It seems like it has to be... but honestly, I hope they avoid the temptation to make him too big. I'm hoping he's smaller than galactus and wouldn't be mad if he was smaller than the Sentinel. I'd be very happy to have him be 18 inches tall and instead be plussed up with extras. A wasp (or two)... a new Yellow Jacket...
Avengers Mansion with Jarvis, Moira Brandon, Under Siege Wasp, and Quinjet as tiers. 😀 😉
It's Giant-Man. The only real question is will he be comic or MCU? Could go either way, but I'd give a tiny slight edge to them choosing MCU.
Ooh... I'm low key hoping they choose MCU so I can skip it, not think a thing about it and stay out of any and all drama around funding and tier reward choices.
Ooh... I'm low key hoping they choose MCU so I can skip it, not think a thing about it and stay out of any and all drama around funding and tier reward choices.
I'm hoping for the classic comic version, but my already-deeply-abused wallet shares your above-stated hope PantherCult. 😀
I think its's gonna be this, maybe not the exact tiers:
Giant-Man (at giant size) and 1st appearance Wasp (regular size and mini-size)
Hank will have a swappable head and overlay to create another costume:
Jan will have a swappable head and the skirt will be removable to create another costume:
Tier: Jarvis, maybe with vacuum. Jarvis isn't directly tied to Hank or Jan like he is to Tony, but this would be the best place to put him. And although this set might feature Hank, maybe Jan, it's really an Avengers set at heart, not a Pym set.
Tier: Rita DeMara Yellowjacket (regular size and mini-size) - helmet version, I just like this cover. I just don't see them putting Pym Yellowjacket as a tier. It would just tick people off, and they can't afford to do that again. He'll be in the 2024 Avengers BAF wave or a 2-pack with Jan in the blue and white Perez asymmetric suit.
One of the following as the third tier -
Porcupine - can you imagine this awesome looking character on your shelf?
Alkhema - another character that would look amazing on our shelves.
It seems like it has to be... but honestly, I hope they avoid the temptation to make him too big. I'm hoping he's smaller than galactus and wouldn't be mad if he was smaller than the Sentinel. I'd be very happy to have him be 18 inches tall and instead be plussed up with extras. A wasp (or two)... a new Yellow Jacket...
Definitely agree with this. I don't need him standing as tall as a Sentinel, even if he technically can get that big - at some point the "big guy" scaling needs to be relative, and the only thing he really needs to tower over for me is his fellow Avengers. I'd much rather see the extras like you said, with classic Janet at the very top of that list.
Also I'll give a shout-out here to Nadia Pym / Unstoppable Wasp. I certainly don't expect her to show up in this set (and wouldn't want her to supersede Jan) but I love the design and her book was a lot of fun, and I hope she gets made eventually!
I'd be very, very surprised if it was MCU Giant-Man. And I can only imagine the nerd-rage if it is.
@beamish That would be a home run set for me! I have a hard time imagining them going all the way with the swappable overlays, etc, but it's exactly the kind of fully realized/dream project I'd like to see them doing with Haslabs.
Also I'll take a brief moment here to grieve the Hellcharger. RIP demon car, and bless Ramen Toy for the work they're doing to make up for (and maybe improve upon...?) your absence.
Why do you guys think it will be comic? I lean towards MCU for one specific reason--the films outperformed expectations based upon the popularity of the character in comics, and that's why we now have three Ant-Man films. My guess is the team knows this and will choose an MCU Ant-Man.
- It’s partially my own hope, combined with the fact that all the other Avengers anniversary-related product this year has been comic-based.
I'm definitely biased because I would prefer a comic set, but I also don't think there's much to suggest it will be MCU.
- I don't believe any of the ML 60th Anniversary product released or announced has been MCU, and this Haslab is under the same branding.
- No MCU Haslabs before (sample size of 3, so not super compelling).
- After the failure of the Hellcharger they're going to want a guaranteed win based on a proven formula, and comic Giant-Man is the next most obvious choice after the Sentinel and Galactus.
- Quantumania under-performed, and for many represents peak post-Endgame MCU malaise. It definitely seems like the least optimal time to be pitching the character in a deluxe/premium format.
- For all the great MCU product it puts out (and for how much the ongoing strength of the brand generally owes to the movies) ML is at core a comic line, and a flagship project like a Haslab is going to focus on that.
The last part is obviously speculation on my part - without production and sales numbers we have no way of knowing what really moves best between MCU/comic figures.
I wonder if the Haslab will be a Pym/Ultron family tree set:
1. Giantman
2. Pymtron
3. FA Janet
4. FA Wonderman
5 Vision
6 Alkhema
The only reason I could see them going MCU is that Giant-Man was portrayed as huge in the films, so the 30" to 36" scale works better if they want to go that "big" in terms of size and price. I am unsure if that would be a big seller, as the MCU doesn't yet have the nostalgia factor that helps these things.
So classic comic at 18" to 21" seems a lot safer, and could even have reuse potential for a Pulse exclusive, and the lack of Janet figures can easily be corrected as a pack-in. (I will note they need to include Janet in the base, along with some mini-versions - a classic Janet cannot be a tier that might not be met as that would only cause backlash I think.)
- Quantumania under-performed, and for many represents peak post-Endgame MCU malaise. It definitely seems like the least optimal time to be pitching the character in a deluxe/premium format.
Even as an MCU-only collector, this is the bottom line to me. The movie wasn't well received and didn't do well in the box office. I would be very surprised if the next Haslab is connected to one of Marvel Studio's biggest missteps. (To be fair, none of the Ant-Man movies pulled Black Panther box office, but Quantumania was the most expensive of the three and made the least amount of money.)