plastic and soft goods cape, hand for holding a goblet of wine... Iceman could get ice slide and ice hand effects, X-Factor belt and regular X-Men belt, round head and frozen flat-top/buzz cut head... A boy can dream.

puckace, gpmartin414, stuartgreen and 1 people reacted
Basil Elks
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Dr. Octopus, in his suit and tie, with various tentacles, for standing on all four {low}, standing on all four {high}, grabbing, standing on just two, attacking, coiling, curling, etc. 😀

stuartgreen reacted
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They said there would be "a couple more" of these yet this year. We know that Hulk is going to be one of them.

If they're doing that few a year, I'd expect super A-listers to get the treatment first, so much so that I'm mildly surprised that Hulk would be the 2nd one done. I would have expected Spidey, Wolverine and Cap to be the first 3 out of the gate....with Iron Man and key X-Men next, but of course they did a crap ton of Wolverines just last year!

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Is it really the MAXIMUM Dr. Doom if it doesn't come with the throne of Latveria though?   Is it?


I'm trying to think of characters that maximize this format and work for what they want to do with the line in terms of making it sort of a more evergreen type of thing that retailers can order to continue to have heavy hitters available.


Like Black Panther is a bigger deal than he used to be overall -  and he's obviously my favorite character -  but I think he'd actually be a pretty terrible fit for this line.    He isn't a figure that needs a ton of accessories and there have been some nice definitive versions released over the last couple of years...


You know who might fit the format really well though -  multiple different portraits,  lots of different accessories, maybe swappable arms for coat and no coat option -  would be Punisher.    You could really plus out a release for that guy with a lot of fun add ons



stuartgreen and NORM reacted
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I agree with Punisher too. I've been trying to make my guesses based on a single iconic costume. Iron Man is out because he has too many armors. Even Wolvie would give me a hard time choosing between the brown costume or tiger stripe. Same for Cyclops. Currently, I'd want his Cockrum costume, but why not Jim Lee too? Swappable arms for a leather jacket, different expressions and eye beams, etc. Thor might work in this format, but I don't know how many options he needs. Spinning hammer, sets of hands, helmetless hair, hair down/hair blowing, would people be into that? Maybe Mr. Fantastic with different stretched body parts? I'd definitely be into that. Maybe Invisible Woman with swappable parts too?

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NEED a Maximum Series Green Goblin if this line starts delving into villains. A deluxe sized glider, smoke exhaust stand, Norman and Harry Osborn heads, all kinds of alternate hands including pointers, and a bunch of different weapons. All on a new body with updated articulation.

TheGillMan, Akatsuki, TheSameIdiot and 4 people reacted
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Posted by: @feces-flinger

While this first offering is not quite my cup of tea, I can see this format being an excellent way to get a Deluxe Iceman with all sorts of sexy ice effects.


Posted by: @normdapito

First up is ‘90s inspired Spider-Man with dozens of accessories

First post needs some pics!


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For the new "Maximum" series, I'd love to see the following characters:
- Captain America.  Give us a classic Cap based on George Perez's art with an unmasked Steve Rogers alternate head, open hands, fist hands, grabbing shield handle hands, and accessories of his triangular shield, his classic round shield, and his Mark Waid era energy shield.
- Daredevil.  A sold-separately red costume Daredevil is long, looooong overdue.  I'd love to have an alternate Matt Murdock head, an alternate smiling DD head, open hands, grabbing hands, fist hands, mask to hold in his holding hands, and two billy club weapons.
- The Mighty Thor.  We need an updated body mold for the God of Thunder with new alternate heads (calm, smiling, angry, shouting), a cloth cape and/or soft plastic cape, grabbing hands, open hands, fist hands, and a frog Thor included.  I'll even take a Thor head sculpt without his helmet on.
Wolverine.  Tiger stripe or brown-and-tan would be just fine.  You can do a battle damaged head, masked head and Logan head with various expressions and the both open and fist hands with claws and without.  For the brown and tan version, we can get a removable belt with the yellow buckle and a removable belt with the x belt buckle.
- The Punisher.  I'd love to see a classic suit Punisher with alternate heads (sneering, angry, gritted teeth, etc.), alternate hands (open, fist, grabbing, etc.), multiple guns, and some missiles.
- The Fantastic Four.  Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, the Human Torch and the Thing - all of them with alternate heads, alternate hands, and accessories of their powers.  I'd list them, but that'd take too long.
- Scarlet Witch.  A classic version with multiple heads (smiling, angry, shouting, etc.) and hands (open, fists, grabbing, etc.) and some new energy effect accessories, along with a cloth and/or soft plastic cape, would be cool.
- Cyclops.  My top three versions I want are the '70s blue suit version, the blue-and-white X-Factor suit and '90s Jim Lee/Blue Team suit.  I'd love for all three versions to have a Scott Summers alternate head, a calm head sculpt, an alternate smiling head, an angry head sculpt, a red optic blast accessory, open hands, alternate fist hands, and grabbing hands.  For the '90s Jim Lee version, I'd love to see a brown bomber jacket included.

