Was a Mafex X-Man shown? I missed that.
AoA Cyclops I might end up buying for sheer nostalgia reasons. I was a kid when AoA came out and was still buying monthlies, loved it then and appreciate it for that reason. The ML figure was lackluster but would have been fine, but seeing a fully realized version in scale with the rest of the collection? Yeah I'm gonna get that.
For someone who was never much of a fan of Cap originally, I can't believe I'm going to end up with a First Avenger (sort of, it's the museum version), Winter Soldier Stealth, and Endgame Caps but I love all three suits equally.
Phoenix is going to be the best MAFEX I've purchased. The color green they went with, the gold, the white eyes head. Perfect.
It really is, she looks like she stepped right off the page. None of the cheap yellow plastic treatment she usually gets, it's a joy to behold.
I have Endgame Cap but the boots on this new one make me smile. The boots bring down the Endgame Cap, but this makes up for it. Probably gonna give it a wash though, the blue is a bit bright for me.
Was a Mafex X-Man shown? I missed that.
As in Nate Grey? No.
I'm sure there are higher quality pictures of it, but I believe this was shown:
Yep, that's a Mafex Nate Grey right there.
Was a Mafex X-Man shown? I missed that.
As in Nate Grey? No.
I'm sure there are higher quality pictures of it, but I believe this was shown:
Whoa. My bad, I hadn't seen that.
Holy unexpected X-Men character, Batman.
Thanks for the pic! I totally missed that as well. Very unexpected.
So many X-Men I'd like to see them do so it's bittersweet to see them so focused on AoA, but they are fun designs. Wouldn't mind seeing them do some that ML never got to like Nightcrawler, Gambit, etc.
Honestly none of the new reveals are doing much for me. Bummer too, because I was really looking forward to a MaFex comic DD. I feel like they can do so much better than slapping him on the old Spidey body.
Just something to look out for on the MAFEX Storm, I was posing her today and discovered that her belt has stained the white paint on her torso. I haven't tried to remove it in the fear it'll strip the factory white too, but just incase it's happening to anyone else.
I've seen a few times where folks have said Daredevil is on the Spider-Man body. Is that confirmed? Comparing the Daredevil photos we have to the Symbiote Spider-Man, I don't really see a ton of similarity other than the same basic anatomy and articulation design. The chest, shoulders, and forearms look beefier on DD, to me.
He looks very similar to Nightwing, imo. I would guess they started from the same model for both of those figures, but that's absolute conjecture.
I've seen a few times where folks have said Daredevil is on the Spider-Man body. Is that confirmed? Comparing the Daredevil photos we have to the Symbiote Spider-Man, I don't really see a ton of similarity other than the same basic anatomy and articulation design. The chest, shoulders, and forearms look beefier on DD, to me.
He looks very similar to Nightwing, imo. I would guess they started from the same model for both of those figures, but that's absolute conjecture.
Not confirmed. After looking at some photos, I'm confident they're different base bodies.
Mafex doesn't reuse bodies across characters. If they do reuse, it's usually the same character.
That's good to hear! I need to go back and take another look at Matt... First impression wasn't spectacular, he definitely needs to completely beat out the last few ML figures aesthetically to get me to drop MaFex cash on him.
I agree that it is rather an odd choice to start doing the AOA x-men when so few 616 x-men have been done. I'm looking forward to the Phoneix figure and if they do a red repaint how mind blowing would it be if they included a Rachel Summers head. I think my most wanted marvel character in the future would be Nightcrawler in his Cockrum costume.