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Who are your Top 10 most wanted Captain America-related characters?
Comic, movies, TV shows, video games, other forms of media - who would you like to see as figures?
No restrictions at all. All Serpents? Cool. All various versions of Cap? Sweet! Updated figure on a new body? Nice!
No need to separate between standard, BAF, Deluxe, HasLab - it's all your Top 10. If you'd like to notate what size/format you'd like to see it made in - go for it!
Mix and match media! It's up to you - it's your list!
Also, keep in mind that you can certainly double up on a character from one Just For Fun thread to another, like if you already put Red Skull on your Bring on the Bad Guys list, you can put him here, too.
Let the fun begin!
NOTE - One character per line please, or a much smaller pack in. No standard figure size 2-packs or multi-packs.
1) Falcon (classic 70's red and white suit)
2) Diamondback
3) Demolition Man
4) Isaiah Bradley
5) Jack Flag
6) Sin
7) Flag-Smasher
8 ) Anaconda
9) Bushmaster
10) Death Adder
1 - 4 Falcon, Diamondback, Anaconda & Bushmaster (as pictured by @Beamish)
5. Teen Bucky
6. Baron Blood
7. Miss America
8. Torch / Toro (counts as one! counts as one!)
9. Spitfire
10. FA Cap (bare neck, triangle shield)
Near miss: Golden Age Vision, Everret Style Namor, Yellow costume Whizzer (ugh he might have to go on), Dr Faustus, Valentine De Fontain, Death Adder
Spirit of '76
Free Spirit
Jack Flag
Diamondback (80s handbook)
Demolition Man (80s Handbook)
Nomad (90s trench coat look)
Grand Director (give him a Hydra symbol, instead, on his arm.)
Battlestar (80s handbook)
U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. member
Watchdog member
Shoot... this was way harder than I thought it would be.... here's mine:
- Falcon
- Diamondback
- Isaiah Bradley Captain
- Anaconda
- Sidewinder
- Death Adder
- Baron Blood
- Flag Smasher
- Battlestar
- Sin
But there are a ton more that I would be happy to have from the Captain America body of work.
Just ten is tough! To make it easy on myself I'm eliminating the Invaders and counting them as a separate want list.
1. Falcon (Classic red and white)
2. Nomad (Jack Monroe 80s with alternate blonde Steve head)
3. Diamondback
4. Sidewinder
5. Flag-Smasher
6. Anaconda
7. Bushmaster
8. Death-Adder
9. Battlestar
10. D-Man
This one was a touch more difficult for me than other Top 10s that we've done in the past and required some deeper cuts on my part. I tried to not overlap Nick Fury or Invaders characters too much, but there are a few.
1 & 2. Jim Hammond Human Torch and Toro the Flaming Kid (2-pack)
3. Gabriel Jones (I tried to not let Nick Fury characters flow too much into this so Gabe is my only Howling Commando but I considered putting them all here)
4. Jack Monroe Nomad
5. Diamondback (Rachel)
6. Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine (Ok, another one that is more of a Nick Fury character)
7. Sin
8 & 9. Anaconda and Princess Python (2-pack)
10. Hate-Monger
I intentionally decided not to post a picture here, which probably says just how unlikely it is that this figure would ever get made.
I'll say it again, Serpent Society needs their own top 10.
1. Jim Hammond Human Torch
2. Spitfire
3. Bucky
4. Baron Blood
5. Flag Smasher
6. Sin
7. Bushmaster
8. Diamondback
9. Princess Python
10. Death Adder
Nice list renfield75! I can't thumbs up anymore with all the glitches 🙁
I'm going to use most of your list 🙂
So no particular order, but definitely all in their classic looks.
1. Falcon (Classic red and white)
2. Nomad (Jack Monroe 80s with alternate blonde Steve head)
3. Diamondback
4. Sidewinder
5. Flag-Smasher
6. Anaconda
7. Bushmaster
8. Death-Adder
9. Madcap
10. D-Man
Could definitely add more. Cap has a rich history.
Now we're talking. This was really hard to narrow down to 10.
1. Baron Blood
2. Battlestar
3. D-Man
4. Diamondback
5. Nomad (Jack Monroe)
6. Sidewinder
7. Madcap
8. Flag-Smasher
9. Super-Patriot
10. Captain America- John Walker (a bit beefier buck, broader nose, jaw with alternate psycho face, of course)
I'll say it again, Serpent Society needs their own top 10.
It's why I've not made my choices yet. The desire to make a purely Serpent Society selection is nigh-overwhelming.
Cap is my favorite solo hero in Marvel so I love this list idea. Mine will cross over with a lot of what has already been mentioned but here it is:
1. Classic Falcon
2. Diamondback
3. Baron Blood
4. Sin
5. a regular clothed Steve Rogers in a brown leather jacket-none of the regular bodies are buff enough to do head swaps with.
6.any Serpent Society member we don't have yet
7. Jim Hammond
8. Toro
9. first appearance Cap w/ half mask and triangle shield
10. WW II Bucky
this list could easily be longer. I would love a Doctor Faustus. He has tormented Cap for a long while too.