Pulse charged me for the whole wave. I’ve got them all already except She-Hulk, who has eluded me everywhere. Can’t wait to finally have a copy.
The bi's are already popping. It's pride month.
It would probably feel gimmicky and insincere in the way that so many corporate gestures towards inclusivity do, but I'd love if Hasbro announced a new character in honor of Pride month. America Chavez, Wiccan, Hulkling, Anole, that newer character Somnus that I haven't actually read but has a sweet design...these are just figures I want, and this seems like as good an excuse as any of Hasbro to get to it.
Speaking of which, I'm straight as an arrow, but am really tempted to get NECA's new Pride Elvira just because it looks so cool.
Maybe the rumored Destiny & Mystique 2-pack will be revealed this month to coincide with Pride Month.
Maybe the rumored Destiny & Mystique 2-pack will be revealed this month to coincide with Pride Month.
That's a really good speculation! Hope we see it soon regardless
Finally received the two She Hulks I ordered from Amazon on day one. Don’t know why mine were so delayed when so many received theirs from Amazon days to weeks ago. She’s a great figure, but it’s definitely a little anticlimactic.
Still don't have mine... it's now supposed to get here Sunday. Sigh.
Could be worse. Could be Cable who is still otherwise occupied until June 19
I can't wait until Saturday. That's when my She Hulk arrives!
Finally received the two She Hulks I ordered from Amazon on day one. Don’t know why mine were so delayed when so many received theirs from Amazon days to weeks ago. She’s a great figure, but it’s definitely a little anticlimactic.
You didn't live within 2-days shipping time of the product. That's what reps have told me. I ordered the Marvel Knights wave Blade on day 1 and received an early shipping notice last October. Then the day of arrival came and went. Well it was bumped from the queue and was slotted to ship on the next restock, whenever that was. Reps told me that product must be within a 2-day shipping range for you to get it. If you live in CA and the nearest product is in NY, too bad. Some guy in NJ that ordered months after you gets it. Time of order has no relevance, it's all cold logistics. Not always the case, I see they're kind of relaxing that some, maybe Karens like me complained too much! I'd rather have a few day extra wait that a few weeks or months delay.
The shipping system is completely automated. It's gets the info that product is coming early, emails go out, then the shipping algorithm decides who gets what, and it most cases there is never enough product to go around so you got the situation you were in. Mine was delayed also but I got her last week. My McFarlane Amazon series Fallout 3-pack is still in limbo from my pre-order. No date of arrival, reps say I'll probably not get it and should probably cancel. I already overpaid on eBay for my set. Made up the markup by selling the few McFarlane DC figures I have because I think they're pretty lackluster and it's not like I can actually manage to get in on a preorder before a sellout and when I do, well, I get a situation like I'm in with the Fallout set. I'm bitter, OK!
Yes, I have way too much time on my hands to research this stuff too! Sorry for the Ted Talk!
Got She-Hulk today. Awesomesauce. If they better use the buck to make Titania, easy peasy.
So, a post a friend made on Facebook prompted me to go back and look at all the custom figures I made back in the 90s using the old ToyBiz figures from those days. And one of the figures I made was a Yellowjacket from the old Blacklash/Whiplash figure. And it got me wondering if they might do the same since so many of his parts line up so well with YJ's costume. The gloves, boots, head (minus the plume). They'd just need a new torso or torso overlay with the YJ wings and a belt.
*shrugs* Just speculating.
@thor-el either way, a new Yellowjacket is long overdue, and one of my most wanted redos in the entire line. I think I’ve customized him 3-4 times at different scales, all of which are on dated bodies. Time for his comeback!
Ditto big time. I'm surprised over the entire history of Legends he has been been done once.
@spongyblue there’s yellow version and gold version from the Blob BAF wave, and the 4” version from Marvel Universe. Also a small non-articulated version from Toy Biz. Still need a new one though.