This is a modified version the old Master List created by dsmith since he apparently is no longer updating the one he created. As a customizer, I found his list to be very helpful in tracking the scores of bodies available for Marvel Legends figures. They really do have a wealth of parts in their library. My goal is to keep listed all “currently in rotation” body molds, in size order, for males and females. Feel free to contribute if something is missed, I will update regularly, and attempt to list all characters who are represented on that mold. If a body mold hasn’t been used in years or is a holdover from the ToyBiz days (Madame Hydra Body, Quicksilver body), I consider it “retired” and is is not listed here as it’s no longer in current rotation. The molds listed here are generally ones with current hip articulation from Hasbro’s offerings after they introduced the Bucky Captain America mold. I also don’t put many MCU sculpts in the list, as they are almost always used for a specific character’s look and vary only slightly via repaints. Exceptions are ones which are subsequently used in various ways for comic characters (I.e. Sony ASM2 Electro). If the sculpt has potential for re-use (like Kingpin) I have included it. Most entries assume there will be slight differences included like a new head sculpt or other small details like flared gloves or boot cuffs. Significant sculpting alterations will be noted.
Some characters are estimated, until I can see a side-by-side photo w/other figures or I have them in-hand to make comparisons
After this list is a list of effects pieces originally compiled by horsemanofdeath (Thanks!)
0.25. Tiny Furry Body
Rocket Raccoon, Annihilation Rocket Raccoon (Marvel Unlimited 2015), Rocket Raccoon w/new head (GOTG 5-pk @ Entertainment Earth)
0.50. Tiny Suited Furry Body
Hit-Monkey, White-Suited Hit-Monkey (80s Deadpool 2-pk)
0.75. Tiny Body
Puck, Puck w/larger head (Alpha Flight 6-pk @ Amazon)
1. Teenage Body
Ultimate Peter Parker Spider-Man, Miles Morales Spider-Man, Ultimate Peter Parker Spider-Man (Ultimate Spider-Man 2-pk @ Walmart), All-New All-Different Nova/Sam Alexander, Miles Morales Spider-Man (Into the Spiderverse 2-pk @ Target), Venomized Miles Morales Spider-Man, Ultimate Symbiote Spider-Man (Spider-Foes 5-pk @ Amazon)
2. Average Teen Civilian Body
MCU Peter Parker (ASM 60th Anniv. MCU Ned & Peter 2-pk)
3. Husky Teen Civilian Body
MCU Ned Leeds (ASM 60th Anniv. MCU Ned & Peter 2-pk)
4. Stocky Body
Brown Costume Wolverine, Brown Costume Wolverine (Retro carded), Tiger Stripe Costume Wolverine, Weapon X Wolverine, 1st Appearance Wolverine (80th Anniv. 2-pk), Madripoor Wolverine (Retro carded), X-Force Wolverine, Battle-Damaged Tiger Stripe Costume Wolverine (Love Triangle 3-pk), Age of Apocalypse Weapon X, House of X Wolverine, Battle-Damaged Wolverine (Wolverine 5-pk @ Amazon), Returned Wolverine, VHS Animated X-Men Wolverine (@ PULSE), X-Men Blue & Gold Wolverine (Retro carded), X-Men ’97 Wolverine w/sculpted trunks & pin-less limbs (Retro carded)
5a. Stocky Body (Civilian) w/Jacket
Old Man Logan, Logan (Days of Future Past 2-pk @ Amazon), Old Man Logan w/hat & duster (Fan Channel Old Men 2-pk)
5b. Stocky Body (Civilian) No Jacket
Logan (Ultimate Riders), “Cowboy” Logan (Fan Channel)
6. Teen Spidery Body
AF 15 Spider-Man (ASM 60th Anniv.), 80s Animated Spider-Man (SMAHAF 3-pk @ PULSE), 90s Animated Spider-Man (Retro carded @ Walmart), Kid Omega, Franklin Richards (Fan Channel Fantastic 4 2-pk), FA Spider-Man (Retro carded @ Target)
7. Heavyset Guy in a Jumpsuit Body
Doctor Octopus, Frogman, Doctor Octopus (Doc & Silk 2-pk @ Amazon)
8a. Average Suited Body
MCU Agent Phil Coulson (SHIELD 3-pk @ Toys R Us), Chameleon/Hammerhead/J. Jonah Jameson, Purple Man (SDCC 2016 5-pk), MCU Tony Stark (Marvel Unlimited 2018), MCU Tony Stark (Marvel Studios First 10 Years 2-pk), MCU Agent Everett Ross (Killmonger 2-pk @ Target), Professor Charles Xavier (Ultimate Riders), J. Jonah Jameson w/vest (Retro carded), Arcade w/platform shoes, Agent M. Moebius w/new fat-collar shirt, Mr. Negative (Mr. Negative 2-pk @ Gamestop), Wakanda Forever MCU Agent Everett Ross, Wandavision Agent Jimmy Wu w/new windbreaker, Chamber w/new leather jacket, Bruce Banner w/labcoat (Avengers 60th Anniv. Hulk 2-pk)
8b. Average Suited Body w/ Vest
MCU Professor Charles Xavier (Fan Channel X-Men 20th Anniv. 2-pk)
