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Giant-Man Options

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Need help in what Giant-Man to get/keep for my collection.

Planning to build a classic Avengers lineup. As much as I want a Haslab Giant-Man I was not able to get one during his campaign (and shipping to our country would cost a lot). I tried searching for the Marvel Universe Gigantic Battles Goliath locally but after weeks of searching seems like nobody is selling one.

These are the 3 options I am looking at:

  1. Keep my SDCC 2015 Giant-Man figure - he towers over my other figures so that's nice but he's in his modern costume (well Ultron Pym is still his latest incarnation). Anybody using him in their classic display?

  2. Hunt for a 2 pack Giant-Man set (with Wasp) - like the Haslab Giant-Man, I was not also able to preorder this set and after inquiring from various local shops seems like all their sets got sold out. Got an offer for around USD 85 locally which I think is too much for this set. Also, Pym is not "giant". I will be using a lot of photoshop in my shots to boost his size lol.

  3. Toybiz BAF Giant-Man - great size, still a great sculpt. Locally he's USD 150 (if I'm lucky) to 230 locally. He's still costly though so that's a factor for me.

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ToyBiz Giant Man is probably your best option. It'll make the most impact on your shelf even if it's still pricey.

Lucid Silverback
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...and if you wait about a month or so, I expect his price will drop considerably.

hmmberto reacted
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Posted by: @feces-flinger

...and if you wait about a month or so, I expect his price will drop considerably.

I'm not so sure about that! I think there were a lot of people who didn't back the HasLab because they consider it too big. The TB BAF is a more manageable size, and possibly what a lot of collectors prefer, or maybe only have enough room for. My prediction is that TB Giant Man will maintain its price.


Lucid Silverback
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@normdapito that's an excellent point.  I actually happen to be one of those collectors who did not back the Haslab and find my TB Giant man about the perfect size for my taste/space.
That being said, I would still expect it to at least drop a little in price. *shrug*

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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I'm kind of hoping it does drop in price. I did PO the HasLab, but I'm having second thoughts and am considering offloading it with the intention of buying a TB BAF. Not quite sure yet. 

Magneto Was Right
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Galactus is available for around $500 on eBay now. Hasbro didn't sell nearly as many Giant-Men, but I think you'll be able to find a similar deal with enough patience.

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Ok just to clarify. Haslabs are kinda next to impossible for me. The cost of importing a Haslab to our country seems to be close to the cost of the item (again I'm not in the US). This is why I never considered Haslab Giant-Man as an option. For me they are "I'm gonna get one if I win the lottery" or something 😀

So I guess the consensus is me getting a ToyBiz Giant-Man BAF instead. I do still need to save up for him though.

I do have a very costly local offer of the 2 pack Giant-Man/Wasp set that I am considering (just so I won't miss out on this set). Been searching for a local seller for 2 weeks now but my searches end up dry (I sometimes just see Hank being sold without Janet). Local preorder slots for this set was filled out months ago and unfortunately most sellers didn't get extras (lower quantity offered by their suppliers since this is an exclusive).

So right now I am left with the SDCC Giant-Man. Got him years ago since I thought it was my last chance to own a decent "Giant-Man".

Now that Hasbro started churning out classic costumes that I like I kinda regret selling my Gigantic Battles Goliath - which actually would answer my whole Giant-Man dilemma!
- would still cost less that the Haslab/BAF Giant-Man
- my favorite costume of Pym
- would still look imposing next to my Marvel Legends figures
- I can just use Retro Wasp to go with this figure
- "Classic" costume, would fit my classic Avengers roster

I never thought I would be spending weeks going back and forth with my decision on what Giant-Man to use in my collection. I just wish Hasbro would release a "smaller" Giant-Man for retail - for countries who have a hard time importing larger items for their collection.

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Posted by: @tsi

Galactus is available for around $500 on eBay now. Hasbro didn't sell nearly as many Giant-Men, but I think you'll be able to find a similar deal with enough patience.

The Sentinel was selling for $400 to $500 for a few years as well, but now it's up to $600 to $700.  I expect it to take longer for Galactus to get there since he sold even more units than the Sentinel and almost nobody wants to army-build him.  He should also see a bump once we get a better idea of what his role is in next year's Fantastic Four film.

I'll be a little surprised if Giant-Man doesn't stay high due to the dramatically lower number of units available.  I also expect it to go higher than both of the other big figures in the 5 to 10 years from now window also due to the lower supply.

