Oh man. Perfect opportunity for me to stir up some age-old Fwoosh shit. KEEP YOUR WISHLIST OUT OF THE NEW RELEASE THREAD!!!!!1!!
We need more than a thumbs up and down. We need a heart reaction, for some posts.
I can actually picture angrily shaking a cane, as you say this, too. 😉 😛 lolOh man. Perfect opportunity for me to stir up some age-old Fwoosh shit. KEEP YOUR WISHLIST OUT OF THE NEW RELEASE THREAD!!!!!1!!
The comics adopted the MCU Rescue armor look? That's not surprising. Looks great.
She-Hulk - without the new one in hand, the best overall representation I think is still the Blob She-Hulk followed by the face of the A-Force - I love that face. I swapped the hair on her and MCU She-Hulk and it also looks great and makes MCU Jen MUCH more on-model.
From this wave, I only grabbed Model 9, She-Hulk, and the villains. She-Hulk still hasn't arrived, but I must say that this particular Iron Man, Model 9, is a nostalgic bit of fun for me. It immediately reminds me of the '91 Toybiz Marvel Superheroes Iron Man with the quick change armor, a play off of the Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne figure from Kenner. It was great to have Iron Man, but 6 year old quickly lost or broke pieces of the armor, so he always looked like he was half naked and falling apart, hahaha! It's also the armor featured in the Captain America and The Avengers arcade game. Top it all off with those sweet Astro Boy boots, and it feels like you're holding 1991 Marvel in the palm of your hand. 🙂
Man... the first half of Beamish's post I was like "what is happening?" Dreadknight update? Hellcat update? Masque again? Ghost again? who is this? .... redeemed himself with Jack of Hearts and Stingray at the end.
I recognize a line like this is going to lean heavy on revisiting Iron Man armors, and I accept it. But I really hope we can avoid redoing supporting characters when the opportunity is there to do new ones. Classic Living Laser, Unicorn, Melter, Firebrand - yes, I can get behind all of those. Let's stay in that lane.
We'll get inevitable re-does on Iron Man, but can we stay away from re-does on the support cast when there are SO many great characters that have never had a figure? for the love of pete...
Why not? He's one of the most highly requested characters, I would pick him in his 90s animated look plus Blizzard in his 90s animated look, Crimson Dynamo in the same armor as the Iron Man 2 figure, and Titanium Man in the same armor as the Marvel Select figure.Anyone but Mandarin.
Obviously kidding. Although I don't really want an animated version. Mandarin is a person. Its more of a racial caricature if he's not even human. His name should just be Wenwu or whatever. This Mandarin is basically doable with either the Hand or new Zemo body with new cape, head and hands. I'd prob do away with the nails.
It gets said every time the topic of the Mandarin comes up (more and more lately, hint hint Hasbro) but (part of) the problem is he doesn't have any single clear, iconic look. Personally, I think the Toy Biz figure in green is the best look he's ever had, and I'd be very happy to just get an update of that.
You know how much Hasbro hates making desirable figures in more than one look.
I can see the Acts of Vengeance and/or animated looks for Mandarin making it into ML. A retro carded animated Mandarin (as pictured last page) would be a good Fan Channel or Pulse release. If this year's Marvel Haslab is Fin Fang Foom, I can see Mandarin being an included figure. They could make an easy paint variation of the Haslab figure available down the road.
All those characters posted last page would be great for the next Iron Man wave. Hoping the next wave is a BAF one, as I love BAFs. I think Firepower or Arsenal would be great Iron Man BAFs. And of course giant classic Titanium Man, although the MS one pushes the urgency for him down a bit.
Firebrand in particular has a really nice design which would pop as a figure. Also, Force would be a nice character.
Also, an updated Namor (with butterflies, Vulcan body?).
For Iron Man armors, I think an Undersea Armor to pair with Stingray would be cool. And a Space Armor. Lastly, I think a gold/red version of Neo-Classic would be good. I think the gold/red version of Neo-Classic paired with Mandarin would be a good 2pk.
You know how much Hasbro hates making desirable figures in more than one look.
For sure. But at the current rate of Mandarin figure production we'll get one look now and the next in 2050.
I got charged by Pulse for She Hulk, Count, and Whiplash. So excited for these. I have wanted a comic Whiplash for so long.
Also got the Pulse notice for the whole wave.
@panthercult While I agree in principal, I also have a floppy mess Blizzard that is dying for an update. There is only so many times I can (want) to use chemicals to keep him stable. So, again, I agree with you in principal I also do want to get at least him updated.
Personally I would be fine with single carded releases, but maybe they could do a boxed set in the style that Toybiz did for the animated Fin Fang Foom release back in the day. That way it doesn't take up slots in another wave, but gets some older releases redone.