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Magneto Was Right
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It's been so long that they revealed a Daredevil and solicited a Phoenix. I missed this place.

Est. 2008
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Thrilled about Daredevil. My most wanted Mafex!

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Phoenix is going to be the best MAFEX I've purchased. The color green they went with, the gold, the white eyes head. Perfect.

Marvel Legends Man
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Finally, we can discuss all those exciting reveals!

I'm very excited about the Daredevil. I love the color way. Was hoping maybe he would get a new mold, but the Spider-Man body is good enough. Makes me feel so much better about passing on that Legends three-pack.

Of course, I pre-ordered the Phoenix, and I'll pre-order the inevitable Dark Phoenix repaint, whenever that happens. I love the paint apps, the gold looks great. But I find the face sculpts pretty lackluster, just as I did with the Mafex Jean Grey. The head with the flowing hair is easily the best. The lack of effects accessories was really disappointing, too. It's still easily the best Phoenix figure, so it's a must have, but it could have been so much more.

Where I'm really torn is Captain America. As much as I love Mafex (has become my favorite line), I passed on Iron Man and Thor and I think I'm going to pass on this one, as well. I understand what they were going for with the aesthetic, but the scale is




Magneto Was Right
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Cap is a huge miss for me. Between the likely scale and pale-ass face, I'm sticking with my Legends figure.

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Yep. Legends Cap is still the best. That Mafex Cap has cool shield, but that's about it. All Legends team need to do now is release new classic pinless cap with better shield. And it's not even that important. I can live with what we got.


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I didn't buy the ML 20th Cap and sold ML Thor in anticipation of the Mafex versions.  That was not the best decision.  I still bought Thor and Iron Man, preordered Cap, but they haven't been ML world beaters.

Amazing Spider-Man
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I'll echo the sentiment regarding Cap being a let down. I still pre-ordered it, maybe the ML heads will work with it. Got the new Phoenix, though I'm not exactly excited about it. Wish it had been a different X-Women. And I'm not feeling the heads on it either. Both of those characters have heads that their ML counterparts have done better.

Amazing Spider-Man
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Oh and it looks like we're a few days away from the monthly Mafex pre-orders! 

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Regarding the scale of the avengers sub-line, I wonder if they undersized them up front to make an eventual hulk figure easier to manage.

That or they’re really married to the idea that Thor and cap were more regular guy sized in the 60s. I’ve seen that argument and I’d accept it.

I would just love if Thor fit in with the 90s shelf a little better. It’s Not the biggest deal though, I still like their overall look.


Magneto Was Right
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There weren't a lot of personal victories for me at SDCC (if you can call willingly spending a ton of cash a win), but Phoenix and Daredevil were huge gets.

A new Phoenix is probably my #2 X-Men want after an armored Psylocke. The Green Phoenix outfit is one of my five favorite costumes in all of comics. I can replace my '90s Jim Lee Jean (blech) and skip the inevitable Legends upgrade all in one fell swoop. I agree that the head/hair leaves something to be desired, but I can always go third-party if I hate the look/articulation.

And then Daredevil. If you told me a month ago that I could make one figure magically appear, it would've been a MAFEX DD. He was already one of my favorite characters, and I've spent the last few months covering some major Marvel blindspots, including Miller and Bendis' DD runs. I'm not in love with the metallic(?) paint on the gloves and boots, but I don't think I'd change anything else. *Chef's kiss*

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Do we really need a separate Mafex thread for movies?  I think no, but if someone wants to start one feel free and I'll use that instead.  Looks like they just revealed a World War 2 Cap MCU figure.  I'd embed pictures in here, but as usual they're not working for whatever reason by just pasting the URL into the editor.  If anyone finds a workaround for that please do share, so in the meantime check out Isaac Wong's page where he has the pics Medicom has released along with a new comic Superman I don't recognize:

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I think we should have just one Mafex thread considering there are only 0-3 Marvel figures released a month from them.


Mafex did show the WWII First Avenger Cap at their expo last month. Exciting to see it being solicited so soon!


And the Superman is Eradicator. They showed both him and Superboy from the Reign of Superman storyline from the early '90s. 

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Agreed with everyone about Mafex DD and Phoenix being very exciting reveals. DD I'm a smidge disappointed about being on the Spider-Man body as I'd ideally like him to have a bit more bulk relative to Pete, but the figure looks great and I'm sure I'll love it. Phoenix looks fantastic as well.

Cap I was more excited for than anything and, well...they didn't exactly nail it. I'm still gonna pick him up as I can't pass on a Mafex classic Captain America, but dialing in those heads and the colors would do a lot of good.

Amazing Spider-Man
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