Spreading out the pre-orders helps Hasbro get more people to pre-order, because (I assume) pre-ordering $300 of figures all at one time is more likely to cause people to reconsider if they really need some of those figures more than 4 weeks of $75 pre-orders will. Pre-orders are the frogs, as Hasbro's slowly heats up the water...
After Angel et al arrive, plan to really review my X-Men shelves...they have gotten too dense...
Woke up this morning to an email from deepdiscount informing me Angel has shipped!
Spreading out preorders does literally nothing when they all charge at the same time.....
Wings won't fit in Archangel's back piece without modding, so I'll have to grab another, because I don't want to alter my only set.
Spreading out preorders does literally nothing when they all charge at the same time.....
That's the frustrating thing about Ryan's posts too. "We spread out the pre-orders because we heard the feedback"... well then you heard it wrong! No one cares about ordering everything at the same time - they care about PAYING FOR EVERYTHING at the same time. If you're going to spread out the pre-orders then spread out the actual fulfillment too, so customers don't get hit for $400 all at once.
Spreading out preorders does literally nothing when they all charge at the same time.....
Wings won't fit in Archangel's back piece without modding, so I'll have to grab another, because I don't want to alter my only set.
will Archangel's wings work in Angel's back?
Seems Angel as well as my Wolverine sets are arriving tomorrow!
will Archangel's wings work in Angel's back?
I didn't try, but I can.
I wanted to give my Mimic custom the feathered wings, and I used the Retro X-Factor Cyclops body with Archangel's rig plugged into his singular back hole.
If anything, I imagine they'll be too small, but that's easily fixable with some hot glue in the holes.
will Archangel's wings work in Angel's back?
I didn't try, but I can.
I wanted to give my Mimic custom the feathered wings, and I used the Retro X-Factor Cyclops body with Archangel's rig plugged into his singular back hole.
If anything, I imagine they'll be too small, but that's easily fixable with some hot glue in the holes.
Hot glue or heat shrink tubing (I'm hoping it's that simple). My favorite look for Angel/Archangel is the blue suit with metal wings, while this isn't exactly that, a wing and head swap would get at least a similar look on a body that I think is arguably better than the Archangel release.
I hate rebuying figures, even if the new ones are upgrades, but I definitely want the blue & magenta "Death" Archangel on this new Vulcan body (especially since I only have the deluxe, and I don't like the red, though I'm also not big on the pink of the Hit-Monkey one being metallic, nor do I like the darker blue skin of the face).
I hate rebuying figures, even if the new ones are upgrades, but I definitely want the blue & magenta "Death" Archangel on this new Vulcan body (especially since I only have the deluxe, and I don't like the red, though I'm also not big on the pink of the Hit-Monkey one being metallic, nor do I like the darker blue skin of the face).
Yea, rebuying figures can definitely be frustrating, especially when only recently getting an older figure. Angel/Archangel and Psylocke are 2 of the 80s/90s X-Men that I think are in the most need of updated figures
Don't even get me started on Psylocke, haha...I bought THREE of the Apocalypse one from BBTS in the hopes of getting ONE matte royal blue, and ended up with metallic indigo all three times... 😆
I definitely need that costume (DONE CORRECTLY lol) on the new Target deluxe Widow body.
Don't even get me started on Psylocke, haha...I bought THREE of the Apocalypse one from BBTS in the hopes of getting ONE matte royal blue, and ended up with metallic indigo all three times... 😆
I definitely need that costume (DONE CORRECTLY lol) on the new Target deluxe Widow body.
Psylocke on the new Widow body would be fantastic!
The ninja-like poses I've put that Natasha in are made for Betsy. Swap out the stinger bracelet I've been using for Nat for Betsy's psychic knife, oh man...
would be perfect