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It's 2027 - Legends 25th Anniversary and You're In Charge!

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2027, the 25th Anniversary of Marvel Legends.

You are in charge of Character and Product selection.

You can produce whatever you want. The sky's the limit. HasLab is on the table, as is any style and form of offering ML has ever had. Do you do an homage to the past? Do your own thing? A mix of both?

What do you choose?


I'm doing 12 offerings - one per month (specifically spaced out for shipping to help us all budget better), plus a HasLab and an oversize figure (the Dragon Man model). Many are a tribute to what has come before. Some choices are characters that should have been made in 25 years' time but haven't been. Some choices are just "cool" in my opinion.

No Iron Man, Wolverine or Cap for me.


1) Human Torch and Toro - should have been made by now


2) Doctor Doom on his throne - deluxe, homage to Series 2 and ToyBiz FF series


3) Daredevil vs. Owl - homage to the Face Off series


4) Valkryie and Aragorn - homage to Legendary Riders


5) Spider-Man - earliest appearance inspired, alternate head with pupils. New super articulated body. Homage to Spider-Man Classics


6) Thor - Walt Simonson inspired, just because I like it


7) Storm (more modern costume) - Widow body, pinless, new lightning effects and tornado/lightning base homage to both the first ML Storm figure and ToyBiz X-Men series


8) Iceman - deluxe figure, a lot of ice effects, and segments to construct a huge ice slide


8) Wasp - deluxe figure with a 6" Wasp in black/gold, a 3 3/4 classic 1st appearance Wasp and 8-10 mini-Wasps (1st appearance, 60s red/yellow, Korvak Saga, Perez blue-white asymmetrical, Secret Wars, Under Siege, mutated Crossing, "modern" gold to match the 6" figure) - homage to Marvel Universe line


9) Attuma, Skurge, M'Baku, Nebula and Baron Mordo multipack - just because I want them and they all should have been made by now



10) Dracula - Gene Colan style (in my world, this release coincides with a BAF wave including Man-Spider, Werewolf By Night, Frankenstein's Monster, Simon Garth, Gargoyle, Lilith Drake, Manphibian  and BAF Living Mummy


11) Whiplash - MCU, homage to all cinematic figures


12) Two-Gun Kid - first ever western character, Fan Channel exclusive


13) Bill Foster (either classic super costume) - Overscale (Dragon Man model) also comes with the matching standard 6" figure, homage to the Gigantic Battles sets


14) Fin Fang Foom - HasLab, tribute to the BAF figure and the Hulk line


TheGillMan, allynewns, puckace and 3 people reacted
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I wouldn't mind a Series II throwback wave.

  • Human Torch updated in that classic opaque red and yellow + flame stand
  • Sub-Mariner update in that outfit w/ the underarm web things added + water stand
  • Thing on the retro buck (washed) w/ trench, hat & shades
  • Dr. Doom in all his classic accurate goodness?? Whew, c'mon =)

RAM KaBLAM and puckace reacted
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...Can we get a Ben Affleck Daredevil? (and a Thomas Jane Punisher, for that matter...)

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I think I'd just go the route of referencing past waves and lines.


A proper Todd McFarlane Spider-Man in a Spider-Man Classics homage package. Put it on a new body that's between the RYV and AF bodies in terms of size.


ToyBiz Marvel Legends MODOK Series homage Moon Knight on the Vulcan body


ToyBiz Hulk Classics homage Absorbing Man on the Hercules body


Astonishing Beast in X-Men Classics homage packaging


Fantastic Four Classics homage Super Skrull. Would be alright with a rerelease of the BAF, but a new one on a body that isn't derived from the Hyperion mold could be pretty cool.



Hasbro Marvel Legends Wave 1 Homage Deluxe Annihilus


Hasbro Marvel Legends Arnim Zola Series homage Madame Masque on the Target Exclusive Black Widow body


Raimi Green Goblin in Spider-Man (2002) homage packaging. Only movie figure homage because I'm biased. I was tempted to say comic Green Goblin since a ML13 inspired one would be awesome, but I hope we get a redo of him before 2027.


Elektra and Ronin 2-pack


Marvel Legends Face-Off homage War Machine vs Mandarin. I don't think I'd have either of them in these specific costumes. I guess they could do a black and white Modular recolor War Machine, but that's lame. Just redo the Initiative armor they did for that Armored Avenger wave. Robe Mandarin is a tricky prospect unless they want to go the route of soft goods, so Acts of Vengeance or Animated inspired would be my picks.


