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Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Love this wave!




Red Ogre, Flexion Dynamo, NORM and 3 people reacted
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I got She Hulk in the mail. I haven't taken her out yet cause I don't know where I'm gonna put her. But she looks amazing. Like, really well done. And she's fairly large, like a Hulk should be. And the hair is awesome. She is all kinds of cool.

jag2045, SDcomics and puckace reacted
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I got my She-Hulk from Gamestop Saturday. What an awesome figure. So nice too have a great She Hulk figure now! My only nit would be not having an alternate fighting/angry head where the hair is off her shoulders for more poseability. Otherwise it looks like she walked right out of a John Byrne Comic book. Just a great figure all around. The Legends team is crushing it right now IMHO.

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Her very empty bubble definitely could have used an alt angry head in there. Had the same thought. Or another pair of alt hands. Something.

sgtstinky reacted
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Now that I have She Hulk I would love to get a Wyatt Wingfoot! Not likely but would be so cool.

puckace reacted
mr potatohead
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Found her in Target yesterday.  Other than the leg that was bent in the packaging popping off really easily at the boot cuff excellent figure.  Wonder if I can fix that.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I think She-Hulk came out great! Such a beautiful head sculpt that captures her character better than any other figure so far. I agree that an angry or determined face sculpt would have been cool, too. But no doubt Hasbro will make a version of She-Hulk like that now that they have this excellent muscular, athletic, tall female base body. 

2nd most posts
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Don't know how long it'll last, but Amazon proper bumped their price for She-Hulk to 40.98! Jump on it while you can!

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Posted by: @normdapito

Don't know how long it'll last, but Amazon proper bumped their price for She-Hulk to 40.98! Jump on it while you can!


Looks like it is back to retail price to me


NORM reacted
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Posted by: @panthercult

Man... the first half of Beamish's post I was like "what is happening?"  Dreadknight update?  Hellcat update?  Masque again?   Ghost again?    who is this? .... redeemed himself with Jack of Hearts and Stingray at the end.


I recognize a line like this is going to lean heavy on revisiting Iron Man armors,  and I accept it.   But I really hope we can avoid redoing supporting characters when the opportunity is there to do new ones.     Classic Living Laser, Unicorn, Melter,  Firebrand -  yes, I can get behind all of those.     Let's stay in that lane.


We'll get inevitable re-does on Iron Man,  but can we stay away from re-does on the support cast when there are SO many great characters that have never had a figure?   for the love of pete...

Too be fair dreadknight was a sdcc exclusive and I wouldn't mind a chance to get him without paying the 90$ secondary market price 


And the Madame masque we have is pretty out of date but I can take or leave that one


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Definitely would like to see an updated Madame Masque! If it was made with ball hips it needs a redo, otherwise I'm happy to focus on new characters.

Akatsuki reacted
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I’d say any figure done on a body of a certain age is good for a redo: anything with pins is possibly on that list, but definitely anything done on a base body that is over a decade old. Madame Masque is *definitely* due. I’d actually rather see Dreadknight redone on a new, pinless scaled body that would likewise be used for Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, etc.

Akatsuki reacted
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Posted by: @aceofknaves

I’d say any figure done on a body of a certain age is good for a redo: anything with pins is possibly on that list, but definitely anything done on a base body that is over a decade old. Madame Masque is *definitely* due. I’d actually rather see Dreadknight redone on a new, pinless scaled body that would likewise be used for Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, etc.

That would be cool. I think dreadknight has a interesting enough design to warrant a redo and I would like a scaled pinless body at some point 


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See while I get it... revisiting a character like Dreadknight just pushes characters that have never been done at all - say Graviton, or Firebrand or Unicorn further down the line.   I'd rather get to those that have never been done  at all than get another bite at a relatively minor player like Dreadknight.    


Obviously that doesn't apply for bigger characters like Mandarin, or Crimson Dynamo and even Madame Masque.    

puckace and sgtstinky reacted
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Going back and looking at my list I realized I mis-read wummyhulk's post. I thought it said - what figures 'could' be in the next IM wave, instead of what was posted - what figures 'should' be.

Oh yeah, if I had read that correctly, Dreadknight, Madame Masque, Rescue and Hellcat wouldn't be on my list. I'm a firm believer in gimmie never-been-made-before-figures first, then gimmie updates.

Bring on Jack of Hearts, Stingray, Jarvis, Melter, Unicorn, Firebrand and Korvac from my list! Mandarin would stay on my priority list since we need a good, solid, classic version and he is the arch enemy after all.

The next tier down for me would be classic Living Laser and Ghost. Yes they exist as figures, but not in those classic suits. Although Hasbro hasn't done the versions of Crimson Dynamo and Titanium Man I posted pictures of, "close enough" versions are available, so they both would be on my next tier.


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