It's obviously based on his first appearance where Venom was relatively normal sized. Eddie was jacked but he wasn't a 7ft slobbering jet black Hulk. As his first appearance was always far and away my favourite, I never had a problem with this and always found the whining about the figure being small to be ridiculous.
I believe that was the intention, but some panels even in those early Todd McFarlane drawn appearances make him look huge. I think that's just down to Todd's exaggerated and inconsistent art style more than anything else, though. Other panels have him at around the size the MAFEX would be.
I find it interesting that the figure is almost an amalgam of designs. While the two Venom heads are closest to McFarlane's art, the Eddie Brock head is 100% based on Mark Bagley's take. Guess they didn't want to make Eddie as ugly as Todd did. In general, the figure gives me some early Mark Bagley Venom vibes too, pre-Lethal Protector.
Also Venom but only 6 left
Curse you...I caved. 😫 🤪
Meh, Venom is my second-favorite villain. I'm addicted to Mafex! 🤢
LOL glad I could "help" 😉
Ben Reilly is now showing 18 in stock and Carnage is back in stock to (only 2 left though)
I managed to order Carnage & Ben Reilly - hoping Wolverine comes back in stock to
Stealth Cap apparently releases this month.
Cyclops is being reissued this month.
Great to hear!
Are there any future X-Men (90's Jim Lee/TAS era) reveals aside from Phoenix yet?
Are we calling Phoenix a '90s thing now? Cause, uhh...
Yeah, Phoenix just makes me want a matching classic Scott to go with - I needs me the condom head!
Stealth Cap looks really nice, which is annoying as I generally only want one version of a character but I really love his FA, Endgame, and Stealth suits, dammit.
Are we calling Phoenix a '90s thing now? Cause, uhh...
TBH most of my X-Men knowledge comes from the 90's cartoon so I associate Phoenix & Dark Phoenix with that
If anyone gets Stealth Cap in please do share how his ankle pivot is. He's got those same boot waders the Infinity War and Endgame Cap have that partially ruin those figures.
Infinity War Cap's ankles are a travesty--for Mafex, anyway, because otherwise it's the best Infinity War Cap ever released--and you really can't get him in many dynamic poses due to the lack of ankle rocker/pivot. Endgame is better because they made the boot covers softer and more pliable so you can force the ankles to pivot more, but they're still a giant pain in the ass to work around. If Stealth hasn't improved that situation I don't think I want him.
Not something I need, but he looks phenomenal.
Cool about Spider-Man 2099
On the subject of X-Men - how does Mafex Cyclops compare to the new ML X-Men '97 version? (not in terms of accessories, more in terms of scale and build of the figure)
I'm surprised they couldn't come up with a more elegant solution for the cape.
I don't like the way he looks at all. Wrong colors, the body is too skinny and the cape looks like a pain in the ass.
Too bad, I was expecting something more worthwhile.