Marvel Legends Monsters 4-Pack redo. Every single character redone as modern figures in one box yet again.

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I take all the money made off of this line from reselling the same four bucks thousands of times over for the past 15 years and put it back into the line. 

I use our own Black Widow from last year and Jada Street Fighter as examples of what to do.

I do a wave of all new sculpts. 

I make use of the most up-to-date action figure tooling.  All joints work like they should (the mystery of the functioning double ball peg neck is solved).  

I paint the figures.  

I use soft goods wired capes (seriously, I love these things, they add so much personality to an action figure when done correctly.  Heck, even the cheep ones that Todd uses can get some good milage)

I don't overload with accessories but what is there is specific to and enhances the figure. (The little swirly things that are magic effects/blast effects/fire effects/mental effects all in one are gone).

I make the best version of the figure that I am currently able to make and don't leave out obvious features as a carrot to dangle the next time I have to sell the figure.

I let all of you choose WHO exactly is in the line up because, honestly, if all of the above happen I would buy the figure WHOEVER it is.

Happy 25th anniversary, Marvel Legends! 




Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Polaris (70s Shi'Ar costume)
Shotgun (JR Walker, 2nd costume, from Punisher War Zone)
Plantman (mask and cape version)
Basil Elks Basilisk (They'll finally make him, this year. 😉 )
Joseph Wade Scarlet Spider
Steel Spider
Arabian Knight (original)
Grim Reaper (hooded, with variant zombified head, and tattered cape)
Jaine Cutter
Gabriel Rosetti
Hammer & Anvil 2pack
Silvermane (bigger, better buck, more comic looking, and taller, with removable trench coat & swappable head with fedora)
It the Living Colossus
Haslab Eternity
Haslab Infinity
Eric Josten Goliath (done the Dragon-Man way)

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What I'd want would probably actually kill the line, but here goes....

One solid year of no characters that have ever previously been done in the line, only new characters allowed. That means no Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, etc for at least one year.

Fully retire visible pins

More alternate heads, don't start doing more of that face plate nonsense like with Kang. McFarlane has started that crap now too (Huntress and Manhunter).

A big X-Men year including a Krakoa playset and at least 2 dedicated X-Men comic waves. There are too many needed key characters to mention as I could do at least a full top 100 of previously unmade X-Men characters alone.

An Asgardian comic wave to include Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Kurse and more. (I was going to include Executioner and Heimdall here, but since they have MCU figs that would actually break my rule above).

A Hulk adjacent comic wave with at least Zzzax, Lyra, Rick Jones (Blue A-Bomb preferably), Miek, Red King, Bi-Beast, Ironclad

A Daily Bugle employees box set

A MCU wave with several of the key unmade characters including Echo.

A Mole Man / Giganto / Moloids super deluxe set (HasLab?)

Power Pack and Runaways box sets

Devil freaking Dinosaur with BOTH Moon Boy and Moon Girl

A Western 3-pack with Two Gun Kid, Rawhide Kid and Kid Colt. I'd take Red Wolf and Phantom Rider also.

Millie the Model, Patsy Walker and Hedy Wolfe 3-pack

A flying horse / Pegasus body that can be used with several characters like Black Knight and Valkyrie

Payoffs on many of the teases they've done over the years that never came to pass like Bi-Beast, AIM Mandroid Armor, Red King, Overdrive, etc.

Red Ogre and Basil Elks reacted
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I'd go for a dedicated BAF wave of "We're sorry it's taken this long to get to these, we don't know what we were thinking" - but probably something pithier for the packaging.

Rachel Summers Phoenix

Phoenix - Rachel Summers - Marvel Comics - Excalibur - Character profile -


Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Sheet- Swordsman | Comic  Collectibles - Other / HipComic

The Spot

The Peerless Power of Comics!: Johnny-On-The-Spot

Will o' the Wisp
Will o' the wisp - Marvel Comics - Spider-Man - Character profile -


Namorita - Classic New Warriors Era - Marvel - Character profile


Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg (BAF)

Warriors Three Comics - Comic Vine

puckace reacted
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I like the one per month offering.  So here's my Marvel Legends 25th Anniversary ultimate wish list.


