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Looks like Phoenix is done and about to ship as scheduled.

jag2045 and Revox reacted
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Posted by: @kal-el
na definitely get Jubes and Iceman. Hopefully Mafex will give us Beast, Nightcrawler, Bishop and Colossus soon.

Soon for Mafex is a relative term. What they've just shown off will likely take us into 2026, factoring in they will likely have other releases besides the Marvel & DC stuff.


kal-el reacted
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Phoenix hit my HobbyLink Japan private warehouse overnight and is in stock for purchase now.

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I'm interested in seeing more pics of Phoenix. I'm surprised by how not blown away I am by the early pics compared to how Mafex usually knocks it out of the park.

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Posted by: @h-bird

I'm interested in seeing more pics of Phoenix. I'm surprised by how not blown away I am by the early pics compared to how Mafex usually knocks it out of the park.

For me it's the same thing as we see with most Mafex female faces--they look too anime-influenced.  This face is a bit better than the last Jean figure's face, but not by much.  I do like the head with the whited-out eyes more than any of the other Jean heads they've done though.

I'll wait until I have the Mafex in hand to do a more extensive head comparison with the Marvel Legends figures.  Right now I like the Marvel Legends 2-pack Dark Phoenix heads best of all, but I could see that changing after an in-hand comparison with these three new heads.

hmmberto reacted
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Kaiju Daddy has a review up for Phoenix already. 

jag2045 reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I love the colors. I say this fairly regularly around here, but I fucking love the Phoenix costume. It's one of my two or three favorite comic costumes.

The elbow articulation leaves something to be desired, but this is one of the few cases where I don't mind too much. She'll just be in a Christ pose on my shelf anyway.

I'm not sure if the Legends figure can top this, but either way, Phoenix/Jean fans are eating good this year.

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At the very least, by the end of this year, our Phoeni figures can have their hair and sashes blowing in whichever wind direction the shelf requires due to all the options.

Kind of surprised she didn't come with a flying base of any kind - but then, neither did Storm. I'm not in any rush for this figure as I got Storm and feel like I overpaid, but I will probably pick her up at some point.

jag2045 reacted
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Have there been updates on when comic Captain America should be releasing?

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Mafex Phoenix is comic accurate, but I was never a big fan of their Marvel female figures. Love their DC line, but Phoenix just looks so skinny and weird, like some old Toy Biz figure, idk. She is small, not gonna look good with other X-Men Legends. And I don't think we will get Giant-Size X-Men Cyclops, Storm or classic Angel from Medicom. 

So Legends it is.

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IDGAF about gummy Legends, and much prefer the gold of the Mafex so this will do me just fine.

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It's easy, gotta get both Phoenixes, MAFEX for the 70's Phoenix Saga, Legends for the Phoenix Endsong era.

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I think the the DHL driver screwed me with three stops left. What a POS.

Yeah, watching it drive back on the map to DHL. Not even 5pm and with some light drizzle (now clearing skies). Yep, better pack it in and head back.  I love how the tracking says arriving end of day with three stops when he's heading in the opposite direction.

Considering where he is stopped right now, I hope he's enjoying some fine baked goods. "Definitely my favorite bakery around", according to Linda B.

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I take back all the bad things I said about DHL.  I can't believe they went back out after driving 20+ miles away.  Jean and Aileen.

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After all the complaining about DHL, I didn't get a chance to open my figures. Like most Mafex comic figures, the face paint looks too pale and washed out for my taste. Very disappointing their non masked heads continue to not be in the same ballpark as ML.  I can't imagine any top toy photographer ever using the open mouth head in one of their scenes.

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