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But to be fair, that one is the most old-school, classic headsculpt I've seen in awhile. She could be any number of Silver Age women. Which goes to the generic point.

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The white eyes and closed mouth/pupils heads look better than I initially thought now that I have her out of the package.  Seeing them under softer light in my living room helps.

Marvel Legends Man
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I'm getting both of them, but I don't really like the faces of either the Mafex or the Legends.I think my favorite Jean faces in 1/12 scale are the Love Triangle 3 pack and the Dark Phoenix 2 pack.

Prefer the colors of the Mafex to the Legends, but obviously the firebird effect piece is the great equalizer.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Just got notification from Ami Ami that classic Cap has been delayed from August to September for release.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Just got notification from Ami Ami that classic Cap has been delayed from August to September for release.

Booo to this news, but thanks for the heads up! I was holding off on shipping some things hoping he'd be dropping soon - guess I'd better go ahead and send 'em.


Marvel Legends Man
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Darn, I am also waiting for Cap so I can ship him with classic Spidey, Winter Soldier, and Phoenix.

Will have to keep waiting.

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Tiger stripe Wolverine is now in stock on BBTS.

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If I had the money right now I would seriously jump on that. Luckily the 97 Hasbro one is pretty great too. I doubt it will, but if it stays in stock I may be able to grab it next month after bills are paid lol.

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Posted by: @trunks3540

If I had the money right now I would seriously jump on that. Luckily the 97 Hasbro one is pretty great too. I doubt it will, but if it stays in stock I may be able to grab it next month after bills are paid lol.

They just re-released it in March, so who knows, maybe it will stick around this time.  It's pretty much perfect aside from the blue chest stripes which I don't mind since some of the Capcom art had it, and the biggest weakness is those claws are far too long and straight so I can easily see many or most fans preferring the Legends '97 version even if you ignore the 3x to 5x higher price on the Mafex.

I have the 2020 release and it had arms that fall apart at the biceps swivel too easily, but if memory serves I heard during the March re-release that they fixed that issue.  Even with that issue it's really easy to work around just by pushing the biceps swivel in towards his torso as you bend the arms so I've never much minded it aside from when I forget to compensate.

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Gave Phoenix a John Byrne makeover!

CTV, Akatsuki, rocko and 1 people reacted
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My Google English translation built into Chrome isn't great on this post, but I assume it's saying that they're about to re-issue the Into the Spider-Verse Peter and Miles figures.

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Apparently Peter and Miles aren't re-releases, they're "renewal" versions with new item numbers.  Here are the Medicom pages for them:



I don't have the originals, so if anyone spots design changes with these renewal versions please do share.

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Medicom also finally announced the releases of Age of Apocalypse Wolverine and Cyclops that they showed at cons this year, and unless I'm remembering wrong I thought they also showed them last year.  The costume design on Cyclops looks tough, so if they did first show the prototype last year I can definitely see why it took them a while to finally get him done.  I'm also a bit skeptical about how they implemented that strap, but hopefully they knocked it out of the park as they usually do.

I wasn't all that excited about either of these, but I must admit that seeing AoA Wolverine in the new Deadpool movie has increased my interest in that figure.  I love Cyclops and the effects on his figure look great so I'm sure I'll be in for him as well.

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These figures look great, and I have a soft spot for AoA - especially that Cyclops. I'm not sure I really need either one, but I certainly won't rule it out. If they made an AoA Nightcrawler (or any Nightcrawler really) I'd be on it like a shot.

Magneto Was Right
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Guessing these aren't going to be a huge hit seeing as they were revealed yesterday and we didn't hear a peep on the forum.

Despite being a huge X-Men guy, I couldn't care less about AoA.

TheGillMan reacted
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