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Squirrelly Member
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Man if we get a classic Jack of Hearts I’d want it to be a deluxe release with power effects and 3 heads: cowl, sans cowl, and chaos magic zombie head

I’d pay the $29-$35 for that.

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Posted by: @panthercult

See while I get it... revisiting a character like Dreadknight just pushes characters that have never been done at all - say Graviton, or Firebrand or Unicorn further down the line.   I'd rather get to those that have never been done  at all than get another bite at a relatively minor player like Dreadknight.    


Obviously that doesn't apply for bigger characters like Mandarin, or Crimson Dynamo and even Madame Masque.    


Oh I agree. We should definitely get some new characters first but I just was saying that I would like another chance at dreadknight somewhere down the line . I just hope to get it eventually 


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@monkey-joe You might be paying that for the paint application alone. 🤡  However, I like where your heads at.   Since we’re not likely to get too many shots at Jack, they might as well go all out and do him up right.

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I know Ikaris isn't anywhere near Jack's crazy color scheme, but hopefully if they were willing to Ikaris, maybe Jack isn't too far behind.

Also, didn't somebody report right before the Great Fwoosh Blip last year that they asked about Jack at SDCC and one of the guys said "he's on our radar" or "soon" or something like that?

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I just got around to opening she Hulk. She is glorious. I'm quite happy with her. And the face is amazing. I glued the white armbands down cause they looked weird free floating. And her legs feel...gummy. For a heavy figure like her I wonder how they'll hold up over time. But she looks stunning. 

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For those of you who are modding the model 20 armor, what shade of metallic paint would you recommend for tony's lower abdomiinal section? I'm trying to make the armor look like the Pentagon 1-B variant

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I received a bunch of things all at once so I've been taking my time opening, and finally cracked open Blacklash today. Can I just say, it is so great to get a long-awaited character AND actually really enjoy the figure. There are a few things I might have done differently (butterfly joints and up-down hinges come to mind) but I'm overall really happy with  this guy. The colors, the boots and gloves (that are actual sculpted pieces! praise be), the ponytail, the whip. Just really pleased with how he turned out, and it's got me reflecting on how I started wishlisting this guy when I was on an Iron Man kick probably 20 years ago at this point.

Akatsuki, puckace and Beamish reacted
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The whip is pretty hard to pose, though. What solutions or cool poses have people found that don't topple and take out everyone else in true villain style?

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@schizm Really it has to either be held with 2 hands to be in the air or rest on the ground or his green plume to stay in the air in one hand. Its really the figure's only flaw.

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I can get it to sort of hover over his shoulder in a one-handed pose, but it's not the most dynamic position.

If I'm remembering correctly I think Blacklash had whips with different powers that he kept in his purse. It would have been neat if they'd been able to include whips with different effects to simulate that. I really like the one he came with though.

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Posted by: @h-bird

he kept in his purse. 


FACE IT: "It's not a Man Purse, It's called a satchel. Indiana Jones has  one." | One man wolf pack, Zach galifianakis, Reasons to date me


GrumpyMatt, puckace, NORM and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 79

I only picked up Mk20 and She Hulk from this wave and am a bit mixed on them.

She Hulk is as far as I can tell a unique new sculpt but they ignore the opportunity to put the newer pelvic hinge in?? She would have benefitted so much from the added articulation point, especially as her hair really hampers neck movement but instead her larger size seems to accentuate how limited the long running single diaphragm joint in most female figures is. I’m happy to have her but she’s a bit disappointing.

Mk20 had a misaligned knee plate so I had to boil and separate the pieces, then superglue it back on correctly and then carefully slice apart the seams in the joint where the glue had seeped into the spaces and frozen the whole thing. It was a bit nerve-wracking but the end result is good save for a slightly scuffed appearance within the detail sections of the knee. 
Articulation leaves me conflicted as again the figure really ought to have had a lower abdomen ball joint or pelvic hinge - NOT a twist joint. That said, we finally get the butterfly shoulders and I’m thrilled with that. Automatically puts this armour into my top five IM suits

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Posts: 59

So far, I have gotten Count Nefaria, Whiplash,  and Mark  24 (20)! The Count is a nice addition to the Avengers baddies,  as well as the "Marvel Crime Lords" (The Rose, Kingpin, Hammerhead,  Jigsaw,  Silvermane, Mr. Negative), just really need The Owl, Deathwatch, and maybe Black Tarantula to round out the significant ones! Mark 24 looks great and poses mostly great, could have used a little more forward hip clearance though! Whiplash is great, but needed vertical hinge wrists and should have included his whip-Nunchucks! Hopefully Graviton is in the works.   

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Posts: 15

This is my favorite wave of 2024, and I say that originally thinking that the second X-Men 97 wave could not be beat. It was hard to find good paint apps for Whiplash and Count Nefaria, but I got lucky with a full wave I found at a local Target.

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