- Have at it
Most excited for She-Hulk! She looks blurrily great. 🙂
Glad they included at least one female.
No need for any of the Iron Men and the gold skirt looks out of place on this modern card back.
Count Nefaria I'm in for, Whiplash when he gets real cheap.
I think this just might be my favorite ML wave EVER. Wow. Every one a huge winner. That Shulkie though . . . wonderful.
The whole wave is a winner for me. Interesting that the MCU has elevated Iron Man to Spider-Man levels where a retro comic wave with 3 variants will sell.
Count Nefaria and Blacklash/Whiplash - YES!!!! Even blurry they look amazing!
The Iron Man armors look great!
She-Hulk looks spectacular! I'm really surprised an updated Madame Masque wasn't in this spot to go along with her daddy and Jennifer saved for the rumored Avengers Retro Card wave.
Can Jen in her FF uniform be far behind?
Some blurry pics here: https://marvelousnews.com/252-34878
Iron Men - Pentagon armor (I think?), Neo-classic with the big boots, gold mk 1
Count Nefaria
Super stoked!
So, super excited for Count Nefaria and that Whiplash . And the new She Hulk is much needed. I have to say I'm a tad disappointed there are 3 Iron Man armors in the wave. I would have loved something like Diablo or Firebrand... but really I was expecting some version of Mandarin. This would have been a great place for him.
Ahh well.
Oh, man. Does this mean we might get a deluxe Hulkbuster from the cartoon line?? 🤤
She-Hulk looks fantastic. I hope she’s beefy and tall. I’ll take her in FF blues, too, plz.
That's the She Hulk I've been waiting for.
First wave since maybe the Juggernaut BAF wave that I genuinely want every figure.
Mandarin’s absence is concerning. At this point I’d even take a green animated version, but I just hope he isn’t completely blacklisted.
Maybe in a Haslab with Fin Fang Foom.
Those look great. 🙂
The Model 09 boots look obnoxiously large. Is he using the normal Iron Man body?
That She Hulk is great - another character I can tick off the list of ‘never need another version’. Hope we see a Titania soon for her to whale on.
The iron Man armors look fine, but I can skip them. But those villains are great - easy pick-ups.
No Mandarin is super disappointing though - this would have been the perfect place for him.