Speaking of Blizzard, I’d love to get a ML figure of Blizzard 1, who got a 5” figure in the Toy Biz Iron Man line. Hasbro previously made a ML figure of Blizzard 2, who is a different character in a different costume.
Speaking of Blizzard, I’d love to get a ML figure of Blizzard 1, who got a 5” figure in the Toy Biz Iron Man line. Hasbro previously made a ML figure of Blizzard 2, who is a different character in a different costume.
Love that Blizzard costume and would be excited to get a figure of it!
@detectivehoag I wanted that final wave of Iron Man figures so much! Love the look of the Lava Armor, Radiation Armor, and Magnetic Armor. And Tony used the Radiation Armor several times in the show.
And of course Dark Aegis! Loved that huge armored villain! I feel like he could be made now reusing a lot of the BAF Crimson Dynamo figure.
Nothing remotely groundbreaking, but a couple dabs of super glue to adhere the top edge of the rope to the bottom edge of the cape does wonders for this guy. Holds the cape still & keeps the rope where it needs to be.
This and She Hulk are the only figs I ordered from this wave; I opened this over the weekend and the cape peg won't stay in the hole. Did you glue that too?
Thanks. Think I'll try shaving down the peg before I glue the thin rope - it doesn't seem sturdy enough to hold the heavy cape for long before snapping.
Absolutely have no objections to Bizzard 1 getting a figure 😀
@h-bird I don't know what it is about Spymaster. His look shouldn't work, but I just love it for some reason and his figure is pretty great because of it.
@h-bird I don't know what it is about Spymaster. His look shouldn't work, but I just love it for some reason and his figure is pretty great because of it.
It's a rare design that can pull off so much yellow, but he really does carry it off! Even his dorky little logo just works, even if it makes zero sense for an espionage-themed villain to have a brand like that. I love him.
Ooh, how about some Espionage Elite in the line? That's a deep cut right there.
@h-bird Yep. Not sure how bright blue and yellow leads to a good spy, but I guess it works for a Spymaster!!!
Had to look up the Espionage Elite because I didn't remember them until seeing the pics. Their original look is best because later they just look like SHIELD rejects.
Why not a boxed set with the older look Spymaster (with green belt and big ass S) and then at least a couple members of the Elite. Regular retail price, clearanced at Ollies for $7!!!!
Speaking of deep-blue color,
I’m kind of surprised to see how much love a future F4 repaint of She Hulk is getting. I’m all about it but I certainly never realized how popular it would be with the masses.
But when/if they ever make it, I hope they use it as an opportunity to set up a future release for a proper Byrne inspired F4 team, namely by making the costumes as close to black as they can get. A super, super dark blue would be great.
And then if they wanted to also sculpt a completely new, shorter, plated, Byrne style Ben Grimm, I also wouldn’t complain…
@h-bird Yep. Not sure how bright blue and yellow leads to a good spy, but I guess it works for a Spymaster!!!
It’s comic book logic. You see that bright blue and yellow and think: “Wolverine!” or a guy with that gaudy outfit couldn’t possibly be a spy. See? Perfect sense. 🤣
Had to look up the Espionage Elite because I didn't remember them until seeing the pics. Their original look is best because later they just look like SHIELD rejects.
I had to look these guys up too. I didn’t remember them either.
Why not a boxed set with the older look Spymaster (with green belt and big ass S) and then at least a couple members of the Elite. Regular retail price, clearanced at Ollies for $7!!!!
Nice idea, but not enough star power to sell it. It would need an ‘A’ lister in a unique look to move it at retail. Probably a unique Iron Man.
If I were to pick two versions of the Mandarin to be made into Marvel Legends form, they would be the 90s animated look and the green robe look from the toybiz face-off 2-pack.
my only nitpick with She-Hulk is that they didn't figure out a way to swap in bicep-flexing arms! That would have put her over the top for me. Or even if the default arms had a little more "peak". Lets get those bi's poppin' 😍
The bi's are already popping. It's pride month.