8c. Average Suited Body w/ Zip-Up Sweater
MCU Old Man Charles Xavier (Logan 2-pk @ PULSE)
8d. Average Suited Body w/ Closed Jacket
MCU X-Con Luis w/treaded shoes (80th Anniv.. Ant-Man @ Wasp 2-pk)
8e. Average Suited Body (No Necktie)
MCU Bruce Banner (Avengers AoU 4-pk @ Amazon), Netflix Danny Rand w/sneakers (SDCC 2018 5-pk), MCU Ulysses Klaue w/vest overlay, MCU J. Jonah Jameson w/new closed jacket, MCU Infinity War Bruce Banner w/new jacket & pin-less Jimmy Wu arms
8f. Average Suited Body (No Necktie w/Casual Jacket)
Stan Lee, Peter Parker w/sneakers (Retro carded),
9. Average Sweatsuited Body
MCU Tracksuit Mafia w/pin-less legs (@ Target)
10a. Shorter Lean Body
Superior Spider-Man
10b. Taller Lean Body
“Pizza” Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man (SDCC 2016 5-pk), Superior Venom, Black Costume Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, Modern Electro, Black Ant-Man (@ Walgreens), Modern Iceman, Speed Demon, Iron Fist, Ultimate Vulture (Ultimate Spider-Man 2-pk @ Walmart). All-New All-Different Spider-Man (Spidey & Mary Jane 2-pk @ Toys R Us), Spider-Punk, Lasher, House of M Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider (Retro carded), Ant-Man (Retro carded), Shirtless Iron Fist (Defenders 4-pk @ Amazon), All-New All-Different Symbiote Spidey, Black Costume Spider-Man (Kraven's Last Hunt 2-pk @ Target), Big Time Spider-Man (Fan Channel), Vulture w/bigger shoulders, Age of Apocalypse Wild Child, Negative Zone Spider-Man (Retro carded @ Target), House of X Professor Xavier, Darwin, 80s Animated Iceman (SMAHAF 3-pk @ PULSE), Karnak
10c. Taller Lean Body (Fuller Torso)
Classic Mister Fantastic (@ Walgreens), All-New All-Different Mister Fantastic, Leader, Reed Richards w/lab coat (Retro carded), Amazing Bag-Man (Retro carded @ Target)
10d. Taller Lean Body (Flared Shoulder Torso)
10e. Taller Icy Lean Body (Icy Limbs)
Age of Apocalypse Iceman
11a. Average Body
All-New All-Different Spider-Man 2099, Sunfire, Bullseye, Klaw (Black Panther 2-pk), 90s Deadpool, Astonishing Ant-Man (Scott & Cassie Lang 2-pk @ Toys R Us), Silver Surfer (@ Walgreens), Kaine Scarlet Spider, X-Men Trainee Deadpool/Madcap, Classic Vision (Retro carded), Living Laser, Gamerverse PS4 Spider-Man (@ Gamestop), Quicksilver (Family Matters 3-pk @ Amazon), Northstar (Alpha Flight 6-pk @ Amazon), All-New All-Different Human Torch, Superior Octopus w/ball torso artic, Shang-Chi w/beefier arms & shoulders, shins/bare feet, Age of Apocalypse Morph, Age of Apocalypse Sunfire, Blue & Gold Deadpool, Classic Moon Knight (@ Walgreens), Pyro (Fan Channel X-Men 2-pk), Civil War Falcon w/beefier arms & shoulders, Cyborg Spider-Man w/new left arm (Retro carded @ Target), Web-Man (Retro carded), Age of Apocalypse Legion (new torso w/shins/bare feet), Skrull Soldier (PULSE Army Builder), Human Torch (Retro carded), Johnny Storm (Retro carded @ PULSE), Modern Falcon w/beefier arms & shoulders (Retro carded), D’Spayre, Classic Havok, Firelord (Retro carded @ PULSE), Speedball, Future Foundation Stealth Spider-Man, Molten Man (Spider-Foes 5-pk @ Amazon), Bullseye (Daredevil 3-pk @ PULSE), Multiple Man (Retro carded), Animated Carnage (VHS 2-pk @ PULSE), Future Ant-Man, Classic Yondu (@ Target), Classic Astonishing Ant-Man (@ Target), Chasm (Retro carded), Tarantula (Retro carded), Hawkeye w/new legs & boots (Avengers 60th Anniv. Sky Cycle), Noh-Varr, Hydra Bob (SDCC 2023 2-pk), Blur (Squadron Supreme 2-pk #2), Classic Moon Knight (Retro carded @ Target)
11b. Average Body w/Super-Articulated Torso
Classic Spider-Man (Retro carded), Symbiote Spider-Man (Retro carded), Ben Riley Spectacular Spider-Man (Retro carded), Deadpool (SDCC 2023 2-pk), Spider-Shot (Retro carded)
11c. Average Body w/Super-Articulated Torso and Articulated Toes
Super-Articulated Spider-Man (ASM 60th Anniv. Renew Your Vows 2-pk), Daredevil (Daredevil 3-pk @ PULSE), Animated Symbiote Spider-Man (VHS 2-pk @ PULSE), Gamerverse PS5 Peter Parker Spider-Man (Fan Channel), Modern Ben Riley Spider-Man (Retro carded), Scarlet Spider (Retro carded)
11d. Average Body w/Puffy Shirt
Classic Doctor Strange w/new sculpt torso (@ Walmart)
11e. Average Body w/Integrated Cape
Justice w/no butterfly shoulders
12. Jacketed Arachnid Body
Last Stand Spider-Man (Retro carded)
13. Average Armored Arachnid Body
Armored Spider-Man (Retro carded)
14. Medium Metal Spidery Body
Iron Spider-Man (ASM 60th Anniv.)
