Day 789 waiting for Vision and White Vision solicitations.
Anyone get Carnage and like him? Mine arrives today. I don't like how they made him so toweringly huge in the film, but besides that the figure looks fantastic.
I have him; he's fantastic! My only real complaint is that you can't remove the tendril "ports" on his back and display him clean like you can with Venom.
I miss getting semi-regular SHF MCU releases and announcements.
Wowee, not a fan of that mustache on the Norman Osborne heads. Between that and the lackluster expressions, I guess I'll have to wait for a 3rd party headsculpt. Not like the figure doesn't already cost $175.
This is one of the VERY rare times (might even be the first time) where I'd say the Marvel Legends figure definitively beats out the SHF. The paint on the body/glider and more fluid articulation are the only real advantages the Figuarts looks to have. Accessories could go either way. The SHF has more hands, which is always good, but I'd rather the helmet that the Legends has. Much stronger likeness and expression on the unmasked Legends head too.
What's really crazy is that the ML roughly costs about 25% as much as the SHF.
I'm just going to wait until someone makes a custom helmet head for the figuarts, unless the the MLs one ends up fitting on the SHF and matching the color
Looks like we are getting Captain Marvel, I hope we get Kamala and Monica also. Or just Kamala.
That's not a good head sculpt.
All these toy companies do Brie Larson so dirty.
The picture itself looks a bit pixelated, could be that. Not that their previous Brie Larson sculps were great.
Does anyone have any comparison pics of the ML Guardians 3 Star-Lord & the Figuarts version? I’m curious as to which looks better.
Carol is looking much better in the floor show pictures, but the only real thing tempting me about this is that powered up head.
It should have been her second costume. Hopefully MAFEX get around to it.
Around SDCC, there was a Figuarts ATS Spider-Gwen shown with the hair extended as if she was hanging upside down. I think it was just a rerelease with a new head. Does anyone have any info on this figure? I haven’t seen any info since the initial reveal.
To answer my own question, it looks like the “rooftop” versions of Gwen and Miles will be available during NYCC next week. Hopefully they’ll be up online sometime after that.