1.  HasLab Simonson Surtur with a Simonson Thor, Karnilla and Loki.

2.  Thor box set of Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Baldar, and Sif.

3.  Black Panther 3 pack.  Armored Black Panther, classic M'Baku/Man Ape, and classic Killmonger.

4.  Fan channel Swordsman/Mantis 2 pack.

5.  Bring on the Bad Guys wave 2.  All classic versions of Attuma, Mandarin, Skurge, Doctor Doom, Abomination (proper size), Mole Man.  Baf: A dedicated sculpt for the Super-Adaptoid with his wings, bow, quiver, arrows, shield, and Thor's hammer.  

6.  Secret Wars wave 2.  Wasp, Magneto, Rogue, Iron Man w/Rhodey alternate head and yellow unibeam, classic Falcon, and classic Hobgoblin. 

7.  Fan channel Volcana and Molecule Man (redo proper size and better head sculpt) 2 pack. 

8.  Spider-man wave.  McFarlane Spidey, Rocket Racer, Spot, Wil O The Wisp, Kangaroo, and a definitive classic Green Goblin. Baf Stegron classic look not huge.

9.  Serpent Society 5 pack.  Sidewinder, Anaconda, Bushmaster, Death Adder, and Diamondback.

10.  Invaders wave.  Captain America, Bucky, original Human Torch, Toro, Namor, Whizzer, and Miss America. Baf Baron Blood.

11.  Retro carded Giant Sized X-men wave.  Banshee, Sunfire, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Thunderbird.

12.  Marvel Legends Legendary Horse Riders line.  Black Knight, Valkyrie, Rawhide Kid, Two Gun Kid, Kid Colt, and Phantom Rider.

bonus Christmas offering*  Fan channel Air-Walker to finish the main Heralds of Galactus.

Magneto Was Right
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It's hard for me to wishlist this far in the future. I like to pretend I'll have all my wants on the shelf by this time next year.

SDcomics reacted
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If I was in charge?  Heaven help us all.  What went so horribly wrong at Hasbro that they had to put ME in charge of "Marvel Legends"?  😉

That said, this is what I would do:

"MARVEL SUPER HEROES" WAVE WITH THE 1990 TOY BIZ BOX ART: My wave would consist of the Silver Surfer, red uniform Daredevil, Deathlok, Annihilus, classic Green Goblin and classic The Mighty Thor.  Deluxe releases of green-and-orange suit Doctor Octopus with bendable wire tentacles and classic green savage Hulk with a boulder accessory (as a nod to the Toy Biz figure and the Hulk Annual when Hulk looks at the Marvel toys, looks at the toy of himself and laments like Charlie Brown, "I got a rock.").

"MARVEL LEGENDS WAVE TWO" WITH TOY BIZ BOX ART: As thwippersnapper previously said, I'd have classic Doctor Doom, Namor, the Human Torch and the and Thing with removable trench coat, hat and sunglasses.

"BRING ON THE BAD GUYS" WAVE TWO: I'd make Gene Colan art-based Count Dracula, Mephisto, Loki in his green-and-yellow outfit with yellow cape, Calypso, Ringmaster, Hela and Dormammu.

"RETRO THE FANTASTIC FOUR": I'd include Thing in his Fantastic Four jumpsuit, "opera gloves" suit Invisible Woman (think the 1995 Marvel Masterpieces uniform for clarification), She-Hulk in her Fantastic Four suit, the Mole Man, the Wizard and Trapster.  My two-pack would be the Puppet Master and Alicia Masters.

"RETRO THE INCREDIBLE HULK": My picks would be Jack Kirby art-based purple trunks Hulk from "The Avengers" #1, Tyrannus, orange-and-black suit Leader, Doc Samson in his red suit, and classic She-Hulk.  I'd toss in a General Ross and Hulkbuster two-pack and Deluxe figures of classic Abomination and of Merged Hulk in his brown Pantheon-era jumpsuit.

"RETRO SPIDER-MAN": My picks would be the Scott Leva red-and-blue suit version of Spider-Man, Octo-Spidey, "Marvel Knights: Spider-Man" suit Vulture, first appearance Mary Jane Watson, purple-and-blue suit Boomerang and classic Black Cat.  I'd toss in a two-pack of white Armani suit Doc Ock with classic Stunner, a Deluxe armored Rhino and two-packs for Black Costume Spider-Man and New Goblin and Sandman and Venom from 'Spider-Man 3' for its 20th anniversary year.  For "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" figures, I'd make Scarlet Spider, Spider-Carnage, Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker and Felicia Hardy.

