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Face-Off Fantasy Collection

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Just for fun - Let's say Hasbro brings back the ToyBiz Face Off 2-packs. 

You are in charge of character selection.

What 10-20 sets would you produce? (Edited to expand the limit!)

Squirrelly Member
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I don’t know about 10, but my main want would be:

Squirrel Girl vs Kraven the Hunter (my favorite enemies turned best buds couple) with new faces/deco

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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10 sets? OOOhhh boy. This will be a mix of high profile anchor heroes and just my personal wishlist. Here goes...


1. Captain America vs Baron Blood

2. Iron Man vs Mandarin (blue armor)

3. Thor (Simonson armor) vs Kurse

4. Daredevil (FA) vs Gladiator

5. Spider-Man vs Sin-Eater

6. Hulk vs Doc Samson (either FA or Red leather)

7. Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers FA) vs Deathbird

8. Conan vs Kulan Gath

9. Iron Fist (classic) vs Steel Serpent

10. She-Hulk (purple/white 80s) vs Titania

NORM and Akatsuki reacted
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This is an interesting concept that I struggle with a tad because there are a TON of great villain figures I need,  but the appropriate hero pairing I struggle with wanting to commit to another version -  but I would do it to get my much needed bad guys so here goes:


Black Panther vs  M'baku    -   get me my classic Man Ape and do an updated version of the Sentinel Series Panther with the gold accents,  that one hasn't been redone.


Thor vs Skurge -    I need me an Executioner figure.  If I have to buy yet another Thor figure to get him, so be it.


Namor vs Attuma -     There's probably some iteration of Namor I could stand to have on an updated body if it meant finally, finally getting Attuma


Iron Man vs Count Nefaria -   I just want Nefaria and let's be honest they aren't doing this without someone like Iron Man in this mix.


Wolverine vs Deathbird -     I don't want another Wolverine any more than anyone else, but we know how this works.     Put Wolvie in the imperial guard Fang costume - or put him in a space suit (5" TB throw back)  but give me Deathbird finally


Captain America vs ...   I really want to say Baron Blood here.  He's such a fun looking bad guy and makes sense.  But I'll be honest I could go for Flag Smasher, or  Diamondback, or Dr. Faustus or whatever.   



That's six sets that I think Hasbro could live with but that would get some much needed Marvel villains into our hands.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Haha, I'm in good company @panthercult I'm with you on Deathbird (and Wolverine, hence pairing her with Ms. Marvel), Baron Blood and I am now wishing I had replaced Kurse with Skurge. What was I thinking? Good list. Would buy every one of those sets.

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10 sets might be limiting...

Let's go with 20!

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10 sets only? Alright, I'll try...

A couple of pie-in-the-sky ones, and some paired with an a-lister that are probably closer to reality.

Namor vs Attuma Updated classic Namor on a body with improved articulation and pinless limbs.

Captain Marvel vs Nitro I'm fairly happy with the Mar-Vell we have, but there's definitely plenty of room for improvement. And Nitro is way overdue!

She-Hulk vs Titania Two much-needed classic looks.

Daredevil vs Ikari Classic DD with darker paint deco, maybe boots and wraps.

Captain America (Sam) vs Baron Blood Need an updated Captain Falcon, and always need more classic Cap villains!

Iron Fist vs Fat Cobra More Immortal Weapons please.

Heimdall vs Mangog I'd be happy with any primary Asgardian, but the guardian seems appropriate.

Black Panther vs Red Skull The best set for our modern era. Featuring battle-damaged Black Panther and even more beat-to-hell battle damaged Red Skull. Extra Skull head with his jaw hanging off.

Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch) vs Deathwatch Obviously this would need to be a super-deluxe set so it could include Dan's ride, but since it came up in the other thread it's been on my mind.

Luke Cage vs Mr. Fish No explanation necessary.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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If we're doing Face-Off sets, then I'd love to see them used for battle-damaged versions of characters, mostly street-level. I wouldn't need them to reflect specific storylines, just logical pairings. Both hero and villain would be battle-damaged, unless the villain was a new character.

  • Spider-Man (black suit or classic) vs Green Goblin/Venom
  • Iron Fist vs Sabertooth
  • Wolverine vs Hulk
  • Daredevil vs Kingpin
  • Elektra vs Bullseye
  • Moon Knight vs Werewolf by Night
  • Deadpool vs Taskmaster
  • Black Panther vs. M'Baku
  • Captain America vs. Baron Blood
  • Punisher vs The Russian

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Oh man... 20 sets...  that's a lot of sets and with Hasbro involved would almost certainly mean at least two each that included Captain America, Iron Man and Wolverine.     But some other ideas:


Ms Marvel (Carol)  vs 1st appearance Rogue ....  been wanting that Avengers Annual 10 Rogue for a minute - this would be a good way to get it.


Storm vs Shadow King  -  give us a nice new Storm in one of the several costumes they haven't made yet and reuse the head and body they gave us with Kingpin - maybe w/ some translucent Venom claw hands.


Hulk vs.  Bi-Beast   -   Go ahead and finally give us a new Smart Hulk and for the love of peat a Bi-Beast would be awesome


Spider-Man vs Stegron -  there's still a ton of Spidey bad guys to get to but man I really love Stegron


Hawkeye vs Swordsman -   a classic teacher vs protege match up and we'd finally get that Swordsman we need


Iron Man vs Crimson Dynamo -   Hasbro can't let Diamond Select get all the money with their version of Dynamo.  This is their chance to crank out that classic streamlined Dynamo armor.


OK...   That's me tapping at 12.    20 is too hard to think about 😀

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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The obvious response from me:

Iron Man vs. Crimson Dynamo 

Iron Man vs. Titanium Man 

Iron Man vs. Mandarin

Iron Man vs. Firepower 

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1. Blue Marvel Vs Anti-Man

2. IronMan (artic armor) Vs Crimson Dynamo or The Unicorn or Force

3. Darkhawk Vs. Savage Steel or Lodestone or Portal

4. Ripjack Vs Bubonicus (Guardians of the Galaxy)

5. Firelord Vs Overkill

6. ROM Vs Stardust or Terminator or Devastator 

7. Hybrid (symbiote) Vs Sentry (Curtis Elkins from the Jury)

8. Thor Vs Kurse

9. IronMan (space armor/Galactic Storm) vs Shatterax or Sunturion

10. War Machine (Eidolon armor) Vs Dirge

Akatsuki reacted
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I get that this is all just fantasy wish listing - but I was at least trying to be realistic.   Ripjack vs Bubonicus?  ROM (lol);   I guess if you're dreaming -  go all in. 

Good grief. Admin
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Slapstick vs. Overkiller

Slapstick vs. The Neutron Bum

Slapstick vs Dr. Yesterday

Slapstick vs. Gauntlet

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Benty... I like the commitment but I am shocked there wasn't a single Howard the Duck vs Doctor Bong pack included.

TheSameIdiot reacted
Good grief. Admin
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