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Is this line doomed to eternal reissues and Spider-Man variations?!

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@darkxorn I mean, there's AoA X-Men waiting in the wings, Phoenix, Daredevil, Comics Cap on the spoke, rumours of Rogue and various other regular X-folk on the schedule, what's the problem exactly? There's only so many slots and it's all vying for room along with DC, MCU & DCU, Star Wars, and various classic and Japanese movie characters.

Bit of a weird thing to whine about imo.

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X-Men '97 has me impatiently waiting for a MAFEX Rogue. I slept on all the Hasbro versions because I didn't think they did her justice. I know the MAFEX is going to be fire, but dang, they are taking their time...

jag2045 and hmmberto reacted
Est. 2008
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Guessing I'm wayyyy late to catch Ben Reilly. He was gone before I knew it, and I never saw him pop back up. 

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@daveb If you mean the Sensational Spider-Man version he's available on Amazon Japan for about 72USD


It wont let me post a link but either search for

Medicom Toy MAFEX No. 143 SPIDER-MAN (BEN REILLY) Spider-Man Ben Riley Comic Version Total Height Approx. 6.1 inches (155 mm), Painted Action Figure

Or use the link (join the gap between co. and jp) jp/-/en/gp/product/B08LB2G33M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

If anyone gets Stealth Cap in please do share how his ankle pivot is.  He's got those same boot waders the Infinity War and Endgame Cap have that partially ruin those figures.

Infinity War Cap's ankles are a travesty--for Mafex, anyway, because otherwise it's the best Infinity War Cap ever released--and you really can't get him in many dynamic poses due to the lack of ankle rocker/pivot.  Endgame is better because they made the boot covers softer and more pliable so you can force the ankles to pivot more, but they're still a giant pain in the ass to work around.  If Stealth hasn't improved that situation I don't think I want him.

D Amazing posted a review today.  In it he claims the ankle pivot on Stealth Cap is better than both of the others, although he didn't really demonstrate it or describe exactly what's different so I'm not sure how much better it is.  My guess is that the plastic is even more pliable than the Endgame version, but he didn't say so I dunno really.

One thing he pointed out is that they left out a biceps swivel on this version, and because of that he can rest his arms closer to his sides than the previous two versions.  I don't get how removing a biceps swivel allows the arms to get closer though without more detail..


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Do we have an ETA / Preorder timeframe for when the AOA Cyclops/WeaponX/X-Man figures are supposed to be going up?  We've heard next to nothing about these since they were shown at the convention, and these are my main wants since it looks like Cyclops and Weapon X will be superior to what Hasbro gave us.

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Oh you didn't hear?  this line is dead in the water and btw no other releases are coming out and btw they will bring it back in five years with five variations of the original spider-man mold

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Posted by: @darkxorn

Oh you didn't hear?

I heard, I just didn't listen.  The Internet allows the most crackpot voices to be heard the loudest, but those are the exact ones we should all just filter out.

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Did somebody say something?


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Aside from Spider-Man 2099 are there any other announced Spider-Man characters? Kind of surprised the only comic villains we have are Venom and Carnage (no Green Goblin or Doc Ock who are arguably his two most famous classic villains)

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Posted by: @h-bird

I've picked up a bunch of Mafex in the last year or so. I don't disagree that they are generally better than any other option out there, but I haven't always felt like they were so much better to be worth it. Gambit though? Easily one of the best figures I own, and 100% worth the upgrade.


Another reason why I like collecting a Mafex to mesh with my Legends besides the more playability with the accessories, and the more natural articulation in the torso and waist is to have the body different so it doesn’t feel like they are all on the same buck.


jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @jag2045

Aside from Spider-Man 2099 are there any other announced Spider-Man characters? Kind of surprised the only comic villains we have are Venom and Carnage (no Green Goblin or Doc Ock who are arguably his two most famous classic villains)

It’s been many years, I don’t see Mafex making any other Spider-Man villains.  The symbiotes is more popular, and more popular in the general market.  Just like I don’t see Mafex making any other X-Men villains besides Magneto.


jag2045 reacted
Magneto Was Right
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It doesn't help that both Ock and Goblin would require unorthodox sculpts while Venom and Carnage are just superhero bodies. That said, GG is one of my biggest MAFEX wants and I'd buy Ock as well. I hope they get made.

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