I'm sure it's coming. Same with an updated Archangel, though that may wait until after we get some other Angel variations.
I want these wings in other colors, too.
Even if they don't make Icarus (Jay Guthrie), if they give me these in red, I can figure out the rest on my own.
I'd buy Icarus for sure! Love the younger mutants.
An Angel/Psylocke deluxe 2-pack would be amazing. Blue halo costume Angel with swappable white and blue heads. Classic Jim Lee Psylocke on the superarticulated Widow body with multiple heads, including a Crimson Dawn head. Yes please.
I was hoping we'd see these wings in gold on a Jane Foster Valkyrie, but from the pictures and reviews I've seen it looks like the holes in the figure's back are pretty sizeable. Might take up more room than a female body has. They may need to come up with another solution for that character.
I'd buy Icarus for sure! Love the younger mutants.
An Angel/Psylocke deluxe 2-pack would be amazing. Blue halo costume Angel with swappable white and blue heads. Classic Jim Lee Psylocke on the superarticulated Widow body with multiple heads, including a Crimson Dawn head. Yes please.
Yes please!!! Kill two birds with one stone as far as some of my biggest wants go
I'm heavily considering getting the Mafex Psylcoke. She looks amazing and fits fairly well with ML. Only thing is the price, but I feel she may be worth it. I just know if I do Hasbro will release a new one of their own that may not be as good, but serviceable enough to annoy me.
I'm heavily considering getting the Mafex Psylcoke. She looks amazing and fits fairly well with ML. Only thing is the price, but I feel she may be worth it. I just know if I do Hasbro will release a new one of their own that may not be as good, but serviceable enough to annoy me.
All I know is that I got the Mafex Scarlet Spider thinking that there wouldn't be a Legends one for the foreseeable future and a short time later Hasbro revealed the Scarlet Spider on the RYV body, so I'm very hesitant to go for the Mafex Psylocke. Hasbro has done 2 Psylockes in the last year (training suit 3 pack and wolverine 2 pack), they gotta know that the Jim Lee version is a requested do over.
Angel is pretty nice! I’m surprised by how lightweight he feels even with the wings being three pieces each. I’ll be swapping those big hands with hands from either Blue Marvel or Mr Fantastic or Falcon. Need another flight stand to get him into my display.
.Yeah... I got me some Mr. Fantastic hands sitting right here in front of me for when Angel gets dropped off. That's the first thing that's happening.
I gave him hands from Falcon. Unfortunately, he completely blocks all of Alpha Flight behind him, but he’s now in the display.
Here’s a wider shot of the full Bronze Age Heroes shelf:
Angel shipped from GameStop and I had another Angel pre-ordered from EE for I wanted two but not at the same time. I wanted them spaced out and pre-ordered the second one from EE because it was supposed to be here in May.
I check EE today and it's processing, lol. You just can't win even when you think you have a system that's going to work at least sometimes in your favor.
Looks like what I’m planning on doing with the addition of Iceman, Havok, Polaris, and (hoping they make him) human Beast in the red-and-blues.
For now Polaris is in my main X-Men display, skipped the X-factor 2 pack- didn’t like those looks (really love those all of the characters), spare Iceman/Havok and Beast are on the 80s Shelf. Would def love a Neal Adams costume human Hank or a Perez style version.