- Mary Jane Watson.  We can get the first appearance clothes with a removable jacket, bare arms, alternate jacket sleeve arms, purse, and multiple alternate heads, including her smiling first appearance panel face sculpt based on John Romita Sr.'s art.
- Doctor Doom.  A true Silver Age looking Doom figure hasn't been made in far too long.  We can have an classic Doom helmet head sculpt, a Doombot alternate head, soft plastic and/or cloth cape, open hands, grabbing hands, fist hands, chalice, "Kirby crackle" energy effects for his hands, and throne.
- Doctor Octopus.  I want a green-and-yellowish orange suit version as much as the white Armani suit and would welcome both to my toy shelves.  For both versions, I want open hands, fist hands, grabbing hands, a smiling head sculpt, an angry head sculpt and a laughing head sculpt.  For the classic green-and-orange Doc Ock, I want to see an ISO-38 accessory a la "The Final Chapter" and a head sculpt with black glasses with white mirrored lenses, a la "The Death of Captain Stacy".  For the white Armani suit version, we could see Doc Ock with an accessory of his antidote, an alternate head without glasses and "Mark of Kaine" alternate head sculpt from "Web of Death".
- Carnage.  And no, I'm not saying Carnage just to write "Maximum Carnage" (but it is a bonus).  I'd love a more classic Mark Bagley looking Carnage figure with a new Cletus Kasady alternate head, alternate hands, and multiple weapon hand accessories.
- Venom. We've got the Todd McFarlane version, but we could go with a Mark Bagley '90s version that has a smiling head, wagging tongue alternate head, shouting head, alternate Eddie Brock hands, open clawed finger hands, fist hands, grabbing hands, and web rope accessory.
- Green Goblin.  I'd love to see a classic John Romita Sr. art-based version with open hands, alternate fist hands, grabbing hands, a pumpkin bomb accessory, a laughing head sculpt, a smiling head sculpt, an alternate angry head sculpt, and alternate civilian heads of Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn and Dr. Bart Hamilton.  I'd also include accessories of his broomstick and his "bat-wing" shaped classic Goblin Glider that stays on his feet.  Toss in a flight stand and smoke effects for the Glider and it'd be perfect.
- Hobgoblin.  A classic first appearance Hobgoblin is overdue.  I'd include the same head and hand accessories as Green Goblin, but I'd toss in some razor bat accessories, a shadowy Hobgoblin alternate head (all black but with red eyes), and alternate heads for Ned Leeds, Jason Macendale, Roderick Kingsley, Flash Thompson and J. Jonah Jameson (as a nod to "Untold Tales of Spider-Man").
- Mysterio.  I know, it's yet another Spider-Man villain, but this is the perfect opportunity for adding all the bells and whistles for the Master of Illusion.  You can have a removable helmet, a removable lightweight plastic or cloth cape, open hands, alternate fist hands, holding hands to hold his helmet, smoke effects, laser blasts for his gloves, and alternate civilian heads of Quentin Beck (classic with hair), Beck (bald), Daniel Berkhart and J. Jonah Jameson (as an Easter egg from "The Mysterio Manifesto").
- Magneto.  If we're going to get a definitive version of the master of Magnetism, like Mysterio, let's include all of the accessories we can.  A removable helmet, a calm head sculpt, an alternate angry head sculpt, a shouting head sculpt, open hands, alternate fist hands, holding hands to hold his helmet, a cloth or lightweight plastic cape, and some "magnetized" effect accessories and "magnetized" metal items.
- Mystique.  I know, we're getting the Retro version this year (or maybe the Retro Mystique is a "Maximum" release), but I'd love to see alternate heads and hands of other characters for Mystique in addition to alternate heads (calm, smiling, angry, etc.) and hands (open, fist, gripping, etc.) with a few gun accessories.

And these are just the ones off of the top of my head.  And yes, Iceman would also make a great "Maximum" figure.

joedick reacted
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Holy Crow... that's a lot of figure at $40 each or whatever.


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