15. Average Robotic Body
Ultimate Beetle, Ultron (2015 ML Collector’s Edition 3-pk @ Target), Mach-1 w/new torso, Silvermane w/new arms (Spider-Foes 5-pk @ Amazon)
16. Medium Furry Body
17. Average Quilted Body
Classic Shocker (Retro carded)
18a. Beefy Civilian Body (Pin-Less)
MCU Talos w/Jimmy Wu windbreaker
18b. Beefy Civilian Suited Body (Pin-Less)
Rose w/closed double-breasted jacket (Retro carded), MCU Matt Murdock
19. 8-Limbed Spidey Body
6-armed Spider-Man, 6-armed Spider-Man w/articulated torso (Spider-Man vs. Morbius 2-pack @ Walmart)
20a. Medium Body
Bucky Captain America, X-Force Archangel (SDCC 2012 3-pk), U.S. Agent, Archangel, Marvel NOW! Hawkeye, Classic Black Panther, Utopia Cyclops, Hydra Soldier (single release, 2-pk @ Toys R Us, PULSE Army Builder), Baron Zemo, Carnage, Boomerang, 1st Appearance Cyclops (First Class 5-pk @ Toys R Us), 1st Appearance Angel (First Class 5-pk @ Toys R Us), Annihilation Nova, Black Bolt (SDCC 2014 5-pk), Marvel NOW! Cyclops, Machine Man, Heroic Age Hawkeye, Classic Daredevil, Batroc, Classic Black Panther (@ Wal-Mart), Marvel NOW! Vision, Blizzard, Giant-Man, Goliath (SDCC 2015 3-pk), Doctor Voodoo (SDCC 2015 5-pk), West Coast Avengers Vision (2015 ML Collector’s Edition 3-pk @ Target), Morbius, 1st Appearance Daredevil (@ Walgreens), 80s Cyclops (80s X-Men 2-pk @ Toys R Us), Nick Fury/SHIELD Agent, Eel, Havok, Modern Deadpool, Marvel NOW! Doctor Strange w/cape, Modern Brother Voodoo, Human Torch (@ Walgreens), X-Force Deadpool (Hascon 2017), Avengers A.I Vision (Civil War 3-pk @ Toys R Us), Back In Black Deadpool (@ GameStop), Thunderbolts Shocker, 90s Cyclops, Darkhawk, Adam Warlock/Magus, Screaming Black Bolt, X-Force Deadpool, Classic Taskmaster, Unmasked Carnage, Deadpool in Boxers, Daredevil (Defenders 4-pk @ Amazon), Deluxe Classic Archangel (Fan Channel), 90s X-Factor Multiple Man, All-New All-Different Daredevil, Classic Hawkeye (Retro carded), Red Goblin, Modern Deadpool (Ultimate Riders), Citizen V, Nighthawk, Forge, Union Jack, X-Factor Cyclops (Retro carded), 90s Cyclops in Bomber Jacket (Love Triangle 3-pk), 90s X-Factor Havok in Jacket (90s X-Factor 2-pk), Shaman (Alpha Flight 6-pack @ Amazon), Terror Inc./Modern Deadpool (Marvel Unlimited 2020), Spymaster, Nathan Summers: X-Man in Jacket, Pirate Deadpool w/ab-less torso, 90s Sunspot w/new torso sculpt, Fantomex (Nimrod 3-pk @ Amazon), Hellfire Club Goon (PULSE Army Builder), Phage w/new forearms, House of X Cyclops, Classic Nova w/new torso (@ Walgreens), Quasar w/pin-less arms (@ Walgreens), X-Force Cannonball (X-Force 3-pk @ PULSE), X-Force Rictor (X-Force 3-pk @ PULSE), Age of Apocalypse Cyclops, Classic Baron Zemo II w/new torso (@ Walgreens), FA Daredevil (Retro carded Marvel Unlimited 2023), Sleepwalker, Human Fly (Spider-Foes 5-pk @ Amazon), The Orb, Dr. Spectrum wpin-less arms (Squadron Supreme 2-pk #1), Morbius (Spider-Man vs. Morbius 2-pack @ Walmart), Kid Nova w/new torso (Marvel Unlimited 2024)
20b. Medium Body w/ Smooth-Shirt Torso
Heroic Age Doctor Strange, Astral Doctor Strange (SDCC 2015 5-pk), Animated Hobgoblin (Retro carded), Animated Green Goblin (VHS 2-pk @ PULSE)
20c. Medium Body w/ Smooth-Shirt & Puffy Sleeves
Shatterstar, Black Tom
20d. Medium Body w/ Scaled Limbs
Hobgoblin, Green Goblin, Dreadknight (SDCC 2016 5-pk), King Cobra, Black Knight, Demogoblin, Classic Green Goblin (Retro carded), Black Knight w/jacket (Avengers 60th Anniv. 2-pk @ Amazon)
20e. Medium Body w/ Stocky Torso
X-Force Wolverine w/vacmetal claws (SDCC 2012 3-pk), Utopia Wolverine, Maskless Utopia Wolverine, X-Force Wolverine w/dull claws
20f. Medium Body w/ Armored Limbs
Modern Taskmaster, Hydra Supreme Captain America (arms & knees down) (Fan Channel Hydra 2-pk), Night Thrasher (arms, & knees down + torso), Cosmic Ghost Rider (legs only) (Ultimate Riders), A.I.M. Scientist Supreme, Civil Warrior (arms & knees down)
20g. Medium Body w/ Armored Torso and Shoulders
Classic Beetle, Night Thrasher (armored arms & knees down)
21. Medium Jumpsuit Body
Longshot (Mojoworld 4-pk @ PULSE), Longshot (Retro Carded)
22. Medium Body w/ 90s Armor
Armored Daredevil (Retro carded)
23. Medium Tactical Suit Body
Marvel NOW! Captain America, Falcon Captain America (Civil War 3-pk @ Toys R Us)
24. Medium Symbiote Body
25a. Taller Suited Body (Loose Necktie)
MCU 90s Agent Nick Fury, 80s Deadpool (80th Anniv. 2-pack), Variant Loki w/new jacket, Jacketless Variant Loki w/rolled up sleeves (Roleplay Tesseract Set)
25b. Taller Suited Body (Turtleneck)
Secret Invasion Nick Fury w/new trenchcoat
26a. Taller Suited Body w/Beefy Arms (Open Shirt)
MCU Logan (SDCC 2020 Logan 2-pk), Morlun w/new torso, Inner Demon (Mr. Negative 2-pk @ Gamestop)
26b. Taller Suited Body w/Beefy Arms (w/Tie)
Jigsaw (@ Walgreens)
