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I think she looks absolutely incredible. And now the wait begins...

I also thought Storm was a near perfect figure. Psylocke is great but she feels a bit too small especially her head. Skipped Cyke, and Tiger Wolvie, though I got the brown suit and love him, and recently picked up the reissue (haven't opened). 

I like the nuances they're making in the faces. This figure is going to be a joy to pose. I would agree, could use more in the box, but reserving full judgement until the solicits go up which will show everything. 

jag2045 reacted
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I'm not loving the face.  I'm starting to think MAFEX might have an issue doing human faces.  They all look a little too.. I don't know.  Not really anime style, I don't know how to explain it.  The Wolverine and Batman heads are great, but they're wearing masks.  The Gambit heads were pretty good, but I didn't love their heads for Storm or Jean, or Magneto's unmasked head, I ended up replacing it with a Casting Cave head.  I'm also worried about how the pleather will hold up over time before it starts flaking.  I would have preferred if they used the same material as Gambit's coat, you'd want them to look similar if they're on a shelf together, right?  Overall, Rogue looks pretty good, just still not the perfect figure of her.  

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My only quibble with Rogue is that she needs a beaming smile head, not a restrained smirk, don’t like that head at all. The other other two are fine though, and I have no idea what some are smoking, love Cyke, Betsy, tan Wolvie, Storm, and Magneto. Especially the latter, I can’t imagine what kind of brain worms would cause one to think his headsculpt needs fixing.

reefer shark
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I think Rouge looks pretty great!    I will never buy another figure with pleather though, that's where I draw the line.   Not one pleather-accessorized figure has stood the test of time for me, worst material ever.

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Posted by: @reefer-shark

I think Rouge looks pretty great!    I will never buy another figure with pleather though, that's where I draw the line.   Not one pleather-accessorized figure has stood the test of time for me, worst material ever.


Rouge!!! Drink!!


reefer shark
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@jroug 😂

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Posted by: @revox

My only quibble with Rogue is that she needs a beaming smile head, not a restrained smirk, don’t like that head at all. The other other two are fine though, and I have no idea what some are smoking, love Cyke, Betsy, tan Wolvie, Storm, and Magneto. Especially the latter, I can’t imagine what kind of brain worms would cause one to think his headsculpt needs fixing.


I posted it earlier, I feel like the MAFEX had is 1) way too pale and 2) a little small.  The Casting Cave head is a huge improvement. 




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Pale? It's because his shadowy helmet prevents him from ever getting a tan. So shadowy it blocks out his other facial features. Ups to MAFEX for the 4D thinking. 

Magneto Was Right
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This is my biggest MAFEX-related disappointment since the C-3PO figure that fell apart on sight.

I feel like I'm living in Bizarro World. I'd apply folks' complaints about MAFEX Daredevil (too skinny, odd proportions) to Rogue. I think of Jim Lee Rogue as a powerhouse. The limbs, and particularly the thighs, are too skinny. The torso is laughably tiny. For the most part, MAFEX's superheroes seem to have more realistic proportions than their Marvel Legends counterparts. They seem to have indulged Jim Lee's worst artistic qualities on this one.

This worked out for the best, though. I only have one version of almost every character on the shelf, and I strongly prefer Rogue's green and white hooded costume. This figure isn't even a little tempting.

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Something about that MAFEX Rogue...


It looks more like they put Jean Grey's face on Rogue's body, if that makes any sense.

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Rogue looks cool but the Legends version looks better to me. I'll get her since I already have all the other Mafex X-Men figures since she'll go nice with them.

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Rogue is now up for PO on places like BBTS/Japanese sites etc

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I'm so thrilled we've finally got a Rogue figure in this costume, without a ridiculously beefed up build. Jim Lee always drew her, Storm, Jean and Psylocke as having similar proportions. And she was drawn that way since her introduction. The "brawler" beefed up body frame is a relatively new invention influenced by X-Men Vs Street Fighter/MvC.

The more I see of this figure in passing the happier I am with her. It's gonna be a long wait but atleast Phoenix should be coming next month to make it easier.

jag2045 reacted
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I have no issue with the body. It's the head sculpt. The hair blowing isn't great either. I still pre ordered because I'm a sicko.

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She ain't Wonder Woman, She-Hulk, Power Princess etc, she's never been jacked in anything I've seen so I dunno what this "too skinny" thing is about at all. I guess there was that time in the Savage Land was probably as close as it gets but even then it was just generic pneumatic hero woman proportions, you could swap her head with Jean, Ororo, Sue Storm, any non-bruiser and they'd look the same most likely.

I do agree with the suspicion of her having Jean's face though, it is very close.

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