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Hmm wow that is like exactly what I want from ML on the Vulcan body. And alternate heads like this vs doing the 1 stoic face they do every. single. time.

reefer shark
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BBTS has DD up with some static/museum shots.   I think he looks really good.  A bit on the skinny side, but so much range with those butterfly joints.   

I'm not 100 percent sold on him yet, but I imagine I'll end up getting him unless Hasbro bangs out new/improved version.  That last one from the 3 pack was really close to being the definitive DD IMO.

jag2045 reacted
Magneto Was Right
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Gorgeous. Strange that I have a small amount of faith in Medicom's projected Sept. 2024 release date?

He's up at HLJ and AmiAmi already.

brandwizard and souled4 reacted
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Yeah, DD isn't blowing me away as much as I thought he would. He seems really gangly! I wish they'd gone with metallic red/silver on the billy clubs as well, instead of all white.

Mister Voorhees
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DD was always the one Marvel figure I really wanted Mafex to do but this one isn't doing it for me. The proportions look weird -- the legs and (especially) the arms look skinny, and the head looks a bit big. I'd probably be more excited for it if not for the ML three-pack figure, which is nearly perfect (and would be perfect with a shoulder swap).

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Daredevil looks too scrawny.  

I do wish the arm articulation could be more cleaned up, but I guess that's just how Mafex designs them.

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I think DD looks good, he usually has a athletic build. hes not the buff type. the legends version has weird narrow shoulders

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I like him. I'm okay with a slim DD.  But the faces... I think that's what stopping me from loving it. Not sure what it is.. they hit okay from some angles but in others he looks a little nerdy. In hand, though, I don't think I'll be able to put him down. Excited, day 1 preorder for me. I'm sure I'll love him two years from now, when he finally arrives. 

brandwizard reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I'm surprised the DD reaction has been mixed. He's a bit skinny, but I've never pictured Matt as a brawler. I think of him as a ninja/acrobat-type. He doesn't really even have superpowers.

The proportions look fine to me, though I'll mostly display him with his limbs obscured anyway:

jag2045 and brandwizard reacted
reefer shark
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Yeah, after letting it set it and checking the pics out again a few times, I went ahead and ordered this guy.  I think he looks great, and will go well with the Mafex Spidey and Wolvie on my shelf.

My hope is that they do a Zeck style Punisher next, and that he is not underscaled!   Don't "Thor" Frank Medicom!

Flexion Dynamo
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Posted by: @Anonymous

I think DD looks good, he usually has a athletic build. hes not the buff type. the legends version has weird narrow shoulders


Not untrue. Need something in between the two. 


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I've come around as well.  I'm not bothered by the shoulders or screaming head as I expressed yesterday; that head looks great.  The shoulders are just unfortunate posing with the wrong camera angles, and I realized last night many Mafex figures would look the same as DD does in the promos if posed like that and photographed from the same angles.

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I didn't really pay attention to the Daredevil's body type until I made my post yesterday, but I don't mind it. With him doing parkour and acrobatics, it makes a little sense. At least, that's how I tried to justify it. I went ahead and ordered him from BBTS.

And a Mike Zeck Punisher would RULE! I just hope it won't be another Winter Soldier situation.

jag2045 reacted
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I don't hate it, but that voice in my head is asking me why I'd want to get it when I have the three-pack version already.

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I like the luxurious import toy smell.  

Made from the richest forms of ABS and PVC plastic.

Preordered immediately.

Revox reacted
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