I blame it ALL on that atrocious Sue Storm headsculpt!
Just Nefaria & golden skirt for me so far. Other than the weird choice for Nefaria's cape, both are great figures.
Where you at Shulkie?!
Nothing remotely groundbreaking, but a couple dabs of super glue to adhere the top edge of the rope to the bottom edge of the cape does wonders for this guy. Holds the cape still & keeps the rope where it needs to be.
Where is that IM w/Mega Man boots from?
THIS is what my brain keeps thinking this figure looks like. Thank you!
I blame it ALL on that atrocious Sue Storm headsculpt!
Someone repainted that sculpt and posted pics here or on Reddit to demonstrate it's not the sculpt that's bad, it's Hasbro's paint job on it. I didn't save the pic but it looked great with better paint.
I’ve seen pictures of that head repainted as well and you’re right, when given the proper time and care it actually does look pretty good. But that is outside my skill set.
I’ve seen pictures of that head repainted as well and you’re right, when given the proper time and care it actually does look pretty good. But that is outside my skill set.
Far easier to slap one of the previous Sue heads on that Negative Zone reversed color version of the original uniform colors.
I’ve seen pictures of that head repainted as well and you’re right, when given the proper time and care it actually does look pretty good. But that is outside my skill set.
Far easier to slap one of the previous Sue heads on that Negative Zone reversed color version of the original uniform colors.
Which is exactly what I did. I tossed the ugly head on the modern costume body and chucked it into the Box of No Return™ along with the other members in their modern looks. I just put the Johnny head from that on the Walgreens costume body.
The paint on that Sue's head, looks like she walked into a all of farts.
I wouldn’t give up hope on F4 figures, be it retro cards or BAF wave. They’ve got a movie coming.
For sure they will get movie support - but let's be honest, an F4 movie wave is going to contain the 4 Team Members in movie likenesses and at least the movie Silver Surfer - so there may not be much room for any comic based inclusions.
And no retailer is ever going to pull the trigger on another series of FF retro figures after the blood bath they took on the last batch.
But, if the movie is a smash hit the door will open for future FF product, so all hope is not lost, 'tis true
Of course - I thought that the runaway success of the Black Panther movie might mean finally a comic M'Baku, or at least a Killmonger figure and alas. Heck - the sequel did $850 million in box office and didn't give me a comic Attuma, or other Atlanteans, or anything, really. So box office smash status isn't a guarantee I'll see any comic based figures at all.
Got the three new armors today and I gotta say, my only critique is that they're still using repulsor hands without hinges (or in case of Mark 20, hinges with blocked movement). We know they have hinged hands that work - 001-Gold comes with them!
I was the least sold on buying the gold armor but putting the unarmored head on it with Tony's smug look actually makes me like the figure even more. I didn't do much with 001 but I find myself tinkering with the gold version a lot.
Anyone have Target DPCI numbers for this wave? I'm assuming they're all the same but if they're different. I'm looking for She-Hulk.
I'm going to Target this morning armed with an Angel DPCI so I may as well try this too.
Anyone have Target DPCI numbers for this wave? I'm assuming they're all the same but if they're different. I'm looking for She-Hulk.
I'm going to Target this morning armed with an Angel DPCI so I may as well try this too.
These haven't been listed publicly on their website yet so no one is likely to know. Hopefully someone has looked them up on the in-store computers and responds though.
I've seen pics of them hanging on pegs in my area but the numbers on the tags are illegible.
I heard She-Hulk's dpci is 087260727. If incorrect, blame Augie from toymigos. Someone posted a pic on the local FB group, but the figures were on an Iron Spider peg.
087260727 - all four I bought rang up under this DCPI.