26c. Taller Beefy 18th Century Suited Body (new legs & feet)
White King Donald Pierce (SDCC 2020 4-pk), Black King Sebastian Shaw (SDCC 2020 4-pk), Mastermind (Wolverine 5-pk @ Amazon),
27a. Average Containment Suit Body
ASM2 Electro, Scourge of the Underworld
27b. Average Containment Suit Body w/ Vest
Blade, Paladin, A.I.M. Trooper (A.I.M. 2-pk)
28. Medium Combat Fatigues Body
WWII Ultimate Captain America (Ultimate Riders)
29. Segmented Armor Body
Scorpion, 90s Animated Scorpion (Retro carded)
30a. Taller Medium Body
Spider-Man UK, Spider-Man/Captain Universe, All-New All-Different Moon Knight, All-New, All-Different Vibranium Black Panther (@ Walmart), All-New All-Different Black Panther (Retro carded), Prowler, Poison (heavily modified), All-New All-Different Magneto, Puma w/furry arms, Guardian (Alpha Flight 5-pk @ Amazon), Classic Magneto (Family Matters 3-pack @ Amazon), Classic Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell, Classic Electro (Retro carded), House of X Magneto, Age of Apocalypse Magneto, Sentinel Prime Sebastian (HasLab Sentinel), Blue Marvel, Hatut Zeraze w/new forearms & calves, Zero (X-Men Villains 5-pk), All-New All-Different Moon Knight (Fan Channel re-release), Fang, Crossfire
30b. Taller Medium Body (90s leather)
Midnight Sons Morbius (legs)
31. Animated Magnetic Master Body (Pin-less)
X-Men ’97 Magneto (Retro carded)
32. Armored Daywalker Body
90s Blade w/new trenchcoat & X-Men arms
33a. Taller Medium Body w/Butterfly Shoulders
Vulcan, Classic Black Panther w/lined boots & gloves , VHS Animated X-Men Morph w/jacket (@ PULSE), VHS Animated X-Men Cyclops (@ PULSE), First Appearance Starlord, X-Men Blue & Gold Banshee w/raised collar, X-Men Blue & Gold Forge w/cybernetic R thigh, X-Men Blue & Gold Gambit, Corsair w/raised collar, Nighthawk (Squadron Supreme 2-pk #2), Bucky Captain America w/resculpted torso (@ Walmart), King Black Panther
33b. Taller Medium Body w/Mail Torso
Jack O’Lantern (Retro carded)
34. Astonishing Taller Medium Body w/Butterfly Shoulders
Astonishing X-Men Cyclops
35. Husky Suited Body
MCU Happy Hogan (Infinity Saga: Iron Man 3 2-pk), Hammerhead (Retro carded), Egghead w/labsoat, MCU Kingpin
36. Tall Trenchcoat Body
Gambit, Gambit (Retro carded), X-Men ’97 Gambit (Retro carded)
37. Thick Robotic Body
Classic Arnim Zola, Hydra Arnim Zola (Fan Channel Hydra 2-pk)
38. Beefy Blouse Body
Classic Power Man
39a. Large Civilian Body
Netflix Luke Cage (Netflix 2-pk @ Walmart), Netflix Luke Cage (SDCC 2013 5-pk), Hydro Man, Sandman (Retro carded)
39b. Large Civilian Body (Big Arms, pin-less)
Modern Punisher (Ultimate Riders)
40. Futuristic Fascist
41. Cyborg Body
Deathlok, Skullbuster, X-Force Deathlok (Fan Channel)
42. Taller Jumpsuit Body
Classic Red Skull, Classic Dormammu w/specialized gloves & boots, Molecule Man w/new sculpted torso, 80s Wonder-Man w/new torso overlay, Doctor Pym (West Coast Avengers 5-pk @ Amazon)
43a. Large Body
Grim Reaper, Kraven, Punisher (@ Walgreens), Classic Captain America, Punisher (Retro carded), Classic Captain America w/painted scales (Retro carded), Whirlwind, Secret War Captain America, Wonder Man, Red Guardian, Vance Astro, Malekith (SDCC 2017 5-pk), Malekith, Cloak, Genis-Vell, Grey Gargoyle, Kraven (Kraven's Last Hunt 2-pk @ Target), Loki, Rock Python, Thunderbird (Storm/Thunderbird 2-pk @ Target), Guardsman w/new torso, Loki (Retro carded), FA Sabertooth, US Agent, Gorr (@ Amazon), Forgotten One (Heralds of Galactus 2-pk @ PULSE), Avalanche (Retro carded), Animated Kraven the Hunter (Retro carded @ Walmart), Commander Rogers, Savage Namor
43b. Large Body w/Chainmail
80th Anniv. Captain America (@ Walmart), Venomized Captain America w/new sculpted torso (@ Walmart), ML20th Anniv. Captain America
43c. Large Body w/Swimmer’s Torso
Utopia Namor (w/sculpted v-line (@ Walgreens), Classic Namor w/sculpted scaled speedos
43d. Large Body w/Wide V-Torso
Sentry (@ Walgreens)
44. Large Body w/Scalemail
Ultimate Captain America
45. Guy-In-A-Gi
Red Hand Ninja, Black Hand Ninja (PULSE Army Builder)
46. Robotically Evolved
High Evolutionary (Retro carded)
47. Ravashing Robot
Pretty Boy (X-Men Villains 5-pk)
48. Taller Beefy Suited Body
Tombstone (Retro carded)
49. Jackbooted Jumpsuit Body
A.I.M. Scientist, Star-Lord (SDCC 2014 5-pk), Star-Lord (EntertainmentEarth 5-pk), Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider, A.I.M. Scientist (PULSE Army Builder), Spider-Man Noir, Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider (Ultimate Riders), A.I.M. Scientist (A.I.M. 2-pk), Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider (Retro Carded)
50. MCU Iron Man Body
Marvel NOW! Iron Man
51. Combat Gear Body
Netflix Punisher, MCU Erik Killmonger, Urban Punisher (Fan Channel), Modern Winter Soldier, What If? Killmonger
