I enjoyed AoA, it was the cut off point for my first round of X-Men reading but I’m trying to be choosier about what I pick up so skipping these boys.
Guessing these aren't going to be a huge hit seeing as they were revealed yesterday and we didn't hear a peep on the forum.
Wouldn't they have been revealed overnight? Japan is about a half-day ahead of us so most things they do happen overnight for people in the Americas, and both the ToyArk and Marvelous News posts about them are dated today.
I'm not even sure how ToyArk and Marvelous News find out about some of these announcements. I usually see them in Medicom's Twitter feed, but they didn't post these two AoA figures there yet. There must be some other feed that ToyArk and Marvelous News watch that I'm unaware of.
Another thing is that in the previous forum several people used to post Mafex news, but lately it seems I'm the only one who posts new pre-orders or impending pre-order releases since I usually check the Medicom Twitter feed every day or two. Using this forum as a gauge I've wondered a few times if Mafex has been losing steam among collectors, but the top characters still sell out so fast that I really don't think that's true at all--people just post in this thread less than they used to the past few years.
Guessing these aren't going to be a huge hit seeing as they were revealed yesterday and we didn't hear a peep on the forum.
Wouldn't they have been revealed overnight? Japan is about a half-day ahead of us so most things they do happen overnight for people in the Americas, and both the ToyArk and Marvelous News posts about them are dated today.
I'm not even sure how ToyArk and Marvelous News find out about some of these announcements. I usually see them in Medicom's Twitter feed, but they didn't post these two AoA figures there yet. There must be some other feed that ToyArk and Marvelous News watch that I'm unaware of.
Another thing is that in the previous forum several people used to post Mafex news, but lately it seems I'm the only one who posts new pre-orders or impending pre-order releases since I usually check the Medicom Twitter feed every day or two. Using this forum as a gauge I've wondered a few times if Mafex has been losing steam among collectors, but the top characters still sell out so fast that I really don't think that's true at all--people just post in this thread less than they used to the past few years.
From what I've seen, Preternia is the quickest breaking news account. They posted about Wolverine and Cyclops at about 4 p.m. PT yesterday.
I post news here, but only stuff I'm interested in. If it's from the MCU or The Boys, for instance, I don't bother.
I'll be getting both Weapon X and Cyclops because the ML versions were poorly done in my opinion. If they do a better Rogue, Morph or Iceman I'll likely get those, but characters like X-Man, Sabretooth and Colossus I think Hasbro did a good job on so I've no need to replace those. Plus Weapon X seems to be the same height a Cyclops, so I think the scaling for larger figures in this line will likely be off anyway. Would have preferred some 5 o'clock shadow on Cyclops, and much like the ML Weapon X figure, I don't remember Wolverine having a bright yellow belt with an X on it in the comics, considering that he left the X-Men to save Jean from Apocalypse/Sinister because Magneto didn't want to bother.
Hopefully Hasbro gives us one more line of AOA, otherwise I'm gonna have to wait for Storm, Quicksilver, Gambit, Nightcrawler et all from Mafex, which wont be cheap. And I think they're likely to do a 616 and X-Force Nightcrawler repaint before they give us an AOA one.
Looks like classic MCU Cap is about to ship. I still can't tell if this guy can hold that classic shield or not. It looks from the pics like he can't and it's permanently attached to the diorama rock, but hopefully that's not the case.
BBTS has Hush Batman in blue, ROS Black Suit Superman and Hush up for preorder. Reissue maybe?
I really enjoy the mafex x-men figs but they are two pricey to be buying variants I'm afraid. I would dearly love a mafex Nightcrawler and will be disappointed if they do an AOA version instead. Although having said that one variant that could be good is the somewhat inevitable Dark Phoenix, if she comes with some amazing fire bird stand.
Isaac Wong got classic MCU Cap in hand, and apparently that classic shield is NOT permanently attached to the rock like in the promo shots and he CAN hold it. Good to know.
Looks good, but that unmasked head is terrible. I would've guessed Steve McQueen before Chris Evans.
Looks good, but that unmasked head is terrible. I would've guessed Steve McQueen before Chris Evans.
I woulda said Joel Edgerton or Jeremy Renner.
I've been unable to log into my Fwoosh account for months so this is old news for everybody else, but I just gotta say: that Venom 2099 might be one of the most disappointing reveals I've ever personally experienced. Of all Spider-Man villains, that's really the one you go with next? I know symbiotes are extremely popular, but I cannot imagine the audience for Venom 2099 is bigger than say, Doc Ock or Green Goblin. I'm not asking for Hammerhead or Paste-Pot-Pete here.
MAFEX makes strange choices. Sometimes I wonder if they are restrained by the licensor, or if Japan just has different tastes. But I think the issue is felt more because they take so long to release, and they only drop a couple figures a year for these different lines. They might be doing 90's Jim Lee X-Men into 2029.
From the Star Wars perspective... they have 4-LOM on the docket. After that... Bossk. I'm actually down for their Bossk, but 4-LOM is a head scratcher. I mean both are, really, compared to all the other SW classics you could ask for. No import company has even done a Bespin Luke yet. But there's an audience for an $85 4-LOM...?
No import company has even done a Bespin Luke yet. But there's an audience for an $85 4-LOM...?
Is the interest for a Bespin Luke really perceived to be so low that no one is making one? Is there a secret cabal of Luke haters pulling the strings in a global conspiracy to keep the only version of OT Luke not done multiple times, out of our hands?
Inquiring minds want to know. They also want a Bespin Luke that doesn't look like Droopy Dog wearing a potato sack!
I definitely think they should make a Bespin Luke, but I also am the audience for an 85 dollar 4-Lom. I'm up for Mafex versions of all the ESB bounty hunters.