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Deadpool and Wolverine Legends

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Merman from Outerspace
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That Hugh headscan looks great! I'm so happy to he back talking about MCU figures after all this down time.

I'm a little perplexed about the wave tho. Only 3 figures? I wish we knew what direction Hasbro is going with MCU figures as there has clearly been a change. With the long down time not being used to fill holes, no additional disney plus waves, no 2 or 3 month early release on this wave, and now seemingly only 3 figs to the wave? My anxiety about the future of my MCU collection has been on high for too long lol. I wish the team would speak on it. 

Ru1977 reacted
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@enforcer Ah nice, thank you!

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@joshuakat Same here. It would be nice if someone asked them about it AND they said something that wasn't vague or otherwise aggravating.

joshuakat reacted
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That suit looks much better with the wash, but the macro-detailing in micro seems way too pronounced. Granted, these photos are 7x as big as the actual item, so I'll wait to see.

That doesn't even look like a Hugh likeness on the masked version.

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Posted by: @justice

That hyper-realistic face print on top of the sea of undetailed yellow looks jarring, like someone put a Hot Toys head on a cheap body. 

Honestly I feel this can be said about many, not all, Hasbro ML figures.  They've really gone above and beyond on their head sculpts, and then it sits on top of a buck that has the most minimal paint they can possibly get away with.

That said, this Jackman yellow suit Wolverine is working for me.  I'm quite looking forward to getting it.  


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Here's a shot of the Deadpool figure:

The Scarecrow Guy
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Deadpool looks nice, but not something I need right away. I think I prefer the older one too, but if he ends up coming with an unmasked head or some super interesting accessory, I'd pick him up on sale.

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The torso looks to me like it may be new. straps and belt may be different. Either way, I'm not sure what any Deadpool figure could really have that would make me get another. The first one was pretty perfect, even with the guns stuck in the holsters.

Pretentious Buck
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Posted by: @ru1977

Here's a shot of the Deadpool figure:

This looks like someone used AI to clean up the massively zoomed in photo, so it's hard to take it with anything other than a grain of salt... but it does appear that the torso and shins are different... and if you're going to make those changes, maybe the whole figure is new. Hopefully the knees are also pinless this time given the new shins. The knee joins do look pinless at the bend.

An unmasked head would be a huge bonus considering the lack of BAF.


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Posted by: @ru1977

The torso looks to me like it may be new. straps and belt may be different. Either way, I'm not sure what any Deadpool figure could really have that would make me get another. The first one was pretty perfect, even with the guns stuck in the holsters.

If you're careful you can pull those out and use them as actual guns and holsters. Most people did that. I also painted them silver since I believe that's closer to what they were color wise in the movies.

I like the new DP, but as said, I don't know if it's necessarily better then the last one. It looks brighter red, with some new bits. I'd probably have to see more shots of it to determine whether to buy it or not. Although, an unmasked RR head that can also fit on the old figures would got a long way for that. 


Ru1977 reacted
Pretentious Buck
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I'm not home to compare the original, but Deadpool looks mostly new. 

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After the premiere last night, conflicting spoilers are out there but unsurprisingly 

not much of a spoiler since we all guessed

There are so many figures I want from this, so reeeeally hoping they have a fat, second wave. And the Hasbro guys seem to have affection for the Fox X-Men movies so maybe it will happen or even lead into some sort of tribute to the Fox movies.

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The two-pack Fox Deadpool that came with Negasonic Teenage Warhead that was just re-released as a single is so good I doubt I need this new one.  Not even sure what could be an upgrade other than it being pin-less.

Just to be clear--the pic below is fake, isn't it?  Some people in the thread think so, most seem to be assuming it's real though.  Looks fake to my eyes.  Plus I haven't been able to find a source for it which is a red flag given that the only other pic we have is from a warehouse worker whereas this one looks far more formal.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

The two-pack Fox Deadpool that came with Negasonic Teenage Warhead that was just re-released as a single is so good I doubt I need this new one.  Not even sure what could be an upgrade other than it being pin-less.

Just to be clear--the pic below is fake, isn't it?  Some people in the thread think so, most seem to be assuming it's real though.  Looks fake to my eyes.  Plus I haven't been able to find a source for it which is a red flag given that the only other pic we have is from a warehouse worker whereas this one looks far more formal.

The pic is real. I haven’t seen anyone questioning its authenticity, but there’s another pic or two floating around from that same person along with a 360 video of the figure in various poses


Ru1977 reacted
Perpetually Confused
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@enigmaticclarity no reason to believe it's fake. The warehouse picture was the same figure, and there were multiple others in packaging on the floor in the background. And then screen rant had the figure up in the background of a video that matches this one as well.

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