52. Apocalyptic Combat Gear Body (Pin-less)
Old Man Hawkeye (Fan Channel Old Men 2-pk)
53 Labcoated Lizardy Body
Classic Lizard (Retro Carded) (@ Walmart)
54. Modern Iron Man Body
Iron Man Mk 70
55a. Classic Iron Man Body
80th Anniv. Classic Iron Man, Classic Iron Man 2020 (@ Walgreens), A.I. Tony Stark, Stealth Iron Man, Secret Wars Doctor Doom w/new chest (Avengers 60th Anniv. Secret Wars 2-pk)
55b. Classic Fin-Head Iron Man Body
ML20th Anniv. Iron Man w/new torso, hips, head
55c. Silver Iron Man Body (arms & legs only)
Silver Centurion Iron Man (@ Walgreens), Silver Centurion Iron Man (West Coast Avengers 5-pk @ Amazon)
55d. Neo-Classic Iron Man Body (arms & legs only)
Sentient Iron Man
55e. Classic War Machine Body (arms & legs only)
West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe), Animated War Machine (Retro carded)
56. Modern Iron Man Body
All-New All-Different Iron Man, Infamous Iron Man/Doom (@ Walgreens), All-New All-Different Stealth Iron Man (Fan Channel)
57. Modular Iron Man Body
Modular Iron Man, 90s Animated Iron Man (Retro carded @ PULSE), Marvel vs. Capcom War Machine (Fan Channel)
58. Extreme Iron Man Body
Extremis Iron Man
59. Metal Murderbot
Classic Ultron, Neo-Classic Ultron
60. Psychonaut
Psycho Man (Retro carded)
61. Large Cyber Commando
62. Tall Armored Body
Modern/Classic Doctor Doom, FA Doom (Retro carded), Secret Wars “God” Doom w/new chest
63a. Beefy Body
Hyperion, Luke Cage (SDCC 2013 5-pk), Modern Sabretooth, Toxin, 1st Appearance Beast (First Class 5-pk @ Toys R Us), Gladiator (SDCC 2014 5-pk), Stryfe, Radioactive Man (2014 ML Collector’s Edition 3-pk @ Target), Sentry, Anti-Venom, Tiger Shark, Drax (GOTG 5-pk @ EntertainmentEarth), Classic Venom, Cottonmouth, MI13 Captain Britain, Ex-Nihilo, Unmasked Venom/Pork Grind, Bishop, Luke Cage (Defenders 4-pk @ Amazon), Venomized Punisher (Marvel Unlimited 2019), 90s Sabretooth, Gladiator, Crossbones, Rage, Thunderstrike
63b. Beefy Body (Fixed Chest)
Unworthy Thor (SDCC 2017 5-pk), Thor Odinson, Tombstone w/sculpted collar and chest v-line, Beta Ray Bill, Super Skrull w/flared shoulder sculpt, Captain Britain (Excalibur 3-pk @ PULSE), Razorback (Spider-Foes 5-pk @ Amazon), Illuminati Super Skrull w/flared shoulder sculpt (Avengers 60th Anniv. Skrulls 2-pk)
63c. Beefy Body w/ Pants
Nuke, Modern Cable, Hydra Brute (Hydra 2-pk @ Toys R Us), 90s Cable
63d. Beefy Body w/ Armor (pin-less)
Stryfe w/new head (X-Men Villains 5-pk)
64. Large Beastly Body
90s Beast, Age of Apocalypse Dark Beast, Gray Beast (Retro carded), Lab Coat Blue Beast (Retro carded)
65. Beefy Segmented Metal Body
Mr. Sinister, VHS Animated X-Men Mr. Sinister (@ PULSE)
66a. Godlike Body
80th Anniv. Classic Thor, 80s Hercules (Retro carded), Ragnarok (@ Target), Hyperion w/new sculpted torso (Squadron Supreme 2-pk #1), Eric Masterson Thor w/new boots (Avengers 60th Anniv. Thor 2-pk)
66b. Godlike Body w/Pants
All-New All-Different Hercules, Maggott w/trenchcoat, Random (X-Men Villains 5-pk)
67. Powerhouse Body
Omega Red, X-Force Warpath, Omega Red (Wolverine 5-pk @ Amazon), Animated Show Venom (Retro carded), Age of Apocalypse Sabretooth, Venom (Symbiotes 3-pk @ Amazon)
68. Powerhouse Symbiote
Movie Venom, Bat-Wing Venom (ASM 60th Anniv. King in Black 2-pk)
69. Lord Longshanks Body
Knull (ASM 60th Anniv. King in Black 2-pk)
70. Roided Powerhouse Body
Thunderbolts Crossbones w/ball hips, X-Force Warpath w/ball hips, Modern Warpath w/ball hips, Thunderball, Piledriver, Wrecker, Bulldozer
71. Towering Metal Man Body
Modern Colossus, Death’s Head II, Colossus (80th Anniv. 2-pk), Cyber (Wolverine 5-pk @ Amazon), Ronan (@ Amazon)
72. Huge Rock Body
Thing (@ Walgreens), All-New All Different Thing, Negative Zone Thing (Retro carded)
73a. Huge Body (Cosmic Armor)
Modern Thanos, “Classic Colors” Thanos (@ Walmart)
73b. Huge Body
Infinity War Thanos, Controller
74. King-Size Suited Body
Kingpin, Kingpin (Retro carded)
75. Space Monster Body
Space Venom, Titus, Space Venom (Venomania 2-pk @ Target)
76. Hulking Suited Body
Gamerverse Joe Fixit , Mr. Hyde, Comic Joe Fixit (@ Walmart)
77a. Giant Body
Terrax, Dormammu (SDCC 2015 5-pk), Bor (SDCC 2017 5-pk), Dormammu, Terrax (Heralds of Galactus 2-pk @ PULSE)
77b. Giant Body w/Pants
Absorbing Man, Sandman (SDCC 2016 5-pk), Sandman
78. Monstrous Titan Body
Gargan Monster Venom, Brock Monster Venom (Fan Channel), Brock Monster Toxin (Fan Channel), Riot (Symbiotes 3-pk @ Amazon)
79. Tank-Like Armored Body
Mandroid, Iron Monger, Crimson Dynamo VIII
80. Titan Cyborg Body
Apocalypse, AoA Apocalypse (Fan Channel)
81. Thick Titan Body
82. Titan Body
Caliban, Infinity War Drax (Avengers 60th Anniv. Cosmic 2-pk @ PULSE)
83. Big Blubberous Body
Deluxe Blob
84. Tank-Like Titan Body
