1) She-Hulk (FF costume)
2) Thing (Battleworld costume)
3) Sharon Ventura Ms. Marvel (human form, on Power Princess buck preferably)
4) Triton
5) Gorgon
6) Thing (blue-and-white long pants costume)
7) Human Torch (Jim Hammond, powered and/or depowered both)
8) Medusa (on new Shriek pinless buck)
9) Crystal (blue-and-black FF uniform with 4 on belt)
10) Black Bolt (on new Vulcan pinless buck)
1) Red Ghost (& Super-Apes)
2) Wizard
3) Air-Walker
4) Diablo
5) Puppet Master
6) Mad Thinker
7) Blastaar (classic Handbook)
8) Trapster (Handbook purple outfit)
9) Maximus the Mad (some kind of crazy Kirby-inspired outfit)
10) Mole Man
Despite my immense love of the Fantastic Four, I haven't responded in this thread until now mainly because I honestly have a hard time narrowing it down to ten.
1) She-Hulk (FF costume)
2) Thing (Battleworld costume)
3) Sharon Ventura Ms. Marvel (human form)
4) Red Ghost (& Super-Apes)
5) Diablo
6) Air-Walker
7) Diablo
8) Triton
9) Gorgon
10) Trapster (Handbook purple outfit)
And truthfully, I'd still want Wizard, Puppet Master, Mad Thinker, Mole Man, classic Blastaar...the list easily goes on.
You could probably get one of those on you Top Ten list if you didn't put Diablo on there twice - no matter how bad you want him. And also... you could get all of those guys on there if you did separate lists for heroes and villains like the original post allows for - but it's your list 😀
You could probably get one of those on you Top Ten list if you didn't put Diablo on there twice - no matter how bad you want him. And also... you could get all of those guys on there if you did separate lists for heroes and villains like the original post allows for - but it's your list 😀
D'oh! Didn't even realize either of those. Shows how much I paid attention to the original post.
Reed - Future Foundation w/ Pack-in slug of Tong
Sue - Future Foundation w/ Pack-in slug of Korr
Ben - Future Foundation w/ Pack-in slug of Mik
Spidey - Future Foundation
Bentley-23- Future Foundation
Julie Power - Future Foundation
Alex Power - Future Foundation
Jack Power w/ pack-in Katie Power
Franklin - Future Foundation w/ pack-in young Valeria
She Hulk - Secret Wars FF costume
Gabriel the Air Walker!!!!!!!
Impossible Man with tons of slug pack-ins!
Diablo - So past due!
Wizard - Also way past due!
Trapster/Paste Pot Pete
^ Wizard & Trapster allow for a version of the Frightful Four
Sandman (green armored costume) Still want this version for Frightful Four
Puppet Master - lots of clay characters
Dr. Doom - Classic
Blastaar - Classic
Honorary want is Mole Man. But that leads to Moloids, which leads to subterranean monsters and kills my list.
It would be fun to be able to showcase this FF group on a shelf…
1.Human Torch (solid with lines, throw in a faceless Jim Hammond style head too)
3.She-Hulk (classic F4 uniform)
6.A better Medusa
7.Sue Storm (the bad costume)
8.Sharon Ventura
9.Thing (tanktop/pants)
10.Crystal (FF Uniform)
1. Diablo
2. Awesome Android
3. Mad Thinker
4. Sphinx
5. Blastaar
9.Rama Tut
10.Sandman (armored)
Honorable mention - 4 pack of the Mike Allred team - She-Hulk, Antman, Miss Thing, Medusa
25 Fwooshers voted:
20 Votes
19 Votes
18 Votes
Puppet Master - several votes mention including mini FF puppets
Thing – 6 votes red & black Battleword singlet. Three votes Future Foundation, with one of those votes including a pack-in slug of Mik. One vote each: Blackbeard, blue/white long pants costume, evolved/rockier, First Appearance as Thing, FF jumpsuit, helmeted, retro trunks, Mike Wieringo, human Ben Grimm
15 Votes
Sharon Ventura – 8 votes Ms. Marvel, 5 votes She-Thing
14 Votes
She-Hulk – 13 votes Fantastic Four costume, one vote Allred costume
13 Votes
12 Votes
Mad Thinker
10 Votes
Invisible Woman – 3 votes Future Foundation, one of these votes with a pack-in slug of Korr. 2 votes Malice. One vote each: pinless, boob window costume, Mike Wieringo, opera gloves costume
Red Ghost & the Super Apes
9 Votes
Maximus the Mad
Wyatt Wingfoot
8 Votes
Crystal (FF costume)
Mole Man
Willie Lumpkin
7 Votes
Agatha Harkness with Ebony
Awesome Android
Medusa – one specific vote Allred costume and one vote Frightful Four
6 Votes
Dr. Doom – 5 votes classic armor, one vote Destroyer Armor (Dark Reign)
Franklin Richards – 4 votes “young”, 2 votes Future Foundation, with one of those votes has a pack-in young Valeria)
Sandman (Frightful Four green armored costume)
5 Votes
Alicia Masters
Impossible Man
Lyja the Laserfist
Mr. Fantastic – 3 votes Future Foundation, one of those including a pack-in slug of Tong. One vote for a bigger buck, stretched-out update, one vote Mike Wieringo
4 Votes
Human Torch – one vote each: Mike Wieringo, non-translucent w/black lines, opaque, solid with lines, plus faceless Jim Hammond head
Spider-Man (Future Foundation)
3 Votes
Black Bolt
Rama Tut
The Maker
2 Votes
Human Torch (Jim Hammond powered and depowered)
Namor – one vote classic pinless, one vote modern armored arms costume
Paibok the Power Skrull
Silver Surfer (bigger buck/pinless Vulcan body)
Valeria Richards – one vote “young”, one vote Future Foundation
1 Vote
Alex Powers (Future Foundation)
Ant-Man (Allred costume)
Bentley-23 (Future Foundation)
Darla Deering
Dr. Sun
Frankie Raye Nova (red and yellow)
Jack Power with pack-in Katie Power)
Julie Power (Future Foundation)
Living Monolith
Miracle Man
Miss Thang (Allred costume)
Red Shift
Skrull Army Builder