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Fantastic Four: First Steps Movie and Legends discussion

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@yojoebro82 I dunno but I'm still not used to this. I assume Covid changed everything, but used to be the figures would be on the shelf a month or two before the movie came out, meaning preorders would be sometime around now for this movie. I don't mind waiting at all, especially if it means they get the figures to be more screen accurate, AND it gives me a chance to see the damned movie and decide who I really want. This isn't Return of the Jedi, where I had several background aliens before finding out they had no lines or did anything in the movie. Ah, I didn't really care though. Ree Yees is neat!

puckace reacted
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Posted by: @ru1977

@yojoebro82 I dunno but I'm still not used to this. I assume Covid changed everything, but used to be the figures would be on the shelf a month or two before the movie came out, meaning preorders would be sometime around now for this movie. I don't mind waiting at all, especially if it means they get the figures to be more screen accurate, AND it gives me a chance to see the damned movie and decide who I really want. This isn't Return of the Jedi, where I had several background aliens before finding out they had no lines or did anything in the movie. Ah, I didn't really care though. Ree Yees is neat!

This isn't Phantom Menace where I skipped college art class to get to Target early on the street date for fear that the toys would all sell out only to see the movie and be severely let down.  Who's Boss Nass?  I don't know but I better get him because Star Wars!!!!

Eh, I'm about done accepting COVID as a scapegoat for toy things.  Get back on your game, toy companies.


Ru1977 reacted
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Honestly there are couple of factors at work here.    Covid and the Actor's Strike absolutely destroyed the timeline for movie completion and release.    Hasbro was getting totally jobbed by the release schedule changes,   mistiming the release of figures and the movies -  Black Widow and Shang Chi got especially brutalized by this but the Ant-Man and Captain Marvel waves from 2023 were also victims.    We've seen the release dates for Marvel movies for this year get shuffled around already - so it is harder than ever for the toy company to make toys to coincide with a movie release because they have to make them early enough that they are ready when the movie comes out but not so early that they are sitting on warehouses full of product for months and months like they did with Eternals (and the new Captain America?).


Additionally Covid changed the relationship with the movie theater for a segment of the population who just no longer  feel the need to see a film in the theater.    It can be inconvenient and expensive compared to watching at home; so with even tighter market constraints movie companies feel now, more acutely than ever, that they don't want surprises or special aspects of the movie to be spoiled by toys coming out.    So we got the situation with Wolverine and Deadpool where the studio didn't want it to leak which Fox characters were in the film, etc so no one from Hasbro was clued in to any thing ahead of release so there could be no leaks.     


So, that's why.   If the movie release schedule gets back to being reliable and normal like it used to be -  then maybe the corresponding figure cadence can do the same.



adrienveidt reacted
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Well, I'm definitely one who is guilty of being happier to watch at home than at the theater. Expense is one thing, but I'd do a PPV kinda thing if they offered it the same weekend as it hits the theater, or even the weekend after. but as much as I'm into Marvel movies still, I just detest the theater experience anymore. I've said before, but I'm really spoiled by being able to rewind or pause.

And for all the effort they put into not letting hasbro know about the other Peters or the Fox cameos in D&W, plenty of us were fully aware of the other Peters and the Fox cameos before getting to the theater.

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Posted by: @ibentmyman-thing

Also to keep it toy-connected I don't buy MCU figures anymore but I will buy a movie Thing figure because he looks great.

I have similar leanings.  I don't collect MCU.  But a MCU Thing in the blue/white sweater jumpsuit will be a tempting figure, provided he's not a BAF.   

Just looking forward to whatever comic FF figures come out.


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This thread owns, and I love how mad it's making the mentalists. As for movie figs, I look forward to getting a full SHF or Medicom team some time around 2029.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Loved the trailer, as did my kids. Haslab Galactus is one of their most-played with toys. So it was such a blast to see him. Casting seems sound. I would be happy to get some MCU figures.

Personally, I’d still wish to get some comic based figures out of this as well because the Fantastic Four have such a great rogues gallery in the comics. 






Red Ghost


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Posted by: @beamish

Galactus (made-to-pre-order, 27 inches tall)

What the Eff?!?  That's the same BS they pulled with the Sentinel. 

Maybe I'm a minority in this, but I didn't skip the 30" versions of these characters because they were too detailed.

Magneto Was Right
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I try to keep my thoughts to myself when it comes to the oversized characters because I know I'm in the minority and I don't want to yuck anyone's yum. That said, I'm getting a little sick of them. Not everyone has unlimited space for 2.5' action figures.

"If you don't like it, don't buy it," is a reasonable response, but Hasbro isn't providing a real alternative in most cases. I just want a 12" Sentinel, man.

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Posted by: @tsi

Not everyone has unlimited space for 2.5' action figures.

No but I'm guessing at least half buy as if they did.  Then it goes into a closet and Hasbro keeps making them big figures.


Ru1977 reacted
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Posted by: @derrabbi
@enigmaticclarity Wait dude. You have FF 1-100 in high grade? What the what!

Been collecting since I was a kid, and I only really slowed down in the 1990s when I went to college and a few years after I finished.  I have full runs of Daredevil and X-Men in a variety of grades but mostly high grade, and full runs of Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four in almost entirely high grade.

My goal was everything in 9.0 or better (on a scale from 1 to 10) just to make the hunt of collecting last a LOT longer, and I got over 95% of the way there on my favorite two titles FF and ASM.  Loved every minute of the hunting; it's a ton of fun.  Haven't bough a comic since around 2010, but I'll get back to it eventually.


rocko, puckace, Ru1977 and 1 people reacted
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After watching the trailer about a thousand times, both of my sons want a Thing figure in his blue FF suit like right now. They were hyped for the Cap movie, but now it's all about FF and especially Ben and H.E.R.B.I.E.

Ru1977 and PantherCult reacted
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@enigmaticclarity Never been a place in my life where I could afford that. I do have FF 20-300 or so. Def not in high grades though. Many not too bad.

Ru1977 reacted
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Posted by: @tsi

I just want a 12" Sentinel, man.

Here ya go. Bonus two inches.

Posted by: @yojoebro82

Remember when it was possible for movies and the toys to coincide?  What happened?

Movies started getting made more and more quickly and suddenly could have significant elements changed one month before release. Digital production can do that - physical production cannot.

Oh, and I think I'll also blame JJ Abrams. His iron grip control of all TFA information has had an awful trickle-down effect, directly influencing Favreau and then everyone thinks that's how it should be done and they demand the same control.

It's not helpful.

adrienveidt reacted
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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @derrabbi
@enigmaticclarity Wait dude. You have FF 1-100 in high grade? What the what!

My goal was everything in 9.0 or better (on a scale from 1 to 10) just to make the hunt of collecting last a LOT longer, and I got over 95% of the way there on my favorite two titles FF and ASM.  Loved every minute of the hunting; it's a ton of fun.  Haven't bough a comic since around 2010, but I'll get back to it eventually.

I hope some of these are insured!  I've considered buying first appearance comics of my favorite characters.  Still on the fence on whether to go ahead with it.  I don't own anything slabbed/graded though.


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