Rhino, Abomination (SDCC 2016 5-pk), Abomination, Ulik (SDCC 2017 5-pk), Ulik (@ Walmart)
85. Hulking Symbiote
86. Furry Hulking Body
Ursa Major
87. Topheavy Titan Body
Strong Guy
88. Hulking Body
MCU Avengers Hulk, Ultimate Green Goblin, Modern Blastaar (SDCC 2014 5-pk), MCU Avengers Age of Ultron Hulk, Dr. Green Hulk (2015 ML Collector’s Edition 3-pk @ Target), MCU Possessed Avengers Age of Ultron Hulk (Marvel First Ten Years 2-pk)
89. Taller Hulking Body
MCU Avengers Endgame Hulk, Gamerverse Outback Gray Hulk (@ Gamestop), Totally Awesome Hulk
90. Gigantic Vegetable Body
91. Gigantic Beastly Body
Sasquatch, Wendigo, Xemnu
92. Gigantic Spikey Metal Body
Destroyer (Avengers 60th Anniv. Thor 2-pk) (estimated)
93. Armor-Plated Monster Body
94. Gigantic Robot Body
Kree Sentry
95. Monstrous Robot Body
Nimrod (Nimrod 3-pk @ Amazon)
96. Gigantic Hulking Body
Classic Hulk (80th Anniv. 2-pk), Modern Hulk (SDCC 2019), 1st Appearance Hulk (Fan Channel), Red Hulk (@ Target), Compound Hulk (@ Walmart), Maestro (Fan Channel), ML20th Anniv. Hulk, First Appearance Hulk (Avengers 60th Anniv. Hulk 2-pk)
97. Gigantic Titan Body
Modern Juggernaut, Classic Juggernaut (80th Anniv. 2-pk)
98. Monstrous Hulking Body
Gamerverse Abomination
99. Gigantic Mechanical Body
Detroit Steel
100. Giant Galactic Body
Classic Galactus
101. Giant Dragon Body
Fin Fang Foom
102. Giant Freaking Robot Body
Modern Sentinel
103. Really Giant Freaking Robot Body
MU Galactus, MU Galactus (SDCC 2010 carded), MU O.N.E. Sentinel, MU Classic Color Sentinel, MU Classic Color Sentinel (SDCC 2011 carded), MU Classic Color Sentinel (Days of Future Past 2-pk @ Amazon)
104. Towering Giant Human Body
Classic Giant-Man (HasLab)
105. Towering Giant Freaking Robot Body
Modern Sentinel (HasLab)
106. Towering Galactic Body
Galactus (HasLab)
1. Teenage Body
Araña: Spider-Girl, Vampire Jubilee, MC2 Spider-Girl, Ultimate Spider-Woman, Magik (SDCC 2015 5-pk), White Tiger, Spider-Gwen, Nico Minoru, Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel, Singularity (A-Force 5-pk @ Toys R Us), X-Force X-23, Gwenpool, Spider-Gwen (Into the Spiderverse 2-pk @ Target), Stinger (Scott @ Cassie Lang 2-pk @ Toys R Us), All-New All-Different X-23 Wolverine, Magik (@ Walgreens), Stepford Cuckoos (@ Walgreens), Gamerverse Ms. Marvel, Gwenom, Shadowcat w/puffy shirt (Excalibur 3-pk @ PULSE), Ms. Marvel in Spider-Man Cosplay (Marvel Unlimited 2021), X-Men Blue & Gold Jubilee w/new thighs, Valeria Richards (Fan Channel Fantastic 4 2-pk), Mania (Venomania 2-pk @ Target)
2. Taller Teenage Body
90s Jubilee, Squirrel Girl (legs only), (Ultimate Riders) VHS Animated X-Men Jubilee (@ PULSE)
3. Petite Civilian Body in Skirt
MCU Peggy Carter, Gwen Stacey (Retro carded), House of X Moira McTaggert, 70s Marvel Girl
4. Teen Armored Body
5. Armored Leg Assassin
Lady Deathstrike, Age of Apocalypse Shadowcat (legs only)
6. Medium Armored Body
Rescue (Marvel Unlimited 2016)
7. Medium Tactical Suit Body
Mockingbird, Domino, All-New All-Different Spider-Woman
8. Medium Catsuit Body
Black Widow (Ultimate Riders), Modern Black Cat, Deadly Origin Black Widow (@ Target), Age of Apocalypse Jean Grey, Yelena Belova
9. Medium Flexible Body w/Double Elbows (Pin-less)
Shriek, Siryn, Quake/Maria Hill, Silk (Doctor Octopus & Silk 2-pk @ Amazon), Spinnerette (ASM 60th Anniv. Renew Your Vows 2-pk), Agony (Symbiotes 3-pk @ Amazon), 80s Animated Firestar (SMAHAF 3-pk @ PULSE), White Elektra (Daredevil 3-pk @ PULSE), Dark Phoenix (Retro carded), X-Men Blue & Gold Storm w/new legs, Outback Rogue, Generation X Monet, Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman (West Coast Avengers 5-pk @ Amazon), Lady Bullseye, Clea w/new torso, Modern Namorita, Hallows’ Eve (Retro carded)
10. Medium Super-posable Catsuit Body (Pin-Less)
Black Widow (Avengers 60th Anniv. @ Target) w/super-posable catsuit torso
11. Medium Civilian Body in Jeans
Mary Jane Watson (Spidey & Mary Jane 2-pk @ Toys R Us), MCU Jessica Jones, MCU Elektra, MCU Jessica Jones (SDCC 2018 5-pk), 80s Punk Storm, MCU Michelle Jones (Homecoming 2-pk @ Target), Callisto (Wolverine 5-pk @ Amazon)
12a. Medium Athletic Body
Kate Bishop (Civil War 3-pk @ Toys R Us), Lady Beetle, Phoenix, Kitty Pryde, Silk, Ashley Barton/Spider-Girl, Polaris, 70s Dazzler, Invisible Woman (@ Walgreens), Photon (A-Force 5-pk @ Toys R Us), Elsa Bloodstone (A-Force 5-pk @ Toys R Us), Black Widow (Retro carded), Jewel (Defenders 4-pk @ Amazon), Songbird, Typhoid Mary, Dagger, Elektra, Lady Deadpool, MCU Claire Temple (Netflix 2-pk @ Walmart), MCU Pepper Potts (Iron Man 3 3-pk @ Amazon), Silver Sable, Classic Mystique (@ Walgreens), Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman, Outback Dazzler (Retro carded), Boom-Boom, Modern Dani Moonstar/Karma/Wolfsbane (@ Walgreens), Jean Grey (Love Triangle 3-pk), X-Factor Polaris (90s X-Factor 2-pk), X-Force Domino (X-Force 3-pk @ PULSE), Vindicator (Alpha Flight 6-pack @ Amazon), All-New All-Different Invisible Woman, 90s Gray Black Widow (@ Walmart), Shiklah, Firestar (Fan Channel), Darkstar, Binary (@ Walgreens), Meggan (Excalibur 3-pk @ PULSE), VHS Animated X-Men Jean Grey (@ PULSE), Madame Hydra,
