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If they make that Graduation costume for him, I'll buy it, but what I REALLY want is that Graduation costume human Beast! ❤️ 

NORM reacted
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Posted by: @normdapito

I have no desire for that graduation costume. I'm glad it didn't stick around!


Dude... the yellow and red outfit he wore at the start of the Champions was WAY worse -  plunging V-neck, ridiculous head band:


I'd still buy it... but man,  that's definitely his worst look


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Posted by: @schizm

Crimson Dawn two-pack!!! 🙂

Yes!  And hopefully alternate heads for Betsy. Psylockes and Icemen are the two that seem to always need another update right after we get one.  Hopefully the blue suit for Warren will come with some unmasked heads that can be used on either body.  Thankfully I don't need every variation on Angel beyond that. But a 1963 / Original 5 set would be nice.


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I'd take all of those looks for Angel (though I'd hold my nose when buying the last one - I guess money can't buy taste, huh Warren?). I'm also very eager for them to redo the original 5. That box set wasn't great to begin with, and was based on a modern reimagining of the original X-Men. Give me the O5 as faithfully as you can to those original looks please Hasbro!

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An X-men book based in the pacific northwest would have been fun!  I think Angel would have been an inspired choice to lead/back the team.

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Posted by: @h-bird

I'd take all of those looks for Angel (though I'd hold my nose when buying the last one - I guess money can't buy taste, huh Warren?). I'm also very eager for them to redo the original 5. That box set wasn't great to begin with, and was based on a modern reimagining of the original X-Men. Give me the O5 as faithfully as you can to those original looks please Hasbro!

The original five definitely need to be redone. If they're gonna use an existing body, I think the younger Amazing Fantasy body may be the best option, but those costumes were baggier in general. If they're not gonna tool a new body for those costumes, then some kind of overlay for the yellow part over the Amazing Fantasy torso could work. That body already has the shin swivel, so giving them buccaneer boots should be no problem.


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I so want a lumpy snow in black booties FA IceMan. I could even live if I had to keep the other original 5 training uniform ones we have but that IceMan always didn't even try to hit the mark.

Magneto Was Right
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That graduation costume is hideous. Red and yellow is such an ugly color combination.

I'll pass on any O5 stuff. The X-Men books were largely no bueno until Giant-Size.

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Did they confirm blue Angel? I really want an Angel/Archangel for my X-Men lineup and this one looks good, but not a huge fan of the red. 

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Don't forget - the MS Archangel is coming up in a few months.

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The middle years of the original X-Men aren't good but the early Lee/Kirby issues and then the Steranko & Adams issues are really solid.

Good grief. Admin
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I would definitely like a redo of the Original 5. And double definitely to a proper snowman type Iceman with boots.


And a boxset of those graduation costumes also. Maybe at some point in the history of Marvel Legends we can get an actual good Iceman.

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Posted by: @tsi
I'll pass on any O5 stuff. The X-Men books were largely no bueno until Giant-Size.

I will respectfully disagree with that.  Those first 66 issues of the X-Men were gold.  That run featured art by Neal Adams, Jim Steranko, Barry Smith and Jack Kirby.  It was like a who's who of comic book artist hall of famers.  And it introduced Magneto, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Ka-Zar and the Savage Land, the Juggernaut, the Sentinels, Mimic, Banshee, Sauron and Sunfire. 

Now all that said, I will state without hesitation that between the years 1975 and 1985 X-Men was the best book Marvel published.  Hands down.  Without question.  The Dark Phoenix Saga was one of the top three stories Marvel ever published (the other two being the Elektra saga and the Galactus Trilogy).  I would rank Days of Future Past in the top five.

A long time comic book retailer, the Late Robert Beerbohm, talked about selling 10,000 copies of X-Men 114 in his Northern California stores. The team of Claremont and Byrne became as storied and legendary as the team of Lee and Kirby and Thomas and Adams.

And then in 1990 a guy named Jim Lee took over the art.  Boom.  I remember the pandemonium when X-Men number 1 came out.   I was helping out my retailer part time at the time and to this day I have never seen so many copies of the same comic book in one place before in my life.  The funny part?  He sold them all.  All of them.  And he said if he ordered more, he could have sold those too.

And then in 1993 the market crashed and took a whole bunch of shops, distributors and publishers with it.  Fortunately my retailer survived, and he credits the X-Men fans for helping him stay afloat.

Heady times.  Someday I'll write a book about those early days and being a fan in the Silver, Bronze, Copper and Modern Ages.  Quite a few changes but the X-Men have always played a huge part.


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Posted by: @tsi

I'll pass on any O5 stuff. The X-Men books were largely no bueno until Giant-Size.


I don't know... those Roy Thomas/Neal Adams issues from the last year or so -  issues 56 - 64 -  were actually good though.    I may have a softer spot for the outfit because of my fondness for that particular stretch of the title.


It is funny though,  when Byrne did his X-Men: Hidden Years title that picked up in the gap between issue 65 and GS 1  - he obviously didn't like the graduation costume either because he had Angel in his blue and white costume - which didn't make a lick of sense from a continuity standpoint.   

Canonically in the timeline the next time we saw Angel was in his awful yellow outfit he showed up in with the Champions.   By issue 8 of the Champions Warren has switched to the classic red/white costume.   I'm pretty sure the blue/white costume doesn't show up in continuity originally until Uncanny X-Men 169.


So for Byrne to retcon it in as Warren's outfit between the yellow/red/blue graduation suit and his hideous yellow/red champions number was a bit random and anachronistic.   Ah well.   Hidden Years was still a great read and was selling well but got the shaft because Marvel was peeved at Byrne and claimed to have "too many X-titles being published and needed to trim the roster.    


Anyway -  while some of the original X-Men title was pretty bad - the stuff written by Arnold Drake isn't easy to read these days - there's plenty of decent stuff in there too.


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@panthercult Pretty sure in the last issue or so of the Adams run he was in the blue and white

Edit. yeah the last 3 or so issues

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