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@meanstreak Don’t quote me but I think he did hint Iceman, Beast, *and* Colossus were all in the pipeline too. The only classic Xbods not mentioned were Angel and Nightcrawler alas.

Magneto Was Right
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I'm hoping they're not all Jim Lee-era X-Men. Fine if they want to make those, too, but I'd like to see stuff from all eras.

RAM KaBLAM reacted
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Picked up Mafex Storm in a recent sale and really like her 🙂

The only thing I would change honestly was I wish instead of the "pursed lips" head which is near identical to the "neutral" head that they had done a non powered up head i.e. with normal instead of whited out eyes (showing her normal eyes as can be seen here)

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Posted by: @jag2045

Picked up Mafex Storm in a recent sale and really like her 🙂

The only thing I would change honestly was I wish instead of the "pursed lips" head which is near identical to the "neutral" head that they had done a non powered up head i.e. with normal instead of whited out eyes (showing her normal eyes as can be seen here)


All I can think about here is how much people would argue about what color they made her eyes since those two pictures show two different eye colors.  😳 


jag2045 and Red Ogre reacted
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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @jag2045

Picked up Mafex Storm in a recent sale and really like her 🙂

The only thing I would change honestly was I wish instead of the "pursed lips" head which is near identical to the "neutral" head that they had done a non powered up head i.e. with normal instead of whited out eyes (showing her normal eyes as can be seen here)




All I can think about here is how much people would argue about what color they made her eyes since those two pictures show two different eye colors.  😳 



LOL - honestly her eyes would change colour in TAS due to the various animation studios used

They were usually blue though


Heck that pic of her with brown eyes is from the episode "Whatever It Takes" and so are these 2!





Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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🎶🎶🎶Lightning makes her brown eyes, bluuuu-uuuuee! 🎶🎶🎶

TheGillMan reacted
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I only remember them being mentioned once, it was in the comics and Kitty had said something like "I've never seen a black person with blue eyes before"


So I think canonically they're meant to be blue.




jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @handsome

I only remember them being mentioned once, it was in the comics and Kitty had said something like "I've never seen a black person with blue eyes before"


Oh, I think I remember that.  Pretty sure that comment would get Kitty cancelled today.  😳 

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@enigmaticclarity that would make about no sense to me but yeah you’re probably right.

edit: wait what am I saying? That comment in a comic is just unnecessary. 😆🤦‍♂️

Magneto Was Right
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hmmberto reacted
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Picked up Magneto the other day to and he's certainly gonna be my main Magneto in my collection going forward.

With him and Storm I'm leaning towards possibly going down the rabbit hole of Jim Lee/X-Men TAS Mafex

Just to clarify, so far the ones who have been released are:

  • Cyclops
  • Wolverine
  • Jean Grey
  • Storm
  • Gambit
  • Magneto 
  • Psylocke 
  • Phoenix (currently up for pre-order)


Is that all? Any others revealed yet?

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Posted by: @jag2045

Just to clarify, so far the ones who have been released are:

  • Cyclops
  • Wolverine
  • Jean Grey
  • Storm
  • Gambit
  • Magneto 
  • Psylocke 
  • Phoenix (currently up for pre-order)

That's mostly it, plus two versions of Deadpool (Guruhiru and X-Force).  And there are two versions of Cyclops (Jim Lee and X-Factor), three of Wolverine (tiger stripe, brown suit, and X-Force), and two of Magneto (Age of Apocalypse and classic).

jag2045 reacted
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Plus AoA Cyclops, Wolvie, and Nate Grey on the schedule.

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @jag2045

Just to clarify, so far the ones who have been released are:

  • Cyclops
  • Wolverine
  • Jean Grey
  • Storm
  • Gambit
  • Magneto 
  • Psylocke 
  • Phoenix (currently up for pre-order)

That's mostly it, plus two versions of Deadpool (Guruhiru and X-Force).  And there are two versions of Cyclops (Jim Lee and X-Factor), three of Wolverine (tiger stripe, brown suit, and X-Force), and two of Magneto (Age of Apocalypse and classic).

Thanks - although honestly just interested in figures in their 90's/X-Men TAS looks 🙂


Posted by: @revox

Plus AoA Cyclops, Wolvie, and Nate Grey on the schedule.

Thanks, although personally have no interest in AoA figs 🙂


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Personally, I'm very excited about the Age of Apocalypse stuff. The Legends ones were fine, but Cyclops was pretty unremarkable, and I look forward to Mafex improving upon it. I would really like to see them tackle a character or two that Legends didn't get to, most notably Havok, since it seems unlikely Legends is going back to that well any time soon.

It's also exciting to hear that the rest of the blue and gold teams are in the pipeline. I'm especially curious to see a Mafex take on Colossus. I'm hoping his outfit will have the 90s updates to that costume, since the Legends version is definitely based on his 70s appearances.

Mafex definitely occupies this slightly awkward space for me economically, though. It's definitely my favourite line for X-Men characters, and just about every figure they've done is an upgrade over the Legends equivalent, but they're usually quite minor upgrades. For three to five times the price, I'm not always sure they're enough better. It hasn't stopped me buying them, though, I suppose...

jag2045 reacted
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