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HasLab Giant-Man

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DJ BenHaMeen
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Is there anything else they could do? Maybe the roof of Avengers Mansion and the Masters Of Evil? So we could have Zemo get dropped off?

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @h-bird
Yeah I think that tease is the reason comic Giant-Man became the main theory, whereas before everyone was assuming Foom was the next most obvious big guy.


Fin Fang Foom would be lucky to get past 3000 backers, and I'd take a bet on it never passing 1500.  I know the figure is desirable, but that's mostly due to the low supply.  You've got to pretty hardcore like all of us here are to even know who the character is.  And even most of the hardcores wouldn't have enough attachment to him to pay $300+ or really anywhere close to that amount.



We have wildly different views on that, because that sounds crazy to me. It might not do Galactus numbers, but I think a FFF Haslab would do totally fine.

IF this is Giant-Man, I'm guessing (and jroug suggested this in the SDCC Questions thread, but I don't know if he's working off insider knowledge or just speculating) they won't gamble on a bigger price point. They need a win, Pym doesn't need to be as big as the Sentinel, and a $400 Hank Pym Haslab probably doesn't fly. Definitely don't think they're doing the Early Bird again, or at least not the same as last time - that blew up in their faces.


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Provided it’s a Giant-Man, I’m in for sure. But if they lock Jarvis behind a tier, I’m going to be REALLY upset. Especially if it’s a HasLab I have no interest in and he’s part of it. 

Magneto Was Right
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I think there's a good chance Jarvis is included. I'd be bummed, because there's almost no chance I back this but I would like to have a Jarvis in my collection.

Niko (formerly Jead)
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My personal ideal to get Jarvis out there would be a two pack with another new classic comic Iron Man suit. If I had to pick any suit, it'd be the Model 6. Something unique, we've never had it before, and having it packed with a mostly reuse figure would make for a decently rounded out set.

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I'm probably the only one on this planet Earth that would want something like this, but ... The Clint Barton Goliath and The Growing Man.

And the Wasp.

And Yellowjacket.

And Jarvis.

And Rick Jones.

And like I said, I can't see it happening.  But it would be kinda cool.


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You'd think there would be enough core Marvel material over the past 60 years to create something that would fund easily.  It seems like the team is just redoing the Toybiz BAF's (albiet in a spectacular fashion).  That being the case we can look forward to Apocalypse and Giant Man before we get the Fin Fang Foom redeux from Hasbro's 2008 BAF.

Regardless, the figure is set in stone.  Dwight should have a couple of mock ups in his home office already.

Glad everyone is coming back to the Forum, I missed it.  Thanks CANPRIME for keeping those number updates coming!


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My prediction:

  • It will be announced during Pulsecon.
  • It will be comic-based
  • It will come in at 18” and they will advertise him as 3x the size of a regular 6” figure
  • People will complain that regular marvel legends are 6.5” and this is false advertising.
  • The price be $249.99
  • People will complain about the price being too high
  • The first tier will be Goliath swapping head and some swappable armor pieces
  • They will remark about the potential to army build, using one for Ant Man and one for Goliath and have two for under $500
  • One of the tiers will be a Hank Pym figure based on the new Wonder Man figure
  • People will complain Hank Pym is a lazy repaint
  • I predict it will fund but only clear 2 of the 4 stretch goal tiers.

In the event I’m wrong about it being comic-based and they make an MCU Giant Man, I predict it will fail to fund.

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Posted by: @niteowl86
You'd think there would be enough core Marvel material over the past 60 years to create something that would fund easily.  It seems like the team is just redoing the Toybiz BAF's (albiet in a spectacular fashion).  That being the case we can look forward to Apocalypse and Giant Man before we get the Fin Fang Foom redeux from Hasbro's 2008 BAF.

I wouldn't think that because it's the nature of superheroes that makes it harder for large items to be interesting.  Hasbro's concept for Haslab necessitates the projects to be something MUCH larger than humans, but the whole idea of superheroes is to pack a bunch of fantasy extra power into regular-sized humans.  Who needs a GI Joe Dragonfly helicopter or a Star Wars Razor Crest when you can have Storm riding the clouds or Silver Surfer surfing the cosmos?  A flying human is MUCH more interesting than a jet or a starship.

