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Man I can't wait for this figure.   I'm really struggling not to pre-order multiples...

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Posted by: @panthercult

Man I can't wait for this figure.   I'm really struggling not to pre-order multiples...

Against better judgement, preordering multiples is exactly what I did. This figure wasn't super high on my want list, maybe top 20-30. But now that I'm seeing it, and how it can fit into other existing teams... holy mackerel. I'm just glad the wait for April isn't that far off.


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I'm tempted to get multiples definitely for the classic X-shelf but also two more for the Defenders and Champions (though he should really have yellow gloves and boots for that one)

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Angel looks great, and the price is right. I don't do a lot of preordering these days, but he's locked in at Pulse for me.

I will continue to beat this drum though - it hurts a bit seeing a figure I've wanted so long on a body that feels outdated. A mid-torso/thoracic joint plus a reverse ab crunch or balljoint waist would have worked wonders here, and been very appropriate for all of those midair twists and turns. I understand the lack of butterfly joints, but I do miss them. I'm really hoping the next standard buck/base body that gets developed has more updated articulation.

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It IS strange that they haven't moved away from that old ABS ab hinge. Guess it's one more upgrade they can do to con us into buying the same figure again and again.

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Don't tell Hasbro I might have paid more for Angel. 

Do tell Hasbro that I will also buy graduation uni Angel, X-Factor Angel, probably blue uni Angel, and a Mimic figure once they give me graduation uni Beast...

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I was shocked at the price. That was a nice surprise.

Amazing Spider-Man
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It is definitely time they move away from the swivel waist, and hinged abs combo. Ball jointed waist and diaphragm would be great. If they move towards the type of set up on the RYV Spider-Man and the recent Black Widow have, I'd be happy.


A lot of the fliers could definitely use some side to side movement in the torso.

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Looks absolutely fantastic. Is it already sold out at amazon?

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I pre-ordered. Being one of my fave X-Men it was a no brainer. I wish they would've done the blue outfit first, but I'm sure he'll come out eventually. If I had to guess, I think they didn't do butterfly joints on him because of the wings. This chest is probably unique to him because of how the wings attach and butterfly joints could've been hard to implement with them. And while it would also be cool to get updates of Archangels suits on this body, it won't be nice on my wallet, especially if they keep him at this price. I honestly think it's a little high, but not overly so. I think $30-$33 would've been more fair, or more accessories for this price, but I'm not sure how exactly they determine that, so it probably has something to do with the new wings and torso. Hopefully they lower the price a little on subsequent outfits since the tooling will already be there.

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Posted by: @fac

Don't tell Hasbro I might have paid more for Angel. 

Do tell Hasbro that I will also buy graduation uni Angel, X-Factor Angel, probably blue uni Angel, and a Mimic figure once they give me graduation uni Beast...

Yep, I’ll be in for all of those as well. But I really, REALLY want a human/Graduation uniform (red and blue) Beast. 


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Magneto Was Right
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It would've been nice to get a ball-jointed diaphragm, but Hasbro is tied to the ab crunch for whatever reason. As others have said, I don't think butterfly joints are possible with the wing housing in his back.

$35 is cheaper than I expected, but he also comes with a lot less than the deluxe Archangel from a few years ago. That figure came with three extra heads and the Apocalypse claw accessory.

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Posted by: @trunks3540

I honestly think it's a little high, but not overly so. I think $30-$33 would've been more fair, or more accessories for this price, but I'm not sure how exactly they determine that, so it probably has something to do with the new wings and torso. Hopefully they lower the price a little on subsequent outfits since the tooling will already be there.

I think $34.99 is equivalent to a $29.99 price tag three or four year's ago in the world of Hasbro.

I'm with Beamish on the price. I was pleasantly surprised yesterday that Angel was below $40. I just assumed he'd be priced the same as a deluxe GI Joe offering — I would've begrudgingly paid it too, I think he looks great. And I'll be back in line for the blue uni version.


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Given how new the Vulcan base is, and how the Legends team kind of made a big deal that they had finally come up with an upgrade/replacement to the buck Cap body (even though I still contend it's too big to replace Bucky Cap) when it was released, I don't think we'll be seeing the reverse ab crunch/mid-torso setup added to this body size anytime soon.

It's unfortunate they either hadn't come up with the idea yet, or the Vulcan body was too far along in development to integrate it before they committed to it as a replacement for the Bucky Cap.

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