I think part of the thing is that these characters have been drawn so many times by so many different artists that there isn't really a completely on model design for any of them. Characters like Nightcrawler have looked radically different--does he have a big pointy nose, or a regular nose, or something in between? Like you said Revox, most of the X-Characters beyond outliers could be body swapped, unless they are particularly known for being big or small. Is Cyclops even slim? I wonder how much a certain Rogue meme influenced the perception that she, in particular, is very curvaceous in particular places.
One thing I love about MAFEX faces is that they do actually look like 90's comic art. Not too much detail, cartooned. MLs often look like they're going for real people faces, which is to some people's taste, just not mine, and I find a lot of them either ugly or off putting for some reason.
Anyhow, can't wait til next year. Will continue to resist all other Rogues. She really is a missing spot in the display so I'm very excited. Never had a Rogue figure before.
She ain't Wonder Woman, She-Hulk, Power Princess etc, she's never been jacked in anything I've seen so I dunno what this "too skinny" thing is about at all. I guess there was that time in the Savage Land was probably as close as it gets but even then it was just generic pneumatic hero woman proportions, you could swap her head with Jean, Ororo, Sue Storm, any non-bruiser and they'd look the same most likely.
I do agree with the suspicion of her having Jean's face though, it is very close.
This body could not conceivably contain a ribcage.
She has the same ribcage area as Storm, Jean and Psylocke have. The shadowing caused by the jacket and the metallic green in the above image, combined with the fact she's kind of hunched over, is obscuring that. It can be seen in the following promo shot:
If you say so.
Take the L on what? Your opinion vs. mine?
I said, "If you say so." I'm not sure what else I could do to express that I'm done going back and forth about it.
I'm taking the L. We good?
I've come to accept the fact I won't be wowed by a comic Mafex female like I am with some of their male figures. That doesn't mean they're bad, I have a couple each of the X-women.
I'm not sure what else I could do to express that I'm done going back and forth about it.
What any non-combative human being would do by not responding at all. That's how to avoid conflict; any other response drags it out.
But I expected two pages of ego-fueled back and forth by now about this, so grats to everyone who's exhibiting self-control. 🍾
I'm hesitant to buy Rogue mostly because of what I've seen with Mafex's pleather happening over time. I would say Rogue looks good, not really wow-ing me though. I passed on Psylocke because her face looked too anime inspired and I didn't like the metallic bodysuit. Passed on Jean because her faces just looked too bland. I'd say Rogue looks better than those two, but the only female figure I've just had to have was Storm because she was done so well. My only complaint is that two of her faces are nearly identical. Beyond that, Mafex X-Men are impressing me less and less with how (most) Marvel Legends are coming along. And that price tag they've stayed at doesn't help. I'll probably get the AOA figures though because Weapon X and Cyclops, two major characters in that storyline, didn't turn out so great via Marvel Legends.
I'm hesitant to buy Rogue mostly because of what I've seen with Mafex's pleather happening over time.
Which figure are you referring to? They don't use it much. The only other one I've seen myself is the Pattinson Batman, but that's a recent release so that's not the one you mean.
Dunno if this is the right thread, but I just got in two custom headsculpts for MAFEX Spider-Man 185 from fahrulstore35 on Instagram and they are absolutely incredible. His work has been popping up on reddit and other insta accounts and I decided to DM him to see if I could buy some heads. He has about 20 different varieties, some for the movie figures, but all can be made for SHF, MAFEX, or ML's.
I like the 90's/modern mask with the large eyes, but I never loved the stock head in that style that came with the figure... the double chin mask lip, the little nose, something felt skeletal and off. So I got a modern version from him that's absolutely gorgeous. I also picked up a 60's style version that makes it seem like I bought an entirely different figure. Worst part is that I want to track down the ML 20th Anniversary Cap to display with him...
Best part? The heads are $15 each. So I decided to get 2. $11 shipping from Indonesia, $41 total.
Webbing painted way better than the stock, and they pop and and off with a nice, tight fit. Thought I'd spread the word since all other custom heads I've seen have been very expensive and I feel grateful to have gotten these. I'd post pictures, but I'm not entirely sure how.
I think Rouge looks pretty great! I will never buy another figure with pleather though, that's where I draw the line. Not one pleather-accessorized figure has stood the test of time for me, worst material ever.
Actually, my Toybiz ML Rogue and box set Gambit both have their coats intact. And Snipes Blades is in mostly good condition. The one that flaked apart on me was Jane Punisher.
And I love the Psylocke. She looks like she jumped off the page to me. I wouldn't buy the rest I don't think, mainly cause of price and the ML ones of the other characters are pretty good, but Psylocke is fantastic. Much better then Hasbros. And she fits in with the ML ones well.
I'd be pissed about Phoenix being pushed back to July, but knowing June's shaping up to be the most expensive figure buying month of the year, I feel relieved.
@trunks3540 right on! Nice that some of your ML's jackets survived! Both my Snipes and Jane figures jackets completely disintegrated. I had long since sold rouge and any other ML's that had the pleather, so I cant speak to those.
Honestly though, my bad experience with the material goes back to my 1:6 scale collecting days. The pleather literally just started coming apart while just sitting there on display after a few years on quite a few of those super expensive hot toys, Medicom, etc.. figures, which eventually prompted me to sell off anything left with the material in my collection.
I have pleather from cheapo mass market figures still intact after 20 years, but more specialty collector type figures have issues. My original Kenner 12" Indiana Jones jacket is still holding up.