Might as well finish off the trifecta with Cap and T-Bolts...
What if you're the ultimate Hasbro exec and you pause the MCU Deadpool wave because of the ongoing delays and sub in an all-comic wave?
Who would you choose?
My picks are all Mercs For Money:
Terror Inc.
BAF - Gorilla-Man
Deluxe - Masacre and Justicia
I want a good Typhoid Mary.
This could be an opportunity to get (Copycat as) Titania.
T-Ray feels overdue & could probably recycle Maggott or Warpath parts.
Deluxe Tiamat on its mount would be epic.
This is great stuff, Beamish! I'd buy that wave in a heartbeat. I'd offer up Champion, Kidpool, Duckpool, Copycat and a comic Negasonic Teenage Warhead as options also!
I so very desperately want Stingray - and I would welcome Solo and Gorilla Man happily... I think it might be tricky to include all three of Madcap, Terror Inc. and Slapstick all in a single wave. Also that line up is depressingly short on females, so why not include a character or two from Deadpool adjacent Domino and her Hotshots title.
We could get Outlaw - who first appeared in the pages of Deadpool anyway
or Diamondback - more Serpent Society members are always good
or White Fox - she's just very cool
I think the Wakandan Atlas Bear would be a bridge too far. But toss in one of these ladies, I say.
Battle Damaged Deadpool
Copycat (Vanessa)
Nomad (90s trench coat)
Shoot, I dunno. Two that I’d want for sure are:
Deadpool on the Vulcan buck.
and this Domino
The best case for me is it's turned into a defacto X-Force wave.
Archangel (Uncanny X-Force)
Cable (MvC style)
Hope Summers
Nightcrawler (Uncanny X-Force)
Mine would be all Fox Universe
1. Deadpool (unmasked)
2. Vanessa (Deadpool 1)
3. Ajax
4. Angel Dust
5. Colossus
6. Yukio
7. Wade Wilson (Deadpool 1 Pimp Coat)
BAF: Juggernaut
As much as I'd like some more X-Force folks, for a Deadpool list I can't top @beamish list. It's right on the Merc's Money.
Agent X would be cool to see.
90s Copycat
90s Domino both with a head that has a more Capullo-style tiara as well as a non-tiara look similar to the 90s Steve Skroce Cable books
AOA Deadman Wade
A better looking Siryn that hasn't been phoned in
Meltdown (Boomer)
Blue & Yellow 90s Cable
90s 616 Nick Fury, because I want a non-Jackson Nick Fury given how many times he showed up in X-books as a cameo.
BAF - Dark Riders Tusk
Whatever else this (hypothetical) wave would have, it better have Agent X!
Also I got charged for the Deadpool/Bob 2-pack, so that's on the way!
I'm not much of a Deadpool fan, but I actually had some fun coming up with a hypothetical wave of figures. Yeah, I'm a bit of a Gail Simone fan, lol. Also had to do some searching to come up with a fun BAF idea.
-Deadpool, based on Gail Simone's Deadpool comics
-Taskmaster, also based on Gail Simone's Deadpool comics
-Savage Wolverine, regular clothing/red flanel shirt
-Domino, modern look from Gail Simone's Domino comics
-Negasonic Teenage Warhead, based on Deadpool & the Mercs for Money
-Gwenpool, unmasked head, shark backpack, mallet from issue #2 cover
I'd like to get a Wolverine in flannel. Low-key kind of a classic look for him.