12b. Medium Athletic Body w/Flared shoulders
Kitty Pryde, Captain Kate Pryde (Marvel Unlimited 2022)
12c. Medium Athletic Body (Medium Full Body Thighs)
Dark Phoenix (80s X-Men 2-pk @ Toys R Us)
13. Medium Athletic Body (Pin-less)
Age of Apocalypse Rogue
14. Medium Furry Body
Tigra (Retro carded), Tigra (West Coast Avengers 5-pk @ Amazon)
15. Medium Powerhouse Body (Pin-less)
Utopia/Heroic Age Rogue (Fan Channel X-Men 2-pk)
16. Medium Full Body
Psylocke, Blink, Modern Emma Frost (@ Walgreens), Aurora (Alpha Flight 6-pack @ Amazon), Snowbird (Alpha Flight 6-pack @ Amazon), White Rabbit (legs only), Psylocke (Nimrod 3-pk @ Amazon), Female Sentinel Prime (HasLab Sentinel), Vertigo (X-Men Villains 5-pk)
17. Medium Weather Goddess Body (Full Thighs, Pin-less)
1st Appearance Storm (Storm/Thunderbird 2-pk @ Target)
18. Medium Full Body (Full Thighs, Pin-less)
Captain Marvel (Avengers 60th Anniv. Secret Wars 2-pk), Classic Mockingbird (West Coast Avengers 5-pk @ Amazon)
19. Astonishing Full Body w/ Bodice
Astonishing Emma Frost
20. 6-Armed Female Fury Body
Spiral (Retro carded)
21a. Tall Curvy Body
Medusa (SDCC 2014 5-pk), Modern Mowhawk Storm, Hellcat, Modern Wasp, Misty Knight, Medusa (@ Walgreens), Shuri Black Panther (Black Panther 2-pk @ Toys R Us), Wasp (Retro carded)
21b. Tall Curvy Body w/ “W” Bodice
Scarlet Witch, Enchantress (SDCC 2016 5-pk), Enchantress, 70s Scarlet Witch (Family Matters 3-pk @ Amazon, Scarlet Witch (Retro carded)
21c. Tall Curvy Body w/ Straight Bodice
White Queen Emma Frost (SDCC 2020 4-pk), Black Queen Selene/Jean Grey (SDCC 2020 4-pk)
21d. Tall Curvy Body w/Puffy Shirt
90s White Costume Storm (Retro Carded), 90s Black Costume Storm (Retro Carded), VHS Animated X-Men Storm (@ PULSE), X-Men ’97 Storm w/pin-less legs (Retro carded)
22a. Powerhouse Body
Moonstone (SDCC 2013 5-pk), Satana (SDCC 2013 5-pk), Black Cat (no bicep swivels), Classic Ms. Marvel (2014 ML Collector’s Edition 3-pk @ Target), Captain Marvel, Classic Jessica Drew Spider-Woman, Gamora (GOTG 5-pk @ Entertainment Earth), 90s Rogue, S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain Marvel (Marvel Unlimited 2017), Lady Loki (A-Force 5-pk @ Toys R Us), Jane Foster Thor (SDCC 2017 5-pk), Jane Foster Thor, Scream, Jocasta, Rogue (Retro carded), Animated Black Cat (Retro carded), Lady Loki (Retro carded), Skrull Queen/Spider-Woman (Avengers 60th Anniv. Skrulls 2-pk), Jessica Drew Spider-Woman (Retro carded), X-Men ’97 Rogue (Retro carded),
22b. Powerhouse Body w/Pin-less Double-Jointed Arms
Moonstone w/pin-less arms (@ Walgreens), Jessica Drew Spider-Woman (Retro carded), Moondragon w/sleeved gloves (Avengers 60th Anniv. Cosmic 2-pk @ PULSE)
23. New Powerhouse Body (Pin-less)
Utopia/Heroic Age Rogue
24. Tall Armored Body
Angela, Lady Sif (A-Force 5-pk @ Toys R Us)
25. Tall Powerhouse Body
Red She-Hulk, Valkyrie w/modded torso, Thundra, Hela (SDCC 2015 5-pk), She-Hulk (A-Force 5-pk @ Toys R Us)
26. Giant Powerhouse Body
Modern Savage She-Hulk, Green Modern Savage She-Hulk (Fan Channel)
Magic Circle
Orange - Dr. Strange (Dormammu)
Pink - Scarlet Witch (Allfather)
Light Pink - Dazzler (Retro)
Green - Modern Dr. Strange (Hulkbuster)
Lime Green - Enchantress (Dormammu)
Dark Green - Enchantress (SDCC)
White - Astral Dr. Strange (SDCC)
Rainbow - Dazzler (Warlock)
Power Circle
Orange - Shocker (Sandman)
Yellow - Havok (90s X-Factor 2-pk)
Yellow Glitter - Silver Surfer (@ Walgreens)
Green - Polaris (Warlock)
Lime Green - Polaris (90s X-Factor 2-pk)
Blue - A vs. X Havok (Juggernaut)
Light Blue - Adam Warlock (Mantis)
Purple - Wonder Man (Abomination)
Purple Glitter - Magneto (Family Matters)
Pink - Klaw (TRU 2-pk)
Black - Sunspot (Strong Guy)
Lightning (Tube)
Yellow - 80s Storm (Apocalypse), 90s Storm (Retro White)
Light Blue - Thor (Ragnarok 2-pk), Storm (Retro Black)
Blue - Magik (Walgreens)
Purple - Magneto (Apocalypse), Infamous Iron Man (Walgreens)
White - Living Laser (Thanos)
Lightning (Flat)
Light Blue - Thor (Cull Obsidian)
Fireball Swirls
Red - MCU Civil War Scarlet Witch (Abomination)
Small Flame Swirl
Red - Scarlet Witch (Infinity War 2-pk)
Pink - Scarlet Witch (Family Matters)
Orange - MCU Hela (80th Anniv. 2-pk), Human Torch (Super Skrull), Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Deadpool 2-Pk)
Yellow - MCU Binary Captain Marvel (@ Walmart)
Blue - Magik (@ Walgreens)
Clear - Stepford Cuckoos (@ Walgreens)
Fireball, Palm