"RETRO X-MEN": I'd pick Jim Lee/Gold Team era uniform Colossus, pink suit Psylocke, Storm in her black Outback uniform with the yellow lightning bolt insignia, Xorn, '80s suit Sabretooth on a bigger body mold, and classic Mastermind for my X-Men wave.  I'd also make a five-pack of the original X-Men and re-release or remake now hard-to-find characters like Jim Lee/Blue Team Cyclops and Jim Lee/Gold Team Jean Grey.

"THE AVENGERS": Black-and-red West Coast suit Wonder Man, "Red Zone" suit Scarlet Witch, classic Captain America based on George Perez's art with the triangular shield, Dell Rusk with a Red Skull alternate head, the Absorbing Man and George Perez art-based Beast would be my picks.

"X-MEN: THE VIDEO ARCADE": Since we got the Sentinels with the Hasbro Pulse two-pack, I'd make Wolverine, Cyclops, Dazzler, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Storm, all hopefully without cel-shading.  Make fan channel releases of villains like Magneto, Pyro and White Queen would be cool too.

That's all I can think of right now.  Do you guys like any of my picks?

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Posted by: @yojoebro82

I take all the money made off of this line from reselling the same four bucks thousands of times over for the past 15 years and put it back into the line. 

I use our own Black Widow from last year and Jada Street Fighter as examples of what to do.

I do a wave of all new sculpts. 

I make use of the most up-to-date action figure tooling.  All joints work like they should (the mystery of the functioning double ball peg neck is solved).  

I paint the figures.  

I use soft goods wired capes (seriously, I love these things, they add so much personality to an action figure when done correctly.  Heck, even the cheep ones that Todd uses can get some good milage)

I don't overload with accessories but what is there is specific to and enhances the figure. (The little swirly things that are magic effects/blast effects/fire effects/mental effects all in one are gone).

I make the best version of the figure that I am currently able to make and don't leave out obvious features as a carrot to dangle the next time I have to sell the figure.

I let all of you choose WHO exactly is in the line up because, honestly, if all of the above happen I would buy the figure WHOEVER it is.

Happy 25th anniversary, Marvel Legends! 




love this! Was going to suggest a one a month figure each with a different articulation set up (add snark by making each figure spider-man, in the same costume) and then a fan vote on what gets taken forward as new line standard at the end (add snark by suggesting the community would never recover from in-fighting/conspiracy theories over ‘the wrong option won’). But this is much better!


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Marvel would so regret putting me in charge.  I would dig into so many corners that Marvel would regret.

Ultraverse wave 1


Mantra (Eden Blake)

Prototype (Jimmy Ruiz)





Ultraverse wave 2







BAF Sludge

Ultraverse wave 3



Lord Pumpkin




BaF Veffir Voon Iyax

CrossGen wave 1

Samandahl Rey

Giselle Villard


Arwyn & Kreeg


Obregon Kane


BAF Enson

CrossGen wave 2


Simon Archard

Malcolm Lightbourne




BAF Qtzr

I really could go on.

Chooch and Basil Elks reacted
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If I was in charge, unsurprisingly I’d flood the line with Thor-related characters.

Warriors Three 3-pack


Deluxe Skurge


Mangog at Dragon Man pricepoint


Simonson Surtur HasLab 


Retro wave, wave 1:

Simonson armor Thor

Simonson Loki






Retro wave, wave 2:

Dargo Thor

Wrecker redux

Thunderball redux

Piledriver redux

Bulldozer redux

Sif (fan vote figure)


BaF wave:

20th Thor rerelease with both bearded and clean-shaven heads (no BaF part)


Zarrko the Tomorrow Man (yellow and green crazy costume)

Tyr (classic handbook look)

Classic Donald Blake


Simonson Beta Ray Bill

BaF Classic Handbook Mr. Hyde


Classic Valkyrie Brunnhilde w/Aragorn 2-pack/Riders set. 

And that’s just for starters. 


TheGillMan and puckace reacted
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X-Men wave: 

Banshee (Classic)

Rachel Summers (Marvel Girl) 

Emma Frost (Astonishing/Diamond)

Beast (60s/Human)

Cyclops (60s/Teen) 

Sunspot (Modern) 

BAF: Gentle


Avengers wave:

She-Hulk (Modern)

Captain Marvel (Modern) 

Black Bolt 



Shang-Chi (Modern) 


BAF: Ares

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