Star Wars and GI Joe don't have this problem because the characters don't have superpowers, Jedi and Sith excluded.  And who displays Anakin or Darth Maul piloting a starship?  We display them using their lightsabers or the Force because that's far more interesting.  Biggs and Han Solo are cool, but an X-Wing and the Millennium Falcon are cooler.  Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander are fun, but a Wolverine rocket tank or a HISS tank are more fun.  Who needs a vehicle if you're Magneto, or Captain Marvel, or Iron Man?  All the fun is built into the human.

So with superheroes the surefire Haslabs are mostly about the 20+ feet tall characters, and there just aren't many of those that have become popular.  Giant-Man and Apocalypse are probably the last ones, and I'm fine with that.  We needs upgrades from the Toy Biz versions.


Pretentious Buck
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My bet would also be comic-based. While I'm not overly excited at the prospect given that I have the Toy Biz BAF and the 12 inch releases... this should have a better chance of being back than a vehicle. 

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Maybe a Thunderbolts set that was promised on the cardbacks during the first few toybiz waves. Still bitter the original team hasn't been finished. Atlas, Techno/Fixer and Moonstone in here Meteorite persona. Not to mention all the others on the roster that have popped up over the years before Marvel decided to make them their version of the suicide squad.

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Posted by: @stephenwdavis

I'm expecting a $400 price point with the primary offering being Giant Man standing slightly shorter than the Sentinel. The price will be higher just based upon inflation alone. I'm expecting an early bird offer of an alternate head and tiers of First Appearance Wasp and Yellowjacket (although not sure whether Hank or Rita). It wouldn't surprise me at all if they have a final tier of either Edwin Jarvis or civilian Rick Jones (as tie in to the Avengers 60th).


The Hasbro team has to for sure know that a $400 Giant Man would never fund.    Like many others have said most collections don't need (or want, I daresay) a Giant Man that can look Galactus in the eyes.   Anything over 18 inches starts to be too big to be practical for a collection and display.     Likewise they have to be careful with the early bird offering - since it was a disaster on their last Marvel HasLab.    


I think they have to land this HasLab at $250 or $300 at the max.    If you think about a $300 price point - that's the equivalent of 12 basic figures from the regular line at the base price.    Even then the 18" figure would probably have a max perceived value of $125 -  the price of 5 basic figures -  so the package would have to feel pretty robust to fill up the rest of that space.     Giant Man doesn't need any lights or sounds that drive up production costs,  so it's going to be terribly hard for them to create a package that feels worth the price they'll have to charge.     


If the base offering is 18" Hank and classic Wasp ...  that feels like maybe a $150 package.   If they add 4 tiers that are ... IDK  Lab Coat Pym,  Red/Yellow costume Wasp,  Jarvis and Rita DeMara Yellow Jacket that gets us to $250 in perceived value but allows plenty of re-use on the bodies (Lab Coat Pym is just the 2-pack Banner with the head from the WCA 5-pack;  Jarvis can be re-use and a new head) I could see that as a viable project.


The only way I could see them targeting a higher price and getting there is if there are multiple oversized figures in the set.     15" classic Giant Man + Barton Goliath + pouches and headsock Giant-Man or Josten Goliath... if they got that audacious with the offering then maybe a higher price point starts to make sense.


I guess we'll see soon enough.


Magneto Was Right
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Oddly, the required backer count seems to be a sticking point with consumers. I'm not doing accurate economies of scale math here, but I'd be curious to see how people would feel about something like $250 with 20K backers required vs. $350 with 14K backers required.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Posted by: @panthercult

Ooh... I'm low key hoping they choose MCU so I can skip it, not think a thing about it and stay out of any and all drama around funding and tier reward choices.

Same. If it's a classic comic Giant Man, looks like I'll reluctantly be funding my first HasLab (edit) unless the price is inflated as mentioned above. Would definitely prefer a $250/20k backer funding campaign. I could live with the gamble of it not being funded if it meant more people could afford it.


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It's very obviously a comic Giant-Man. I'd be surprised if they gave us all new updated versions of the core Avengers from the past 2 years just to not close it out with him.


Besides, who/what else can it be that is a guaranteed funding Haslab? Avengers Mansion maybe? MCU Giant-Man & FFF have no chance lol, unless the backers required is 500. 


I honestly don't want one that's too tall as it won't fit in my detolf. I still love the Toybiz BAF.

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