Pink/Purple - Captain Marvel (Allfather)
Fireball, Fist
Yellow & Orange - Sunfire (Warlock), Iron Fist (Dormammu)
Orange - Iron Fist (shirtless) (Defenders 5-pk), Human Torch (@ Walgreens)
Purple - Vibranium Black Panther (@ Walmart)
White - Black Panther (Retro carded)
Flamed Hands
Orange - Human Torch (Super Skrull), Age of Apocalypse Sunfire
Sword Flame
Orange - Typhoid Mary (Monster Venom)
Blue - Magik (@ Walgreens)
Pink - Psylocke (Apocalypse)
Repulsor Blasts
Red - Deluxe Black Widow
Orange - Iron Man (Retro carded), MCU Iron Man Mk VII (MCU 10th Anniv.), Pepper Potts (Iron Man 3 3-pk), MCU Black Widow (Deluxe), Iron Man 2020 (@ Walgreens)
Yellow - Classic Iron Man (80th Anniv.)
Purple - Infamous Iron Man (@ Walgreens)
Light Blue - MCU Civil War Iron Man (Giantman), MCU Civil War Iron Man (Civil War 3-pk), All-New All-Different Iron Man (Okoye), Iron Man Mk L (IW Thanos), Iron Man Mk L (IW 3-pk), Iron Man LXXV (Bro Thor), Gamerverse Iron Man (GV Abomination), Gamerverse Star Boost Iron Man (@ Target)
Light Blue/White - Iron Man Mk L (Target 2-Pk)
Dark Blue/White - All-New All-Different Stealth Iron Man (Fan Channel)
Muzzle Flashes
Orange - Deadly Origin Black Widow (Target), West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe)
Electric Hands
Light Blue - ASM2 Electro (Sony movie)
Black - Electro (Space Venom)
Purple - Eel (Abomination)
Yellow - Classic Electro (Retro Carded)
Gun Effects
Smoke Swirls - Deadly Origin Black Widow (@ Target), West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe)
Bullet Spray - West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe)
Chaingun Muzzle Flash - West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe)
Missile Launch - West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe)
Misc. Others
Force Shield - Invisible Woman (Super Skrull)
Fire Tongues / Back - Ultimate Green Goblin
Fire Ball / Hand - Boom Boom (Wendigo)
Fire Spheres - Captain Marvel (Binary)
Card Hands - Gambit (Caliban)
Portal and Shards - Blink (Caliban)
Daggers - Dagger (SP//DR)
Psychic Butterfly and Knife - Psylocke (Apocalypse)
Green Smoke - Mysterio (Lizard)
Light Green Smoke - Mysterio (Retro carded)
Phoenix - Dark Phoenix (80s X-Men 2-pk)
Widow's Sting Blasts (blue) - MCU Black Widow (Deluxe)
Widow's Sting Firing - Gray Black Widow (@ Walmart)
Widow's Sting Smoke Trails - Gray Black Widow (@ Walmart)
Red-Orange Explosions - MCU Black Widow (Deluxe)
Jetpack Flames - 90s Gray Black Widow (@ Walmart)
Flame Blast-Off - Iron Man 2020 (@ Walgreens), West Coast Avengers War Machine (Deluxe) (Retro carded)
So here is the revived ML Body Mold list. The old board used HTML tags. This new one doesn't seem to operate the same way, so the spacing is a LOT more spread out and I can't see an easy way to fix it. Anyone knows how, please elaborate.
Also, the EFFECTS section is severely outdated. Someday I might get around to updating it.
Lastly, there are numerous errors I'm sure. As well as omissions and errors in height rankings, as I don't have some figures and others are estimates because it's not easy with my setup to line up some figures to compare against each other. I will update periodically as errors are noted here.
Very impressive work, thanks for compiling that, even as my wallet weeps over how many of these I've purchased through the years.
While we're at it, does anyone have an approximate number for how many Hasbro and Toybiz each released under the Marvel Legends banner?
@valenz THANK YOU!!!!!!! This brought tears to my eyes and helps me so much as a customizer. You have no idea how much I appreciate this!
#88 Avengers Hulk/Ultimate Green Goblin was a different mold from the AOU Hulk figures/target set.
You can change the spacing by deleting the space between one line and the next, and then holding shift+enter to separate them again.
That, or you can use bullets. That would be much quicker. Just highlight the text you want bulleted and select the bullets from the WYSIWYG.
This list is very helpful, thank you. I hate to make more work for you, but my one suggestion would be to update the title of each item to include the way it's colloquially known. For instance instead of "Stocky Body," it'd be "Stocky (Wolverine Body)."
Thanks for taking the time to do this! Any way to make this a pinned topic so it stays at the top of the thread?
BTW, MCU Iron Monger is missing. It should be in the same category as Detroit Steel.
Great list. I'd also add:
- Captain America: Civil War War Machine body (reused for Punisher War Machine)
- Captain America: Civil War Iron Man body (reused for Zombie Iron Man and Hologram Iron Man)
1) Just wanna say how useful this list is despite it getting so little traction.
2) Also commenting so that it's closer to the front page and easier to find.