Those photos are pure nostalgia. I remember ogling pictures like that for weeks while waiting for my pre-orders to come in.
Ironically, I no longer have the Vengeance figure, but for some reason I still have his bike. 😀
Ohhh, I have some ID questions, but I wanna know if the toys ever appeared in the comics, if you'll indulge me!
The other Wolvie in that X-Men series ('Sentinel Attack Wolverine'), did that mini Sentinel accessory ever show up, or was it from the mad minds of ToyBiz?
Also, for the Legendary Riders series, did the vehicles that came with HB Ironman, Ultron, Scarlet Witch, Wonderman, Thing and Taskmaster ever show up in the comics?
I believe the accessory with Wolverine was labeled as a "Wild Sentinel" (either on the package or unofficially) and was directly from the pages of Morrison's New X-Men. You can see an image on the Wiki that looks remarkably like the figure!
For the vehicles, Taskmaster is riding the atomic steed that originally came with series 7 Hawkeye - and is primarily associated with Black Knight in the comics. Thing is riding a version of the jet cycle that has appeared a bunch over the years.
The others I don't know about, but if they are from the comics I'd love to find out too!
It's a riff on one of the FF's many airjet cycle things.
I don’t think the vehicles that came with Wanda or Simon are canon. The Ultron from that wave is not even canon, let alone that glider that came with him. Same with Hulkbuster, who definitely didn’t need a vehicle pack in but also got a useless glider.
Thank you @h-bird @derrabbi @normdapito and everyone else who chimed in! Appreciate the info! I didn't even realize Taskmaster had a repacked steed!!
I thought of one more I was curious about, if anybody knows. Did the Toybiz Storm chase figure ever happen in the comics (specifically, having a mohawk in that outfit)? I don't think it did, I always assumed it was an easy way to get a variant without tooling a new body. Hunting down rare figures for a simple head swap is something I'm glad died with TB.
Mohawk Storm definitely exists! I can't remember if I found it, because back then, Toy Biz chase figures were VERY hard to find. But yeah, she was definitely released with both the long flowing hair and the mohawk.
Mohawk Storm definitely exists! I can't remember if I found it, because back then, Toy Biz chase figures were VERY hard to find. But yeah, she was definitely released with both the long flowing hair and the mohawk.
Sorry for the confusion! I meant if the outfit/hair combo of the chase Storm ever appeared in the comics. I fixed up my post to hopefully make it clear.
@joedick My bad. I definitely have a more comprehensive memory of the toys themselves, and their variants, than I do their comic appearances. However, I do think she sported a grown-out hairstyle in this outfit. Her shorter hair as depicted in the issue 275 3pk. The mohawk really only showed up with the punk outfit (vest, tube top, leather pants, boots).
If I remember correctly, Storm only had the mohawk in the comics when she took over as leader of the Morlocks.
I think I tracked every chase figure down through eBay. Back then an overpay was like $30.
Hunting down rare figures for a simple head swap is something I'm glad died with TB.
Finding a variant back then was a magical feeling, but not finding a variant was a terrible feeling. I'm glad it's over.
Well, unless you're a DC collector...
I don't know if the chases got easier to find but I never found any until Cyclops and Angel. Then I got lucky with Green Goblin and Abomination. After that...never found any again until I bought a TB lot a few years back.
Some def got easier to find. ML10 (Sentinel), ML12 (Apocalypse), ML15 (MODOK) variants were more common, at least in my experience. Even the Apocalypse BAF had a color revision that was very difficult to collect. I remember ML3 unmasked Wolvie being very tough to find. Same with Dark Phoenix and brown Cable. Never saw those. Most of what I do have I got through trades. ML7 phasing Vision, ML10 X-Factor Cyke and blue Angel, ML11 ionic Wonder Man, ML12 red Iron Fist and black X23, ML13 unmasked Goblin, ML15 Genis Vell and Julia Carpenter and Destroyer. I remember ML9 smiling Bullseye being one of the least in demand.
Those variants really take me back. I think the best I ever did was managing to snag the Goliath chase figure from series 4. Not a great figure by ML standards (not a ML at all, really) but it was so exciting to pick him up at the time. I sold Goliath years later (probably 10+ years later...) but still have the mini Ant-Man and Wasp he came with.