Disney was probably driving that agenda on the previous FF Classics line, "toy exposure is a great way to reintroduce these characters at retail!" But I was told the FF were going to be in a post-credits scenes around that time, but plans changed, leaving all Disney partners, especially Hasbro, hanging in the wind.
Hasbro seems to be really gun-shy about media tie-ins (can't blame them, Target clearances figures before the films are released, leaving no product on the shelf at the peak of interest). Of course, any idiot could've predicted the success of X-Men '97 and DP & Wolvie, but maybe they couldn't convince retail to make an appropriately bigger commitment.
With the FF movie in the works, I'm optimistic about Hasbro being able to sell an FF comic line and hope they'll do it like Iron Man, maybe two waves in a year and splitting up the team across both waves (or with variants in both waves), peppered with villains and co-stars. Characters in their orbit are amongst the most obviously missing classic, silver-age characters and even the ones that were done a decade ago could badly use updates.
One problem is that, like Superman & Lex, the genral public only knows Doc Doom, Surfer and Galactus - not Mole Man or Thundarr.
Can I share something private with you all?
As much as I love Hickman's FF run, I wish I liked the Future Foundation costumes more. I think they're overdesigned (too many black lines) and I hate Thing's tank top.
I like Spidey’s Future Foundation costume. The rest are ok but not essential really. To be honest I just like Ben in his classic blue trunks or civvies really. It’s always funny when Ben wears slacks and collared shirt.
Oh, for sure. Hasbro is definitely going to wait and make sure the movie does well before they commit to a bunch of related comic based figures.
IF the movie is a huge hit though... like grosses over a Billion and a quarter big... then I could see them opening the spigot on the FF again. Especially if Marvel plays up an announcement of an FF sequel movie being planned... then maybe we get an FF wave with Future Foundation Reed, Future Foundation Human Torch, Future Foundation Invisible Woman, Attuma, Red Ghost, Wizard
And a 2 pack with Future Foundation Thing and Future Foundation Spider-Man
That would give us the whole team again - plus a Spider-Man redo where they could use a different body than the last time- and three classic villains we (OK, I) crave
Then we also get a Fan Channel exclusive Secret Wars carded Black leotard Thing repaint too.
And if those do well they keep going.
yes, Future Foundation would be ideal for me.
I'm optimistic about Hasbro being able to sell an FF comic line and hope they'll do it like Iron Man.
Honestly? Doubt it. It will probably be just a movie figures of 4 characters. Just like Deadpool and Wolverine or Falcon figures.
Leaks didn't have any comic F4 figures. Only Super-Skrull and maybe She-Hulk? Retro F4 wave sold really bad. As mush as I want a new updated F4 wave (classic or 60's), I don't think it will happen.
But...I'm sure if they released updated F4 in one box set with a good amount of accessories - it would sell great. Just like Mezco set, but for "peasants". Or something like this:
We already have a normal Reed figure. Make Him just like that figure from an old Ronan BAF Wave showcasing his powers. Sue with a good head sculpt - half of her body is translucent. Give Ben a softgoods coat, hat and sunglasses. Human Torch is more orange this time (or maybe like that Toy Biz figure). Pinless Updated bodies. And you have a really cool box set.
It's just such a shame that Invisible Woman has this awful body and stupid single joints...
Also NO to a Future Foundation - these costumes are BORING as hell. And I fear they may suffer the same fate as the retro wave. Packing them with villains is also a horrible idea.
Well I think your idea is horrible and boring so I guess its a tie <shrug>
Well I think your idea is horrible and boring so I guess its a tie <shrug>
I'm sure a lot of people on this forum cares more about characters, not how good action figure is...That's why you have a lot of Mcfarlane collectors "eating" all those "amazing" DC figures from Todd. That's why people are willing to buy some horrible ML figures too.
"We need to complete the team". "I always wanted this character". "We already have this team! Give us something new!"
But, lets be real. Most of the earlier Hasbro figures don't look good with the new ones. Whats the point of having good updated Future Foundation team...and not the classic one instead? Inhumans are all look like shit now. Look at you Medusa figure, she can't stand. And Black Bolt is even worse. You release teams like FF only when you done all the classic looks first. Done them right. Otherwise - you might as well cut them out of cardboard.
And yes. Future Foundation costumes are BORING and overdesigned. But, more important - it's not essential to many collectors. Especially with the current economy. "Oh wow, 4 black and white figures and a Thing in a tank top!" Releasing them now is simply stupid. They will sell just like that retro wave with old body molds. And then you can say goodbye too other F4 characters too.
Doing another "Punisher\Bushwacker" set but with F4 characters is also bad idea. Shrug all you want. How many people only wanted that Punisher and now waiting for sale? Locking one desirable character with some F4 member. "Oh great, I have to buy another Human Torch figure to get Mole Man!"
Like I said. F4 team works really well for a boxset. Just steal the idea from Mezco. Villains you can put on a retro card as a Fan Channel.
Yeah, don’t really care about all that. I’d be down for Hasbro making those looks and would happily pick them up. They’ll definitely get to that suit for Spidey eventually so hopefully they make the rest of the team to match.
Punisher/Bushwacker, which actually seems to have been one of the better selling 2-packs of the last year, is a great model for Future Foundation hero/villain 2-packs. Load it up with accessories and power effects. Or go even further and slip in some of the other members of the FF - Artie, Leech, Julie or Jack Power, the other Moloids, the Atlanteans, etc.
Mr. Fantastic & The Wizard - an obvious pairing. Extra stretchy bits for Reed, flying discs for Wizard.
Invisible Woman & Blastaar - swappable invisible parts for Sue, shield & other effects, bomb bursts for Blastaar.
Human Torch & Trapster - just tons of fire and glue. I'd prefer a "flamed off" Johnny with attachments so he can be in matching uniform.
Thing & Puppet Master - puppets galore, plus sculpting tools that fit in his smock a la the Power Rangers sculptor guy.
Spider-Man & Hate-Monger - web effects and swappable unmasked Musk head.
Loving those two pack ideas for sure... though I'd say put Trapster in the pack with Spider-Man and put Diablo in the pack with Human Torch and ditch the bigot in the hood into the sun. I would buy all of those in a heartbeat.
Hell they could to a series where they release a two pack every other month and just keep going - there are plenty of FF villains and a plethora of FF iterations ... after they do the main 5 in their Future Foundation costumes they could start over in their classic blue and whites with some updated head sculpts and pair Reed with Rama Tut, Sue with Attuma, Thing with Mole Man, Johnny with Red Ghost, Dr. Doom with Kristoff, Thing in a mask with Sharon Ms. Marvel, Human Torch with Llyja, Sue in her boob window with Air Walker, Bearded Mr. Fantastic with Malice; Future Foundation Franklin and Maker.... Trench Coat/Hat Thing and Alicia; Red Costume Johnny and Wyatt Wingfoot, Mad Thinker and Awesome Android;
I mean.... I'm sure it could go on an on... Sigh. Clearly the FF is a bit underserved by Legends to this point.
because he's a filthy commie. I guess, at the time, it was better than the Pinko Ghost. But I do agree that he looks better in his red outfit than in the green one.he's the RED Ghost
I personally have no desire for the Future Foundation FF costumes. But if that's what it takes to get some of their more iconic villains, sign me up.
Not gonna lie, at first blush, I love the idea of pairing a classic member of the Frightful Four (Wizard, PPP/Trapster, Medusa, Sandman (green costume) with a member of the FF. However, I'd be pretty salty if they used the Future Foundation or other modern/contemporary iteration of the Fantastic Four. Would I still buy them?